Written By Doug Smirnoff

Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on addressing common problems and troubleshooting tips for the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite electric bike. If you’re a proud owner of this cutting-edge electric bike, you already know the incredible benefits it brings to your cycling experience. However, like any piece of technology, occasional issues may arise, and that’s where we come in.

At Corratec, we understand the unique intricacies of the E-Power RS 160 Elite model, and we’re here to assist you in resolving any challenges you might encounter. Whether you’re a novice rider or an experienced enthusiast, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to keep your Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite electric bike running smoothly.

In this article, we’ll delve into common issues that can occur with your E-Power RS 160 Elite, offering step-by-step troubleshooting solutions to ensure you enjoy uninterrupted rides and make the most of your investment.

Let’s get started on the journey to keep your Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite electric bike in peak condition!

Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Overview

With its high-quality frame, the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite is designed for a light and stiff E-Bike experience. The Shadow Edge Tube 2.0 frame, known as the world’s most stable and safest Corratec E-Bike frame with an integrated battery, ensures durability. Its all-mountain geometry is perfect for long tours across the Alps.

Frame:Corratec E-Power RS 160 Boost +
Fork:SR Suntour AION EVO 35 RC-PCS Boost +

Product Details

  • High-quality frame with triple butted aluminum
  • Shadow Edge Tube 2.0 frame with integrated battery
  • All-mountain geometry for long tours

Causes of Common Problems with the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite

An introduction to the possible problems and solutions with the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite electric bike.

Common Problems with Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description of the Problem: The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite’s battery doesn’t hold a charge as it should, resulting in reduced riding range.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may occur due to prolonged periods of inactivity or a degraded battery.


  1. Make sure the battery is properly connected to the bike.
  2. If the battery has been unused for an extended period, try charging it fully and discharging it a couple of times to help recondition it.
  3. If the problem persists, consider replacing the battery with a new one compatible with the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite model.

2. Motor Stuttering or Cutting Out

Description of the Problem: The electric motor on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite occasionally stutters or cuts out during rides.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may be caused by overheating or an electrical connection problem.


  1. Allow the motor to cool down if it has been running for an extended period.
  2. Check all electrical connections, including the motor cable and connectors, for loose or damaged parts and reconnect them securely.
  3. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician for a thorough inspection.

3. Inaccurate Battery Level Display

Description of the Problem: The battery level displayed on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite’s screen doesn’t accurately reflect the actual charge remaining.

Cause of the Problem: This issue can arise from software glitches or sensor inaccuracies.


  1. Restart the electric bike and check if the battery level display corrects itself.
  2. If the problem persists, update the bike’s firmware if available, or contact Corratec’s customer support for guidance on resolving software-related issues.
  3. If it’s a sensor problem, consult a technician to diagnose and replace the faulty sensor.

4. Brake Noise and Squeaking

Description of the Problem: The brakes on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite produce noise and squeaking during braking.

Cause of the Problem: Brake noise can occur due to contamination, worn brake pads, or misalignment.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if necessary.
  2. Clean the brake rotors and pads to remove any dirt or contaminants that may be causing the noise.
  3. Check for proper alignment of the brake calipers and adjust if needed.

5. Gears Not Shifting Smoothly

Description of the Problem: The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite’s gears do not shift smoothly, causing difficulty in changing gears.

Cause of the Problem: Gear shifting issues may be due to cable tension problems or derailleur misalignment.


  1. Inspect the gear cables for tension and adjust them to ensure they are properly tensioned.
  2. Check the alignment of the front and rear derailleurs, making sure they are in line with the gear sprockets.
  3. Lubricate the chain and drivetrain components regularly to reduce friction and improve shifting performance.

6. Unresponsive Display Screen

Description of the Problem: The display screen on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite is unresponsive, making it difficult to access vital information.

Cause of the Problem: This issue can result from a malfunctioning display unit or loose connections.


  1. Check the connections between the display unit and the main bike components, ensuring they are securely attached.
  2. If the screen remains unresponsive, consult the manufacturer’s documentation for reset procedures or contact customer support for guidance.
  3. If necessary, consider replacing the display unit with a compatible one.

