Written By Doug Smirnoff

Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Common Problems and Troubleshooting

As beautifully elegant as it is rugged, the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike is the most powerful and versatile ebike designed by Aventon. With its front suspension fork, fat tires, and exceptional handling, it ensures a comfortable ride across various terrains.

The integrated fenders and lights offer both visibility and protection, making it a reliable companion for any adventure. The Aventure can be configured into a class III ebike with its high capacity battery and powerful rear hub motor, and its color display syncs to the Aventon app, showcasing technological innovation. In this article, we will address common problems and troubleshooting solutions specific to the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike.


  • Backlit LCD Display: An intuitive, color display shows you your speed, battery charge, pedal assist level, distance traveled, and more. Control your ebike’s class rating, integrated lights, and more! Sync to the Aventon app to share your trips with your friends! Even plug in your smartphone via USB.
  • Front Suspension: No terrain is too rugged for the Aventure, and a suspension fork with a bump-absorbing 80mm of travel means that you’ll conquer all with best-in-class comfort!
  • Fenders: Take your ebike anywhere safe in the knowledge that you’re protected from the elements underneath your tires with built-in fenders.
  • Integrated Lights: Integrated lights mean that you never have to worry about not being seen on the road, but, most importantly, being integrated into your ebike means that you never need to sweat about your batteries running out on you.
  • Fat Tires: 4″ fat tires provide you with the comfort, stability, and confidence to take your Aventure wherever you want to adventure.
  • Class: Out of the box is Class 2, but the owner can configure to Class 3 with its high capacity battery and powerful rear hub motor, which can enhance the maximum speed from 20mph to 28 mph.

Causes of Common Problems with the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description: The battery of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike is not holding a charge, resulting in reduced range and performance.

Cause: Frequent deep discharges or leaving the battery unused for extended periods can lead to capacity loss and reduced charge-holding ability.


  1. Charge the Battery Properly: Ensure the battery is fully charged before using the ebike and avoid leaving it fully discharged for long periods. Charge the battery after each use, even if it’s not fully depleted.
  2. Store the Battery Correctly: If you plan to store the ebike for an extended period, store the battery in a cool, dry place, and make sure it has around 30-60% charge before storage.
  3. Check for Faulty Connections: Inspect the battery connections to ensure they are secure and free from corrosion. Clean and reattach the connections if needed.
  4. Replace the Battery: If the battery still doesn’t hold a charge despite proper care, it might be time to replace it with a new one from an authorized Aventon dealer.

2. Motor Not Engaging

Description: The motor of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike is not engaging, and the ebike fails to provide any pedal-assist or power.

Cause: Motor issues can arise from damaged wiring, faulty connections, or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Check Display and Controls: Ensure that the ebike is turned on and the display shows the appropriate settings. Make sure the pedal-assist level is selected, and the throttle is functioning correctly.
  2. Inspect Motor Connections: Carefully check the motor connections for loose or damaged wires. Securely reconnect any loose wires and ensure they are free from damage.
  3. Examine Pedal Sensor: The pedal sensor might be dirty or malfunctioning, causing the motor not to engage. Clean the sensor or replace it if necessary.
  4. Seek Professional Assistance: If troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, contact an authorized Aventon service center for expert diagnosis and repair.

3. Brakes Squealing or Not Responsive

Description: The brakes of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike might produce a high-pitched squeal or fail to provide sufficient stopping power.

Cause: Squealing brakes can result from brake pad contamination, improper alignment, or worn-out brake components.


  1. Inspect Brake Pads: Check the brake pads for signs of wear or contamination. Clean the pads with isopropyl alcohol or replace them if they are worn.
  2. Adjust Brake Alignment: Ensure that the brake calipers are properly aligned with the brake rotors. Adjust the alignment to improve braking performance.
  3. Check Brake Cable Tension: Verify that the brake cables are appropriately tensioned. Adjust the tension if needed to improve brake responsiveness.
  4. Replace Worn Brake Components: If the brake pads or other brake components are significantly worn, replace them with genuine Aventon parts for optimal performance.

4. Display or App Connectivity Issues

Description: The display on the handlebars or the connectivity with the Aventon app may experience intermittent issues or fail to function correctly.

Cause: Connectivity issues can arise from software glitches, outdated firmware, or compatibility problems.


  1. Check Battery Level: Ensure that the ebike battery has sufficient charge to power the display and app connectivity.
  2. Update Firmware: Check for firmware updates for both the display and the Aventon app. Install any available updates to improve compatibility and functionality.
  3. Reset Display and App: Try resetting the display and the app to their default settings. This can sometimes resolve minor connectivity issues.
  4. Contact Aventon Support: If the problem persists, reach out to Aventon support for further assistance and guidance on troubleshooting.

