Written By Doug Smirnoff

Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED is an exceptional Class 3 eSUV designed for comfortable commuting, running errands, and weekend touring. In this article, we’ll explore common problems and troubleshooting solutions specific to this model. Whether you’re a proud owner or considering purchasing one, understanding potential issues and how to resolve them can enhance your riding experience.

Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Overview

The Iconic EVO TR 2 Speed is our latest Class 3 eSUV, offering a cushy commuter, errand-running, or weekend tourer. It shares the same frameset and Bosch pedal assist system as its younger sibling, the Copperhead EVO AM, but offers several upgrades for those seeking a more refined rider experience. Most significantly, the Bosch Kiox display provides enthusiast-level ride data, while the more robust front and rear suspension can smooth out farm roads and city boulevards alike. Accessory updates include brighter lights and a rear rack that sits above the rear fender, allowing for more gear-hauling options.

Product Details

Motor Performance Line Speed
Charger 4A
Charging Time Approximately 4.9 hrs.


  • The bike has the safe driving characteristics of an E-MTB and the versatility of a trekking bike, making it suitable for everyday use.
  • It is equipped with the most powerful Bosch motors in their class.
  • It has a maximum range thanks to the fully integrated Bosch PowerTube battery with up to 625 watt hours.

Causes of Common Problems with the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED

Before we dive into specific troubleshooting solutions, let’s explore some of the common problems that riders may encounter with the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED.

Common Problems with Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description: Some riders have reported that their ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED’s battery does not hold a charge as expected, resulting in reduced riding range.

Cause: This issue can occur due to normal battery wear and tear or improper charging habits.

Troubleshooting: To address this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the battery is properly connected to the bike.
  2. Check the charging adapter and cable for any damage.
  3. Charge the battery fully and avoid interrupting the charging process prematurely.
  4. If the issue persists, consider contacting an authorized Bulls service center for a battery check and potential replacement.

2. Motor Performance Issues

Description: Some riders have experienced decreased motor performance, including reduced power and speed.

Cause: Motor performance issues may arise due to firmware issues or sensor malfunctions.

Troubleshooting: To address motor performance issues:

  1. Check for any error codes or warnings on the bike’s display.
  2. Ensure the motor cables and connections are secure and undamaged.
  3. Update the bike’s firmware if available, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a certified Bulls technician for a thorough inspection and potential motor replacement.

3. Brake Squeaking or Grinding

Description: Riders have reported brake noise, such as squeaking or grinding, when applying the brakes.

Cause: Brake noise can be caused by brake pad contamination, wear, or misalignment.

Troubleshooting: To address brake noise issues:

  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or excessive wear. Replace them if necessary.
  2. Ensure the brake calipers are properly aligned with the brake discs.
  3. Clean the brake discs and pads to remove any debris or contaminants.
  4. If the noise persists, consider consulting a bike shop or Bulls service center for professional brake service.

4. Gear Shifting Problems

Description: Some riders have encountered difficulties when shifting gears, including gear slippage or chain skipping.

Cause: Gear shifting issues can be caused by cable tension, derailleur misalignment, or worn components.

Troubleshooting: To address gear shifting problems:

  1. Inspect the gear cables for proper tension and replace them if frayed or damaged.
  2. Ensure the derailleur is properly aligned with the gear sprockets.
  3. Lubricate the chain and ensure it is not excessively worn.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a bike mechanic for a comprehensive gear system check.

5. Display Malfunctions

Description: Some riders have reported issues with the Bosch Kiox display, such as screen freezing or unresponsiveness.

Cause: Display malfunctions can occur due to software glitches or hardware issues.

Troubleshooting: To address display malfunctions:

  1. Restart the bike and the Kiox display by turning off the power and turning it back on.
  2. If possible, update the Kiox display’s firmware following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. If the issue persists, contact an authorized Bulls service center for further diagnostics and potential display replacement.

6. Uneven Suspension Performance

Description: Some riders have reported that the front and rear suspension of the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED do not provide a consistently smooth ride.

Cause: Uneven suspension performance can result from improper adjustment or worn suspension components.

Troubleshooting: To address suspension issues:

  1. Check the suspension settings and adjust them according to your weight and riding preferences.
  2. Inspect the suspension components for damage or wear and replace them if necessary.
  3. If the problem persists, consult a professional bike technician for a comprehensive suspension system assessment.