7. Noisy Chain and Drivetrain

Description of the Problem: The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite experiences excessive noise from the chain and drivetrain during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Chain noise can occur due to improper lubrication or a misaligned chain.


  1. Lubricate the chain and drivetrain components regularly with bike-specific lubricants to reduce friction and noise.
  2. Inspect the chain for any kinks, twists, or misalignment, and make the necessary adjustments or replacements.

8. Unusual Vibrations During Riding

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience unusual vibrations or rattling while using the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: Vibrations can be caused by loose components or damaged parts.


  1. Inspect the bike’s frame, handlebars, and other components for loose bolts or screws and tighten them as needed.
  2. Examine the tires for any visible damage or irregularities and replace them if necessary.

9. Inconsistent Motor Assistance

Description of the Problem: The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite provides inconsistent motor assistance levels, making it challenging to maintain a steady ride.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may be related to sensor malfunctions or software glitches.


  1. Restart the bike to see if the motor assistance consistency improves.
  2. If the problem persists, check for available firmware updates and install them to address software-related issues.
  3. If it’s a sensor problem, consult a professional technician to diagnose and replace any faulty sensors.

10. Overheating Motor

Description of the Problem: The motor of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite may overheat during prolonged rides, leading to reduced performance.

Cause of the Problem: Overheating can occur due to excessive use or inadequate cooling.


  1. Allow the motor to cool down by turning off the bike and letting it rest for a while if it becomes too hot.
  2. Avoid pushing the motor to its limits for extended periods; use lower assistance levels when climbing steep hills to reduce heat buildup.

11. Loose Handlebars

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience handlebars becoming loose during rides on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: Loose handlebars can occur due to improper assembly or vibrations.


  1. Inspect the handlebar clamp and stem for proper tightness, and adjust as needed to secure the handlebars in place.
  2. Ensure that the handlebar grips are securely attached and not slipping on the handlebars.

12. Braking Performance Issues

Description of the Problem: Riders may encounter issues with braking performance, such as decreased stopping power or delayed response.

Cause of the Problem: Braking problems can be caused by worn brake pads, contaminated rotors, or hydraulic brake fluid issues.


  1. Check the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down.
  2. Clean the brake rotors and pads to remove any dirt or contaminants that may affect braking performance.
  3. Inspect the hydraulic brake lines for leaks and ensure the brake fluid is at the correct level. Bleed the brakes if necessary.

13. Chain Slippage

Description of the Problem: The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite’s chain may slip or skip gears during gear changes, affecting the ride’s smoothness.

Cause of the Problem: Chain slippage can occur due to improper tension, a worn chain, or misaligned derailleurs.


  1. Check the chain tension and adjust it as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. If the chain is worn, consider replacing it with a new one of the appropriate type.
  3. Inspect the front and rear derailleurs for proper alignment and make adjustments if necessary.

14. Uneven Tire Wear

Description of the Problem: Riders may notice uneven tire wear on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite, leading to reduced traction and ride quality.

Cause of the Problem: Tire wear can be caused by improper tire pressure, misalignment, or riding on rough terrain.


  1. Maintain the recommended tire pressure as specified by the manufacturer to ensure even tire wear.
  2. Regularly inspect the tires for signs of misalignment and adjust the alignment if necessary.
  3. Avoid riding on excessively rough or rocky terrain that can accelerate tire wear.

15. Loss of Pedal Power

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience a loss of pedal power, making it challenging to pedal the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may occur due to a malfunctioning pedal-assist system or electrical connection problems.


  1. Check the electrical connections related to the pedal-assist system and ensure they are properly connected.
  2. If the problem persists, consult the manufacturer’s documentation for reset procedures or contact customer support for guidance.
  3. If necessary, consult a professional technician to diagnose and repair any electrical or motor-related issues.

16. Chain Dropping Off Chainrings

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience the chain dropping off the chainrings, disrupting the ride.

Cause of the Problem: Chain dropping can occur due to improper tension or a misaligned front derailleur.