5. Gear Shifting Problems

Description: The gear shifting on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike may be difficult, result in chain slipping, or fail to engage smoothly.

Cause: Gear shifting issues can be caused by misadjusted derailleurs, a stretched chain, or worn-out components.


  1. Derailleur Adjustment: Check the front and rear derailleurs for proper alignment and adjustment. Make necessary adjustments to ensure smooth gear changes.
  2. Chain Inspection: Examine the chain for signs of wear or stretching. Replace the chain if it is worn beyond its usable limit.
  3. Lubricate Moving Parts: Properly lubricate the chain and other moving parts to reduce friction and improve gear shifting performance.
  4. Inspect Gear Components: Check the cassette, chainrings, and other gear components for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn-out components as needed.

6. Sudden Loss of Power

Description: The Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike experiences a sudden loss of power while riding, causing the motor to stop or significantly reduce assistance.

Cause: Sudden power loss can be caused by issues with the battery, motor controller, or electrical connections.


  1. Check Battery Charge: Ensure that the battery has enough charge to support the power-assist function. Charge the battery if needed.
  2. Inspect Motor Controller: Check the motor controller for signs of damage or overheating. Replace the controller if necessary.
  3. Verify Electrical Connections: Examine all electrical connections and wiring for loose or damaged parts. Securely reconnect or repair any faulty connections.
  4. Reset the System: Try turning off the ebike and then turning it back on to reset the electrical system and motor.

7. Unusual Noises from the Motor

Description: The motor of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike emits unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or whining sounds.

Cause: Unusual motor noises can result from loose motor components, damaged gears, or insufficient lubrication.


  1. Tighten Motor Components: Check all motor components for secure attachment. Tighten any loose parts to eliminate rattling noises.
  2. Inspect Gears: Examine the motor gears for signs of wear or damage. Replace worn-out gears to reduce noise.
  3. Lubricate the Motor: Properly lubricate the motor’s moving parts with bike-specific lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
  4. Seek Professional Assistance: If the unusual noises persist, consult an authorized Aventon service center for further diagnosis and repair.

8. Inaccurate Display Readings

Description: The display on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike shows inaccurate readings for speed, battery level, or distance traveled.

Cause: Display inaccuracies can be caused by software glitches, sensor malfunctions, or damaged display components.


  1. Restart the Display: Try restarting the display to see if it resolves the inaccuracies.
  2. Check Sensor Alignment: Ensure that the speed and distance sensors are properly aligned and functioning correctly.
  3. Update Display Software: Check for any available software updates for the display and install them to fix potential glitches.
  4. Verify Sensor Functionality: Test the sensors individually to identify any faulty sensors that may require replacement.

9. Unresponsive Pedal Assist

Description: The pedal-assist feature on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike does not engage or respond to pedaling.

Cause: Pedal-assist issues can stem from a malfunctioning sensor, incorrect settings, or faulty wiring.


  1. Check Pedal Assist Setting: Ensure that the pedal-assist level is selected and adjust it to the desired setting.
  2. Inspect Pedal Assist Sensor: Verify that the pedal-assist sensor is clean, properly positioned, and functioning correctly.
  3. Check Wiring Connections: Examine the wiring connected to the pedal-assist system for loose or damaged connections. Repair or replace as needed.
  4. Reset System Settings: Try resetting the pedal-assist settings to their default values and test the functionality.

10. Uneven Suspension Performance

Description: The front suspension on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike exhibits uneven performance, causing discomfort during rides.

Cause: Uneven suspension performance can result from improper adjustments, worn-out suspension components, or fluid leaks.


  1. Adjust Suspension Settings: Check the suspension settings and adjust them according to your weight and riding preferences.
  2. Inspect Suspension Components: Examine the suspension forks for signs of wear or damage. Replace worn-out components as necessary.
  3. Check Suspension Fluid Levels: Ensure that the suspension forks have the correct amount of fluid. Top up or replace the fluid if needed.
  4. Seek Professional Inspection: If the issue persists, take the ebike to an authorized service center for a thorough inspection and adjustment.

11. Loose Handlebar Grips

Description: The handlebar grips on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike feel loose and move around during rides.

Cause: Loose handlebar grips can result from improper installation, worn-out grips, or a damaged handlebar.