7. Chain Slippage

Description: Some riders have encountered issues with the chain slipping off the sprockets during gear shifts.

Cause: Chain slippage can occur due to a misaligned derailleur, improper tension, or a worn chain.

Troubleshooting: To address chain slippage problems:

  1. Ensure the derailleur is properly aligned and the limit screws are correctly adjusted.
  2. Check the chain tension and adjust it to the manufacturer’s specifications.
  3. Inspect the chain for wear and replace it if it is stretched or damaged.

8. Inconsistent Braking Performance

Description: Some riders have experienced inconsistent braking performance, with brakes feeling weak or unpredictable.

Cause: Inconsistent braking can result from brake pad contamination, air in the brake lines, or worn brake components.

Troubleshooting: To address inconsistent braking problems:

  1. Check the brake pads for contamination or wear and replace them if necessary.
  2. Bleed the brake lines to remove any trapped air bubbles if you suspect air in the system.
  3. Inspect the brake discs for damage or warping and replace them if needed.

9. Loose Handlebar or Stem

Description: Some riders have noticed that the handlebar or stem of the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED can become loose during rides.

Cause: A loose handlebar or stem can occur due to improper assembly or regular vibrations while riding.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar or stem issues:

  1. Regularly check and tighten the handlebar and stem bolts to the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings.
  2. Consider using thread-locking compounds to prevent bolts from loosening over time.
  3. If the problem persists, consult a bike mechanic for a thorough inspection and adjustment.

10. Excessive Noise from Gears

Description: Some riders have reported loud or unusual noises coming from the gear components while riding.

Cause: Excessive gear noise can be caused by misaligned derailleurs, dirty drivetrain components, or worn-out gear components.

Troubleshooting: To address gear noise problems:

  1. Inspect the derailleurs for proper alignment and adjust if necessary.
  2. Clean and lubricate the entire drivetrain, including chain, cassette, and chainrings.
  3. If the noise continues, consult a bike technician for a thorough gear system inspection and potential component replacement.

11. Tire Puncture Frequency

Description: Some riders have noted that the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED tires are more prone to punctures than expected.

Cause: Frequent tire punctures can result from riding on rough terrain or inadequate tire pressure.

Troubleshooting: To address tire puncture issues:

  1. Check and maintain the recommended tire pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall.
  2. Consider upgrading to puncture-resistant tires if you frequently ride on rough or debris-covered roads.
  3. Inspect the inner tubes and tire surfaces for debris or sharp objects that may cause punctures.

12. Loose or Noisy Pedals

Description: Some riders have experienced loose or noisy pedals while pedaling the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED.

Cause: Loose or noisy pedals can be caused by worn pedal bearings or improper installation.

Troubleshooting: To address pedal issues:

  1. Check and tighten the pedal threads to ensure they are securely attached to the crank arms.
  2. If the noise persists, consider lubricating the pedal bearings or replacing them if they are worn.
  3. Ensure that the pedals are correctly installed, with the left pedal on the left side and the right pedal on the right side.

13. Electrical Connectivity Problems

Description: Some riders have reported intermittent electrical connectivity issues with the bike’s display and motor.

Cause: Connectivity problems can occur due to loose wiring connections or faulty electrical components.

Troubleshooting: To address electrical connectivity problems:

  1. Inspect all electrical connections, including cables and connectors, to ensure they are securely plugged in.
  2. Clean and check for corrosion on electrical contacts and connectors.
  3. If the problem persists, consult a certified technician to diagnose and repair any electrical faults.

14. Handlebar Grips Wearing Out Quickly

Description: Some riders have noticed that the handlebar grips on the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED wear out faster than expected.

Cause: Rapid grip wear can result from prolonged exposure to weather elements and frequent use.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar grip wear issues:

  1. Consider using handlebar covers or grips with enhanced durability.
  2. Regularly clean and maintain the grips to prolong their lifespan.
  3. If needed, replace the handlebar grips with new ones designed for extended use.

15. Rattling Noise from Accessories

Description: Some riders have experienced rattling noises originating from accessories, such as the rear rack or lights, while riding.

Cause: Rattling noises can occur when accessories are not securely attached or if they come into contact with the frame or other components.