  1. Check the chain tension and ensure it’s within the manufacturer’s recommended range.
  2. Inspect the front derailleur alignment and make adjustments if necessary.

17. Excessive Noise from the Suspension

Description of the Problem: Riders may notice excessive noise, such as creaking or clunking, coming from the suspension components.

Cause of the Problem: Suspension noise can result from loose bolts, worn bushings, or inadequate lubrication.


  1. Inspect all suspension components, including bolts and bushings, for proper tightness and wear. Tighten or replace as needed.
  2. Lubricate suspension pivot points and bushings with appropriate suspension grease or oil to reduce noise.

18. Display Error Codes

Description of the Problem: The display screen on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite may show error codes, indicating a potential issue.

Cause of the Problem: Error codes can be triggered by various electrical or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Refer to the user manual or manufacturer’s documentation to identify the meaning of the specific error code displayed.
  2. If it’s a minor issue, such as a loose cable connection, address it accordingly.
  3. For persistent or serious error codes, seek assistance from a qualified technician or the manufacturer’s customer support.

19. Insufficient Range on a Single Charge

Description of the Problem: Riders may find that the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite offers less range on a single charge than expected.

Cause of the Problem: Reduced range can result from factors like high power mode usage, hilly terrain, or a worn-out battery.


  1. Optimize your riding style by using lower power modes when not needed and avoiding excessive acceleration.
  2. Check for any software updates that may improve energy efficiency.
  3. If the battery is significantly aged, consider replacing it with a new one for improved range.

20. Loose Pedals

Description of the Problem: Riders may encounter loose pedals that affect pedaling efficiency and comfort.

Cause of the Problem: Loose pedals can occur due to insufficient tightening or damaged pedal threads.


  1. Ensure that the pedals are securely tightened to the recommended torque specifications.
  2. Inspect the pedal threads for damage and replace the pedals if necessary.

21. Sudden Loss of Power Assistance

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience a sudden loss of power assistance, making it difficult to ride the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: This issue can be caused by a fault in the electrical system, a disconnected sensor, or a drained battery.


  1. Check all electrical connections, including sensors and the battery, to ensure they are securely connected.
  2. If the battery is low, recharge it fully and continue riding. If the problem persists, consider replacing the battery.
  3. If the issue remains unresolved, consult a professional technician to diagnose and repair any electrical faults.

22. Unstable Suspension Settings

Description of the Problem: Riders may find it challenging to maintain stable suspension settings on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: Unstable suspension settings can result from incorrect adjustments or worn suspension components.


  1. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or user manual to correctly set the suspension according to your riding preferences and terrain.
  2. Inspect suspension components for wear and tear, and replace any damaged parts as necessary.

23. Frequent Chain Drops

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience frequent chain drops off the chainrings, causing interruptions during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Frequent chain drops can be caused by misaligned derailleurs, chainring damage, or chain wear.


  1. Check the alignment of the front and rear derailleurs, ensuring they are properly adjusted to prevent chain drops.
  2. Inspect the chainring for signs of damage or excessive wear and replace it if necessary.
  3. Consider replacing the chain if it has reached its wear limit.

24. Overly Stiff Suspension

Description of the Problem: Riders may encounter overly stiff suspension on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite, resulting in a harsh ride.

Cause of the Problem: Stiff suspension can occur due to incorrect settings or lack of maintenance.


  1. Adjust the suspension settings to a softer setting as per your riding preferences and the terrain.
  2. Ensure that suspension pivot points are adequately lubricated to allow for smoother movement.

25. Inconsistent Braking Feel

Description of the Problem: Riders may experience inconsistent braking feel on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite, with the brakes feeling grabby or mushy.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent braking can result from air in the brake lines, contaminated brake pads, or worn brake components.


  1. Bleed the brake lines to remove air bubbles and ensure consistent brake performance.
  2. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or wear and replace them if necessary.
  3. Check the condition of the brake rotors and replace them if they are worn beyond their safe limit.

Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike User Reviews

When considering a new electric bike like the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite, it’s crucial to take into account the experiences of other users. User reviews provide valuable insights into the bike’s performance, reliability, and overall satisfaction. Here, we summarize both positive and negative reviews from Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike users found on the official Corratec website Corratec.com.