  1. Check Grip Tightness: Ensure that the handlebar grips are securely fastened to the handlebar. Tighten them if necessary.
  2. Inspect Handlebar Diameter: Verify that the handlebar grips match the diameter of the handlebar. Replace with the correct size if needed.
  3. Replace Worn Grips: If the grips are worn or damaged, replace them with new ones for a secure fit.
  4. Use Grip Adhesive: Apply grip adhesive to the handlebar before installing the grips for added security.

12. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description: The chain on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike slips off the gears more frequently than usual.

Cause: Chain slippage can occur due to a misaligned derailleur, a stretched chain, or worn-out chainrings.


  1. Check Derailleur Alignment: Verify that the front and rear derailleurs are properly aligned. Adjust if necessary.
  2. Inspect Chain Condition: Examine the chain for signs of wear or stretching. Replace the chain if it is worn beyond the recommended limit.
  3. Check Chainring Teeth: Examine the teeth on the chainrings for signs of wear or damage. Replace the chainrings if needed.
  4. Ensure Proper Gear Shifting: Make sure you shift gears smoothly and avoid putting excessive strain on the chain during gear changes.

13. Brake Lever Tension Issues

Description: The brake levers on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike feel too tight or too loose, affecting brake responsiveness.

Cause: Brake lever tension problems can arise from improper adjustment or damaged brake components.


  1. Adjust Brake Lever Tension: Use the brake lever’s tension adjustment screw to achieve the desired brake lever feel.
  2. Check Brake Cable Tension: Verify that the brake cables have the correct tension. Adjust if needed.
  3. Inspect Brake Components: Examine the brake levers and calipers for any signs of damage. Replace any damaged components.
  4. Lubricate Brake Cables: Apply bike-specific lubricant to the brake cables to ensure smooth operation.

14. Wobbly Front Wheel

Description: The front wheel of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike feels unstable and wobbles while riding.

Cause: A wobbly front wheel can be caused by loose spokes, an unbalanced wheel, or a misaligned axle.


  1. Check Spoke Tension: Inspect the tension of the spokes on the front wheel and tighten any loose spokes.
  2. Balance the Wheel: If the front wheel is unbalanced, take it to a bike shop to have it professionally balanced.
  3. Inspect Axle Alignment: Verify that the front axle is properly aligned in the fork dropouts. Adjust if necessary.
  4. Seek Professional Inspection: If the issue persists, have a professional mechanic inspect the front wheel for any underlying problems.

15. Uncomfortable Seat

Description: The seat of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike is uncomfortable and causes discomfort during rides.

Cause: An uncomfortable seat can result from improper seat adjustment, inadequate padding, or poor seat design.


  1. Adjust Seat Position: Experiment with adjusting the seat angle and height to find a comfortable riding position.
  2. Add Seat Cushioning: Consider adding a gel or foam seat cover to provide extra cushioning for improved comfort.
  3. Replace the Seat: If the seat remains uncomfortable, consider upgrading to a different seat with better padding and design.
  4. Consider Suspension Seatpost: Installing a suspension seatpost can help absorb shocks and enhance overall comfort.

16. Excessive Chain Noise

Description: The chain on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike produces loud and excessive noise during pedaling.

Cause: Excessive chain noise can be caused by a misaligned derailleur, a dry or dirty chain, or worn-out chain components.


  1. Check Derailleur Alignment: Ensure that the front and rear derailleurs are properly aligned to reduce chain noise.
  2. Lubricate the Chain: Apply a suitable bicycle chain lubricant to the chain to reduce friction and noise.
  3. Clean the Chain: Remove dirt and debris from the chain using a chain cleaner or a soft brush and mild degreaser.
  4. Inspect Chain Condition: Examine the chain for signs of wear or stretching. Replace the chain if necessary.

17. Uneven Tire Wear

Description: The tires on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike wear unevenly, causing potential handling issues.

Cause: Uneven tire wear can result from incorrect tire pressure, misalignment, or poor road conditions.


  1. Check Tire Pressure: Maintain the recommended tire pressure to ensure even tire wear and optimal performance.
  2. Inspect Wheel Alignment: Verify that the wheels are properly aligned to prevent uneven tire wear.
  3. Rotate Tires: Regularly rotate the tires to promote even wear across all tires.
  4. Choose Suitable Roads: Avoid rough or rocky terrains that can accelerate tire wear and opt for smoother paths.

18. Loose or Noisy Pedals

Description: The pedals on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike feel loose, wobble, or produce noise during pedaling.

Cause: Loose or noisy pedals can occur due to improper installation or worn-out pedal components.