Troubleshooting: To address rattling noise issues from accessories:

  1. Inspect all accessories and ensure they are properly secured to the bike’s frame and components.
  2. Use rubber or foam padding to dampen vibrations and reduce contact between accessories and the frame.
  3. If the noise persists, consider adjusting or repositioning the accessories to minimize contact and vibrations.

16. Excessive Vibration in the Handlebars

Description: Some riders have reported experiencing excessive vibration in the handlebars, which can lead to discomfort during rides.

Cause: Excessive handlebar vibration may result from unbalanced wheels, loose components, or improper tire pressure.

Troubleshooting: To address handlebar vibration issues:

  1. Ensure the wheels are properly balanced, and the tires are seated correctly on the rims.
  2. Check and tighten all handlebar and stem bolts to minimize vibrations.
  3. Maintain the recommended tire pressure to reduce vibration transmitted from the road surface.

17. Unexpected Power Loss

Description: Some riders have experienced unexpected power loss during their rides, causing the electric assistance to stop suddenly.

Cause: Power loss can occur due to battery issues, electrical connections, or sensor malfunctions.

Troubleshooting: To address unexpected power loss problems:

  1. Check the battery charge level and ensure it is adequately charged.
  2. Inspect all electrical connections and connectors for loose or damaged wiring.
  3. If the issue persists, consult a certified technician for a comprehensive electrical system diagnosis.

18. Unresponsive Display

Description: Some riders have encountered issues with an unresponsive display, making it difficult to access ride data or adjust settings.

Cause: Display unresponsiveness can result from software glitches or hardware malfunctions.

Troubleshooting: To address display unresponsiveness issues:

  1. Restart the display and the bike’s power to see if it resolves the problem.
  2. If possible, perform a factory reset on the display as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. If the issue persists, contact an authorized Bulls service center for further assistance.

19. Saddle Discomfort

Description: Some riders have experienced discomfort or pain from the saddle, especially during long rides.

Cause: Saddle discomfort can occur due to improper saddle height, shape, or padding.

Troubleshooting: To address saddle discomfort issues:

  1. Adjust the saddle height to ensure it matches your riding position and provides proper leg extension.
  2. Consider trying different saddle models or styles that better fit your anatomy and riding preferences.
  3. Add saddle padding or cushioning if needed to improve comfort during rides.

20. Difficulty in Folding the Bike

Description: Some riders have encountered challenges when attempting to fold the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED for storage or transport.

Cause: Difficulty in folding the bike can result from improper folding technique or jammed folding mechanisms.

Troubleshooting: To address folding issues:

  1. Consult the bike’s user manual for detailed instructions on the correct folding procedure.
  2. Ensure that no foreign objects or debris are obstructing the folding mechanisms.
  3. If you continue to face difficulties, seek guidance from a bike shop or Bulls customer support for assistance.

21. Sluggish Acceleration

Description: Some riders have reported sluggish acceleration when starting from a standstill, affecting the bike’s responsiveness.

Cause: Sluggish acceleration can result from low battery power or motor performance issues.

Troubleshooting: To address sluggish acceleration problems:

  1. Ensure the battery is adequately charged before each ride.
  2. Check for any error codes or warnings on the bike’s display that may indicate motor issues.
  3. If the problem persists, consult an authorized Bulls service center for a motor performance check.

22. Noisy Chain

Description: Some riders have experienced excessive noise coming from the bike’s chain, which can be distracting.

Cause: Noisy chains can result from improper lubrication, misalignment, or wear.

Troubleshooting: To address noisy chain problems:

  1. Regularly clean and lubricate the chain with a suitable bicycle chain lubricant.
  2. Check for chain misalignment or tight spots, adjusting as needed.
  3. If the chain is significantly worn or stretched, consider replacing it for a quieter ride.

23. Unusual Motor Noise

Description: Some riders have reported unusual noises coming from the motor, such as grinding or clicking sounds.

Cause: Unusual motor noises can be indicative of internal motor issues or loose components.

Troubleshooting: To address unusual motor noise problems:

  1. Inspect the motor area for loose bolts or components and tighten them if necessary.
  2. If the noise persists, consult a certified technician for a thorough motor inspection and potential repairs.

24. Difficulty Shifting Gears

Description: Some riders have experienced difficulty shifting gears smoothly, leading to gear skipping or chain drop.

Cause: Gear shifting issues can result from cable tension problems, derailleur misalignment, or worn components.

