Written By Doug Smirnoff

BESV CT 1.3 LS Common Problems and Troubleshooting

If you own a BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike, you may encounter common problems that can be frustrating. In this guide, we’ll address these issues and provide troubleshooting solutions specifically tailored to this model. Whether you’re a proud owner of the BESV CT 1.3 LS or considering purchasing one, this article will help you understand and resolve any potential challenges you may face.

BESV CT 1.3 LS Overview

The BESV CT 1.3 LS is a premium electric bike known for its exceptional features and performance. Below, you’ll find a brief product description along with a table summarizing its key specifications and features:

This bike features a large 630 Wh battery for extra range. The stepless Enviolo gear hub ensures that you are always on the move with the best pedaling frequency. The Gates belt drive also ensures a silent, low-maintenance ride. All this makes the CT 1.3 a super comfortable bike for daily use.

FRAME BESV CT 1.Series alloy frame, Shimano Steps and internal battery compatible
COLOR(s) Metallic khaki
SIZES XS (43cm)| S (47cm)| M (52cm)| L (56cm)

  • Shimano EP600 center-motor, 250W rated power, 85Nm of torque, 25km/h maximum assist
  • 630 Wh integrated Lithium Ion battery, approved for Shimano Service Program, with Smart 4-5.6A charger
  • Shimano SC-E5003, left hand mounted, with LCD display

Causes of Common Problems with the BESV CT 1.3 LS

Before we dive into troubleshooting, let’s explore some of the common issues that BESV CT 1.3 LS owners may encounter. The following subsections of this article will provide detailed solutions for these problems.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting for BESV CT 1.3 LS

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS bike’s battery is not holding a charge as expected, leading to reduced range and performance.

Cause of the Problem: Battery degradation or improper charging habits can lead to reduced battery capacity.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Ensure proper charging: Use the provided Smart charger and follow the manufacturer’s charging guidelines.
  • Battery maintenance: Periodically check the battery for physical damage or swelling and replace if necessary.
  • Optimize riding habits: Ride in appropriate assist modes and avoid frequent rapid acceleration, which can drain the battery faster.

2. Gear Shifting Issues

Description of the Problem: You experience difficulty in shifting gears smoothly on your BESV CT 1.3 LS.

Cause of the Problem: Misalignment or cable tension issues can affect the gear shifting performance.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect gear cables: Ensure the gear cables are properly tensioned and not frayed or damaged.
  • Check gear alignment: Verify that the derailleurs are correctly aligned and adjusted according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Lubrication: Apply appropriate chain lubricant to ensure smooth gear transitions.

3. Unusual Noises While Riding

Description of the Problem: You hear unusual noises, such as creaks or squeaks, while riding your BESV CT 1.3 LS.

Cause of the Problem: Noises may arise from loose components or parts needing maintenance.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Tighten loose components: Inspect and tighten any loose bolts or nuts on the bike, including handlebars, saddle, and fenders.
  • Check the drivetrain: Ensure the chain, chainring, and gears are clean and properly lubricated.
  • Inspect the frame: Look for cracks or damage in the frame that could contribute to noise.

4. Display Malfunctions

Description of the Problem: The display on your BESV CT 1.3 LS is not functioning correctly, making it challenging to monitor your ride information.

Cause of the Problem: Display issues can result from wiring problems or software glitches.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check connections: Ensure all display-related cables and connections are secure and free from damage.
  • Software update: Check for firmware updates from the manufacturer and perform updates as needed.
  • Contact support: If problems persist, reach out to BESV customer support for further assistance.

5. Brake Performance Issues

Description of the Problem: You notice decreased brake performance on your BESV CT 1.3 LS, affecting your ability to stop safely.

Cause of the Problem: Brake issues can stem from brake pad wear, hydraulic fluid levels, or brake caliper alignment.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect brake pads: Check the condition of the brake pads and replace them if they are worn down.
  • Hydraulic fluid: Verify that the hydraulic brake fluid levels are within the recommended range and bleed the brakes if necessary.
  • Caliper alignment: Ensure the brake calipers are correctly aligned with the rotors for optimal braking performance.

6. Tire Punctures and Flats

Description of the Problem: You frequently experience tire punctures or flats while riding your BESV CT 1.3 LS, leading to inconvenience and potential damage.