  1. Check Pedal Installation: Ensure that the pedals are tightly and correctly installed on the crank arms.
  2. Tighten Pedal Bearings: If the pedals have loose bearings, tighten or replace them as needed.
  3. Lubricate Pedal Threads: Apply a small amount of grease to the pedal threads before installation to reduce noise.
  4. Replace Worn Pedals: If the pedals are significantly worn or damaged, consider replacing them with new ones.

19. Erratic Power Assistance

Description: The power assistance on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike behaves erratically, providing inconsistent levels of assistance.

Cause: Erratic power assistance can be caused by faulty motor sensors, loose wiring, or software issues.


  1. Check Motor Sensors: Inspect the motor sensors for proper positioning and functionality. Clean or replace as needed.
  2. Verify Wiring Connections: Examine all wiring connections related to the motor and power system. Securely reconnect any loose connections.
  3. Update Firmware: Check for any available firmware updates for the motor and power system. Install updates to address software issues.
  4. Reset Power Settings: Try resetting the power settings to default values and test the power assistance again.

20. Difficulty in Folding Mechanism

Description: The folding mechanism on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike is challenging to operate or becomes stuck.

Cause: Difficulty in the folding mechanism can be caused by dirt or debris, misalignment, or damaged components.


  1. Clean the Mechanism: Remove any dirt or debris from the folding mechanism to ensure smooth operation.
  2. Check Alignment: Verify that all parts of the folding mechanism align correctly. Adjust if needed.
  3. Lubricate Moving Parts: Apply a suitable lubricant to the folding mechanism to reduce friction.
  4. Inspect for Damage: Examine the folding mechanism for any signs of damage. Replace damaged components if necessary.

21. Unresponsive Electric Assist Modes

Description: The electric assist modes on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike do not respond or fail to switch as intended.

Cause: Unresponsive electric assist modes can result from a software glitch, sensor issues, or a faulty display.


  1. Reset the Display: Try resetting the display to its default settings to see if it resolves the issue.
  2. Update Firmware: Check for any available firmware updates for the display and power system. Install updates to address potential glitches.
  3. Inspect Sensors: Verify that all sensors related to the electric assist modes are functioning correctly and properly positioned.
  4. Seek Professional Assistance: If the problem persists, contact an authorized Aventon service center for expert diagnosis and repair.

22. Unstable Kickstand

Description: The kickstand on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike feels unstable, causing difficulty in propping the bike upright.

Cause: An unstable kickstand can result from loose mounting or a damaged kickstand component.


  1. Tighten Kickstand Mounting: Check the kickstand mounting on the frame and ensure it is securely tightened.
  2. Verify Kickstand Integrity: Examine the kickstand for any signs of damage or bending. Replace the kickstand if necessary.
  3. Use a Supportive Surface: Park the ebike on a flat and sturdy surface to enhance the stability of the kickstand.
  4. Consider Upgrading: If the kickstand remains unstable, consider upgrading to a more robust kickstand model.

23. Handlebar Misalignment

Description: The handlebars on the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike are misaligned, affecting the bike’s handling and comfort.

Cause: Handlebar misalignment can occur due to improper installation or damage to the handlebar components.


  1. Check Handlebar Alignment: Verify that the handlebars are properly aligned with the front wheel and the bike’s frame.
  2. Tighten Handlebar Clamp: Ensure that the handlebar clamp is securely tightened to prevent any movement or misalignment.
  3. Inspect Handlebar Components: Examine the handlebar, stem, and headset for signs of damage. Replace damaged parts as needed.
  4. Professional Adjustment: If you are unsure or unable to align the handlebars, seek help from a professional bike mechanic.

24. Rapid Battery Drain

Description: The battery of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike drains quickly, resulting in reduced range and power.

Cause: Rapid battery drain can be caused by frequent use of high-assist modes, a degraded battery, or electronic malfunctions.


  1. Reduce Assist Levels: Opt for lower power-assist modes to conserve battery power during rides.
  2. Check Battery Health: Verify the battery’s health and capacity. Replace the battery if it has significantly degraded.
  3. Calibrate the Battery: Perform a battery calibration as per the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure accurate readings.
  4. Investigate Electronic Issues: If the issue persists, contact an authorized Aventon service center to diagnose and resolve electronic malfunctions.

25. Unresponsive App Connectivity

Description: The Aventon app fails to connect to the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike or exhibits intermittent connectivity issues.

Cause: App connectivity problems can arise from outdated app versions, smartphone compatibility issues, or Bluetooth malfunctions.