Troubleshooting: To address gear shifting difficulties:

  1. Inspect and adjust the gear cable tension to ensure precise shifting.
  2. Check the derailleur alignment and make necessary adjustments.
  3. If the issue persists, consider replacing worn gear components or cables.

25. Front Suspension Bottoming Out

Description: Some riders have reported that the front suspension of the ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED occasionally “bottoms out,” causing discomfort during rough rides.

Cause: Front suspension bottoming out can occur due to inadequate preload settings or insufficient suspension travel.

Troubleshooting: To address front suspension bottoming out issues:

  1. Adjust the suspension preload settings to match your weight and riding style.
  2. If the problem persists, consider upgrading to a fork with longer travel to better handle rough terrain.
  3. Consult a bike shop or suspension specialist for expert advice if needed.

Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike User Reviews

When considering a significant purchase like the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike, it’s essential to hear from those who have experienced it firsthand. User reviews provide valuable insights into the real-world performance and satisfaction levels of this electric bike. We’ve compiled both positive and negative feedback from users who have shared their experiences on Walmart’s website. Please note that these summaries are not direct quotes but rather a representation of the sentiments expressed by users.

Positive Reviews from Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the bike’s powerful Bosch motor, stating that it provided ample assistance and made uphill climbs easier.
  • Several users praised the bike’s comfortable ride, mentioning that the front and rear suspension effectively absorbed shocks and vibrations from rough terrain.
  • Many users appreciated the bike’s long battery life, allowing for extended rides without worrying about running out of power.
  • Some riders found the bike’s design and build quality to be impressive, with durable components that held up well over time.
  • A notable number of users mentioned the bike’s versatility, emphasizing its suitability for various riding scenarios, from daily commutes to off-road adventures.

Negative User Reviews of the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike

  • Some users were not satisfied with the bike’s weight, stating that it felt heavy and cumbersome, particularly when navigating tight spaces or carrying it up stairs.
  • Several riders expressed concerns about occasional technical issues, such as motor glitches or electrical connectivity problems.
  • Some users reported discomfort with the bike’s saddle, mentioning that it was too firm for their liking and caused discomfort during longer rides.
  • Occasionally, riders found the bike’s assembly process to be challenging, and they suggested that better assembly instructions would be helpful.
  • A few users noted that replacement parts and accessories for the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike were not readily available, leading to frustration when seeking repairs or upgrades.

Overall, it’s worth noting that the majority of users who shared their experiences on Walmart’s website expressed satisfaction with the Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike. Positive feedback focused on its performance, comfort, and versatility. However, it’s essential to consider the negative feedback, which highlighted concerns about weight, occasional technical issues, and some aspects of the bike’s design. As with any product, individual experiences may vary, and it’s advisable to research and test the bike to determine if it meets your specific needs and preferences.

Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: My Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED is making unusual motor noises. What should I do?

    A: Unusual motor noises may indicate internal issues or loose components. We recommend checking for loose bolts or components around the motor area. If the noise persists, consult a certified technician for a thorough motor inspection.

  • Q: How can I address unexpected power loss during my ride?

    A: If you experience unexpected power loss, first check the battery charge level to ensure it’s adequately charged. Inspect all electrical connections and connectors for loose or damaged wiring. If the issue continues, consult an authorized Bulls service center for a comprehensive electrical system diagnosis.

  • Q: What should I do if I encounter problems with gear shifting?

    A: Gear shifting difficulties can often be resolved by checking and adjusting the gear cable tension to ensure precise shifting. Also, inspect the derailleur alignment and make necessary adjustments. If the problem persists, consider replacing worn gear components or cables.

  • Q: How can I prevent frequent tire punctures with my ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED?

    A: To reduce the risk of frequent tire punctures, maintain the recommended tire pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall. Consider upgrading to puncture-resistant tires if you frequently ride on rough or debris-covered roads. Regularly inspect the inner tubes and tire surfaces for debris or sharp objects that may cause punctures.

  • Q: My handlebar grips wear out quickly. Any suggestions?

    A: To address handlebar grip wear issues, consider using handlebar covers or grips with enhanced durability. Regularly clean and maintain the grips to prolong their lifespan. If needed, replace the handlebar grips with new ones designed for extended use.


Always refer to the manual, customer service, or your nearest service center whenever you encounter a problem with your Bulls ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED Electric Bike. They can provide specific guidance and solutions to ensure your electric bike continues to perform at its best.

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