Cause of the Problem: Punctures can be caused by sharp objects on the road or insufficient tire pressure.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect tires: Regularly examine your tires for embedded objects, and remove them promptly.
  • Maintain proper tire pressure: Keep your tires inflated to the recommended pressure to reduce the risk of flats.
  • Consider puncture-resistant tires: Upgrade to puncture-resistant tires for added durability.

7. Electrical System Malfunctions

Description of the Problem: The electrical components of your BESV CT 1.3 LS, such as lights or the motor, are not functioning correctly.

Cause of the Problem: Electrical issues can result from wiring problems, loose connections, or component failures.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check connections: Inspect all electrical connections and ensure they are securely attached.
  • Inspect wiring: Look for damaged or frayed wires and replace them if necessary.
  • Component testing: Test individual electrical components to identify the specific malfunction and replace faulty parts.

8. Excessive Noise from the Belt Drive

Description of the Problem: You notice loud or unusual noises coming from the belt drive system of your BESV CT 1.3 LS.

Cause of the Problem: Noise issues can be caused by improper tension, contamination, or wear of the belt drive components.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Adjust belt tension: Ensure the belt drive is properly tensioned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Clean and lubricate: Clean the belt drive system and apply appropriate belt lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
  • Inspect for wear: Check the condition of the belt and replace it if it shows signs of excessive wear.

9. Inaccurate Speed or Distance Readings

Description of the Problem: The speed or distance readings on your BESV CT 1.3 LS’s display do not match your actual riding speed or distance.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect sensor calibration or placement issues can lead to inaccurate readings.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check sensor alignment: Ensure that speed and distance sensors are properly aligned and securely attached to the bike.
  • Calibrate sensors: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to calibrate the sensors for accurate readings.
  • Verify magnet position: Confirm that magnets on the wheel and sensor align correctly for precise measurements.

10. Unresponsive Electric Assist

Description of the Problem: The electric assist on your BESV CT 1.3 LS does not engage or respond when needed.

Cause of the Problem: Issues with the motor, controller, or electrical connections can lead to unresponsiveness.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check motor connections: Ensure all motor connections are secure and free from corrosion.
  • Inspect controller settings: Verify that the electric assist settings on the controller are correctly configured.
  • Diagnose motor issues: Test the motor for faults and consult the manufacturer or a technician for repairs if necessary.

11. Unstable Handling and Wobbling

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS exhibits unstable handling and wobbling, making it difficult to maintain control while riding.

Cause of the Problem: Wobbling can result from improper tire pressure, misaligned components, or an unbalanced load.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check tire pressure: Ensure both tires are properly inflated to the recommended pressure.
  • Inspect wheel alignment: Verify that the wheels are aligned correctly in the frame and that the spokes are evenly tensioned.
  • Load distribution: Balance your load and ensure that accessories or cargo are evenly distributed on the bike.

12. Charging Issues

Description of the Problem: You encounter difficulties while trying to charge your BESV CT 1.3 LS battery, and it does not charge properly.

Cause of the Problem: Charging problems can arise from issues with the charger, the battery, or the charging port.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect the charger: Examine the charger for damage or loose connections, and replace it if necessary.
  • Battery check: Ensure the battery is securely connected and not damaged, and that it’s within its service life.
  • Charging port examination: Check for debris or foreign objects in the charging port, and clean it if needed.

13. Sudden Loss of Power

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS experiences a sudden loss of power during a ride, leaving you without electric assist.

Cause of the Problem: Power loss can result from various factors, including battery issues, controller problems, or overheating.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Battery status: Check the battery charge level and make sure it’s not depleted.
  • Controller inspection: Examine the electric assist controller for signs of overheating, loose connections, or damage.
  • Cooling measures: If overheating is suspected, allow the bike to cool down before continuing your ride.

14. Brakes Squealing or Grinding

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS’s brakes produce squealing or grinding noises during braking, affecting safety and comfort.

Cause of the Problem: Brake noises can occur due to contaminated brake pads, misaligned calipers, or worn components.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Brake pad inspection: Examine the brake pads for contamination, glazing, or excessive wear and replace them if needed.
  • Caliper alignment: Ensure that the brake calipers are properly aligned with the rotor and adjust if necessary.
  • Proper maintenance: Regularly clean and lubricate brake components to prevent noise and ensure smooth braking.