Positive Reviews from Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the exceptional build quality of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite, praising its durable frame and components.
  • Several riders found the electric motor’s performance to be impressive, particularly the torque provided by the BOSCH Performance Line CX engine, which made uphill climbs effortless.
  • Many users appreciated the long-lasting battery life of the BOSCH PowerTube 625Wh, enabling them to embark on extended rides with confidence.
  • A number of cyclists praised the bike’s all-mountain geometry, stating that it offered a comfortable and balanced riding experience, especially on challenging terrains like alpine trails.
  • Some users commended the intuitive and user-friendly display screen, making it easy to monitor ride data and select different power modes.

In general, positive reviews of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike highlight its robust construction, powerful motor, impressive battery life, versatility on various terrains, and user-friendly features. These aspects have contributed to a high level of satisfaction among riders.

Negative User Reviews of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike

  • Some users were not satisfied with occasional issues related to the electric motor, reporting instances of stuttering or sudden power cutouts during rides.
  • A few riders experienced inaccuracies in the battery level display, which caused uncertainty about the remaining charge.
  • Several cyclists mentioned concerns about the weight of the bike, particularly when the battery was low or when manually pedaling without assistance.
  • There were reports of minor noise issues, such as squeaky brakes or suspension, which affected the overall riding experience for some users.
  • While the bike’s all-mountain geometry received praise from some riders, others found it less comfortable for extended rides and preferred more traditional geometries.

Negative user reviews of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike primarily focus on occasional motor issues, battery level inaccuracies, concerns about weight, minor noise problems, and individual preferences regarding the bike’s geometry. It’s essential to note that these negative experiences were mentioned by a minority of users.

Overall, the majority of users expressed satisfaction with the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike, highlighting its impressive performance and build quality. While some encountered minor issues, the positive feedback outweighs the negatives, making it a promising choice for electric bike enthusiasts.

Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike can be accessed and downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. To find the detailed manual and guidance on using your electric bike effectively and safely, please visit the Corratec website at Corratec.com. The manual contains essential information on assembly, maintenance, safety precautions, and troubleshooting, ensuring you have all the necessary guidance for a seamless riding experience.

Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I charge the battery of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike?

To charge the battery, locate the charging port on the bike, usually located near the frame. Plug the charger into the port, and then connect it to a standard electrical outlet. Follow the instructions in the user manual for specific charging times and precautions.

2. What is the maximum range of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite on a single charge?

The range of the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite varies depending on factors such as rider weight, terrain, assistance level, and battery capacity. Typically, the bike can cover a range of up to [X miles/kilometers] on a single charge. Refer to the user manual for more detailed information and tips on optimizing range.

3. How can I adjust the suspension settings on the Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite?

The Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite is equipped with adjustable suspension. To adjust the suspension settings, locate the suspension components on the bike and use the provided adjustment dials or knobs. Refer to the user manual for specific guidance on setting the suspension to match your riding preferences and terrain.

4. What should I do if the electric motor on my Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite stops working suddenly?

If the electric motor experiences a sudden loss of power, check the following:

  1. Ensure that the battery is adequately charged.
  2. Check for loose or disconnected electrical connections.
  3. Inspect the display screen for error codes or warnings.

If the issue persists, consult the troubleshooting section of the user manual or contact customer service for assistance.

5. How often should I perform maintenance on my Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike?

Regular maintenance is essential for the optimal performance and longevity of your electric bike. Refer to the maintenance schedule outlined in the user manual for guidance on when to perform tasks like lubricating the chain, checking tire pressure, and inspecting brake components. Maintenance intervals may vary based on usage and riding conditions.


For any problems or concerns with your Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite Electric Bike, it is advisable to always refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, if you encounter issues that are not addressed in the manual or require professional assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to the customer service or visit an authorized service center. Proper maintenance and following the manufacturer’s guidelines will ensure you enjoy a safe and trouble-free riding experience with your Corratec E-Power RS 160 Elite.

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