  1. Update the App: Ensure that you have the latest version of the Aventon app installed on your smartphone.
  2. Restart the App: Try closing the app and reopening it to refresh the connection.
  3. Check Bluetooth Settings: Verify that Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone and the ebike’s Bluetooth settings are on.
  4. Pair Devices Again: Disconnect and pair your smartphone with the ebike again to establish a new connection.

Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike Users:

  • Some users were satisfied with the long-lasting battery life, allowing them to enjoy extended rides without recharging frequently.
  • Several users appreciated the smooth and comfortable ride provided by the Aventon Aventure’s large tires, making it suitable for various terrains.
  • Many users praised the bike’s structural integrity and build quality, noting that it gave them confidence during their adventures.
  • Several riders found the controls and pedal-assist functions easy to use and understand, enhancing their overall riding experience.
  • Users were impressed with the design of the Aventon Aventure, describing it as aesthetically pleasing and resembling a top-of-the-line SUV.

Conclusion: The majority of users expressed satisfaction with the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike, highlighting its exceptional battery life, comfortable ride, build quality, user-friendly controls, and impressive design.

Negative User Reviews of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike:

  • Some users were disappointed with the bike’s advertised top speed of 28 mph, as they found it challenging to achieve that speed even with pedal assist.
  • Several riders reported that the battery’s actual capacity did not meet the advertised 45-mile range, experiencing significantly shorter distances on a single charge.
  • One user encountered issues with the bike’s tires, getting a flat tire on the first day of riding due to the terrain and found them less durable than expected.
  • Some users experienced mechanical problems, such as a bent rotor upon delivery or issues with gear shifting that caused clanking and noise during rides.
  • One user expressed frustration with the bike’s battery gauge, as it displayed inaccurate readings with rapid decline after reaching around 50% capacity.

Conclusion: While the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike received positive feedback from the majority of users, some experienced issues related to speed, battery range, tire durability, and mechanical components. These negative reviews indicate that there is room for improvement in certain aspects of the bike’s performance and reliability.

Note: All information about user reviews is taken from Walmart’s website.

Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Common Problems
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Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions for the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike can be found on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed information on how to operate, maintain, and troubleshoot your electric bike, please visit the official Aventon website and access the user manual.

Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is my Aventon Aventure Ebike not reaching the advertised top speed of 28 mph?

The top speed of the Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike can be affected by various factors, such as rider weight, terrain, and battery charge level. Ensure that the bike’s battery is fully charged, and try using the pedal-assist functions appropriately to achieve the maximum speed. If you continue to experience issues, contact Aventon customer service or refer to the user manual for troubleshooting tips.

2. How can I improve the battery life and range of my Aventon Aventure Ebike?

To optimize the battery life and range of your Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike, consider using lower pedal-assist levels when riding on flat terrains and reducing speed when encountering inclines. Keeping the tires properly inflated and maintaining a consistent riding pace can also help extend battery life. For more specific guidance, refer to the user manual or contact Aventon’s customer support team.

3. What should I do if I encounter mechanical issues or unusual noises while riding my Aventon Aventure Ebike?

If you experience mechanical issues or hear unusual noises during your rides, stop riding the bike immediately to prevent further damage. Check for any loose components, inspect the gears and chain, and ensure that the brakes are functioning correctly. If you cannot identify or resolve the issue on your own, contact Aventon’s customer service or take the bike to an authorized service center for professional assistance.


For any problems or issues with your Aventon Aventure Step-Over Ebike, it is advisable to always refer to the user manual for proper operating instructions and troubleshooting guidance. If you encounter persistent or complex problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to Aventon’s customer service or visit an authorized service center for expert assistance.

Prioritizing regular maintenance and following the manufacturer’s guidelines will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable riding experience with your Aventon Aventure Ebike.

Product Weight75 pounds
Battery Charge Time4.5 hours
Battery Amperage15 ampere hours
Battery Voltage48 volts
Maximum Operating Range45 miles
Motor Power758 watts
Maximum Speed28 miles per hour
Throttle Control MechanismThumb
App CompatibleYes
Electric Bike ClassificationClass 2
Bicycle TypeAdults bike
ColorSoCal Sand
Product NameAventure Step-Over Ebike w/ 45 mile Max Operating Range and 28 MPH Max Speed
Assembly RequiredPartial
Assembled Percentage85 percent
Estimated Assembly Time90 minutes
Model Number94923
Product Width14 inches
Product Height30 inches
Product Length58 inches
Maximum Weight Capacity400 pounds
Recommended Maximum User Height76 inches
Recommended Minimum User Height71 inches
Maximum Seat Height40 inches
Minimum Seat Height34.61 inches
Bicycle SizeLarge
Wheel Diameter26 inches

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