15. Display Error Codes

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS’s display shows error codes or messages, indicating potential system issues.

Cause of the Problem: Error codes can be triggered by various issues, including sensor malfunctions, electrical faults, or software glitches.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Code interpretation: Refer to the user manual to understand the meaning of the displayed error code.
  • Reboot and reset: Try turning off the bike, restarting it, or resetting the display to clear minor errors.
  • Professional assistance: If the error persists, contact a qualified technician or customer support for diagnosis and repair.

16. Uncomfortable Saddle

Description of the Problem: The saddle on your BESV CT 1.3 LS causes discomfort or pain during long rides.

Cause of the Problem: Saddle discomfort can result from improper saddle height, shape, or inadequate padding.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Saddle adjustment: Ensure the saddle is at the appropriate height and angle for your riding style.
  • Consider a saddle upgrade: Explore different saddle options with better padding and a shape that suits your body.
  • Wear padded shorts: Invest in padded cycling shorts to improve comfort during rides.

17. Excessive Vibration

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS experiences excessive vibration, leading to discomfort and reduced control.

Cause of the Problem: Vibration issues can arise from imbalanced wheels, loose components, or road conditions.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Wheel balance: Ensure both wheels are properly balanced, and spokes are evenly tensioned.
  • Check for loose parts: Inspect the bike for loose bolts, including those on the handlebars, stem, and saddle.
  • Adjust tire pressure: Adjust tire pressure to the recommended level to absorb some road vibrations.

18. Limited Range

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS has a limited range, and you run out of battery quickly during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Reduced range can be due to factors such as terrain, assist level, and battery health.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Ride in eco mode: Use lower assist levels, especially in flat terrain, to extend your range.
  • Check battery health: Ensure the battery is in good condition and consider a replacement if it’s significantly degraded.
  • Plan routes: Plan your rides to include charging stops or to take advantage of downhill sections for regenerative braking.

19. Loose or Noisy Accessories

Description of the Problem: Accessories like fenders, racks, or lights on your BESV CT 1.3 LS become loose or produce rattling noises.

Cause of the Problem: Vibrations and road conditions can cause accessories to become loose over time.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Regular inspection: Periodically check and tighten accessory mounting points to prevent loosening.
  • Use anti-vibration mounts: Consider using anti-vibration mounts or rubber washers to dampen vibrations.
  • Securely attach accessories: Ensure all accessories are properly attached and fastened according to manufacturer instructions.

20. Unpredictable Electric Assist

Description of the Problem: The electric assist on your BESV CT 1.3 LS behaves unpredictably, varying in intensity or cutting in and out unexpectedly.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent electric assist can result from sensor issues, loose connections, or controller malfunctions.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Sensor check: Ensure that speed and torque sensors are clean, properly aligned, and free from obstructions.
  • Connection inspection: Examine all electrical connections, including the controller and motor, for loose or damaged wires.
  • Controller diagnosis: If problems persist, seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair potential controller issues.

21. Chain Skipping or Dropping

Description of the Problem: The bike’s chain occasionally skips gears or drops off the chainring during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Chain issues can occur due to improper tension, worn chain components, or misalignment.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Chain inspection: Check the chain for wear and replace it if it’s stretched or damaged.
  • Derailleur adjustment: Ensure that the front and rear derailleurs are properly aligned and adjusted.
  • Tension adjustment: Properly tension the chain according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

22. Unresponsive Pedal Assist

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist system on your BESV CT 1.3 LS does not engage when pedaling.

Cause of the Problem: Unresponsiveness can result from sensor issues, electrical problems, or controller malfunctions.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Sensor check: Examine the pedal assist sensors for proper alignment and cleanliness.
  • Electrical inspection: Inspect all electrical connections for loose or damaged wires.
  • Controller diagnosis: If issues persist, consult a technician to diagnose and repair potential controller problems.

23. Uneven Braking

Description of the Problem: Your BESV CT 1.3 LS exhibits uneven braking, with one brake lever feeling significantly different from the other.

Cause of the Problem: Uneven braking can occur due to brake pad wear, hydraulic fluid imbalances, or caliper issues.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Brake pad inspection: Examine both brake pads for wear and replace them if one is significantly more worn than the other.
  • Fluid levels: Check the hydraulic brake fluid levels and bleed the brakes if necessary to ensure even pressure.
  • Caliper alignment: Verify that both brake calipers are aligned properly with the rotors for balanced braking.

24. Loose Handlebars or Stem

Description of the Problem: The handlebars or stem on your BESV CT 1.3 LS become loose during rides, affecting steering control.

Cause of the Problem: Vibrations and road conditions can cause handlebars and stems to gradually loosen over time.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Frequent checks: Regularly inspect and tighten handlebar and stem bolts to maintain proper torque.
  • Proper torque: Use a torque wrench to ensure that bolts are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Thread locking compound: Consider applying thread locking compound to bolts for added security.

25. Insufficient Front Suspension

Description of the Problem: The front suspension of your BESV CT 1.3 LS feels insufficient in absorbing shocks and impacts.

Cause of the Problem: Suspension issues can arise from improper setup, lack of maintenance, or worn components.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Suspension adjustment: Adjust the suspension settings to match your weight and riding style for better performance.
  • Maintenance: Regularly clean and lubricate suspension components, and inspect for wear or damage.
  • Component replacement: Consider upgrading or replacing suspension components if they are worn or not providing the desired performance.

BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike User Reviews

When considering the purchase of an electric bike like the BESV CT 1.3 LS, it’s essential to take into account the experiences and feedback of other users. We’ve gathered insights from online reviews to provide you with a balanced overview of what BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike users have to say about their experiences.

Positive Reviews from BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the comfortable ride quality of the BESV CT 1.3 LS, praising its wide tires and suspension.
  • Many riders enjoyed the convenience of the USB charging port integrated into the bike’s frame, allowing them to charge their devices while on the go.
  • Several users appreciated the bike’s long-lasting battery, with a 630 Wh capacity, providing ample range for daily commutes.
  • Positive feedback was also given to the Enviolo gear hub, which offers smooth and seamless gear shifting for an enjoyable riding experience.
  • Users mentioned the Gates belt drive, highlighting its quiet operation and low maintenance requirements, contributing to a hassle-free ride.

Overall, positive reviews of the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike underline its comfort, convenience, and reliable performance, making it a popular choice among riders.

Negative User Reviews of the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike

  • Some users were not satisfied with the bike’s weight, stating that it felt heavy and challenging to handle in certain situations.
  • Several riders expressed concerns about the bike’s price, mentioning that it falls on the higher end of the spectrum for electric bikes.
  • There were reports of occasional issues with the electric assist system, with users experiencing unexpected cutouts or fluctuations in power.
  • Some users found the assembly process to be less straightforward than expected, requiring additional time and effort to put the bike together.
  • A few riders mentioned that the saddle could be uncomfortable during long rides, suggesting the need for a more ergonomic design.

While the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike received positive feedback in various aspects, there were also some negative experiences related to its weight, price, assembly, electric assist system, and saddle comfort.

Note: All information about user reviews is taken from the site Walmart.

The majority of users expressed satisfaction with the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike, particularly highlighting its comfort, convenience features, and overall performance. However, it’s essential to consider individual preferences and specific needs when evaluating whether this electric bike is the right fit for you.

BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike Manual

If you are looking for the operating instructions and user manual for the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike, you can find them on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official BESV website to access the comprehensive manual that includes important information on how to operate, maintain, and troubleshoot your BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike.

BESV CT 1.3 LS Frequently Asked Questions

Positive Reviews from BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike Users

  • Q: What are the key features that users appreciate the most about the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike?
  • A: Users often praise the comfortable ride quality, USB charging port, long-lasting battery, smooth Enviolo gear hub, and quiet Gates belt drive.

Negative User Reviews of the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike

  • Q: Are there any common concerns or issues raised by users regarding the BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike?
  • A: Some users have mentioned concerns about the bike’s weight, pricing, occasional electric assist system issues, assembly difficulty, and saddle comfort.


When facing any issues or problems with your BESV CT 1.3 LS Electric Bike, it’s advisable to consult the user manual for guidance on troubleshooting and maintenance. If you encounter challenges beyond what the manual covers, do not hesitate to reach out to customer service or a certified service center for assistance. Your satisfaction and safety while using the BESV CT 1.3 LS are paramount.

BESV CT 2.1 Common Problems
BESV CT 2.1 LS Common Problems
BESV CT 2.2 LS Common Problems

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