Written By Doug Smirnoff

BESV CT 2.1 LS Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The BESV CT 2.1 LS electric bike is designed for everyday city use, offering a super stiff frame for stable handling and a range of features for a comfortable ride. In this article, we’ll explore common problems that users may encounter with the BESV CT 2.1 LS model and provide troubleshooting solutions tailored to this specific electric bike.

BESV CT 2.1 LS Overview

The BESV CT 2.1 LS is a versatile electric bike with the following key specifications and features:

Frame BESV CT 2.Series alloy frame, Shimano Steps and internal battery compatible
Color(s) Steel grey
Sizes S (45cm), M (50cm), L (55cm)

Additional product details and features include:

  • Fork: SR Suntour Nex-E25, Lockout, Coil damping, tapered alloy steerer, travel 50mm, QR-axle
  • Rear Carrier: Tubular aluminum carrier, with Snap-IT platform and spring clamp, H-Cargo rear light mount
  • Drivetrain: Shimano EP600 center-motor, 250W rated power, 85Nm of torque, 25km/h maximum assist

Causes of Common Problems with the BESV CT 2.1 LS

This section will address possible problems and solutions specific to the BESV CT 2.1 LS electric bike.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting for BESV CT 2.1 LS

1. Battery Not Charging

Description: You’ve plugged in your BESV CT 2.1 LS for charging, but the battery doesn’t seem to charge properly or at all.

Cause: This issue can occur due to a loose connection, a faulty charger, or a problem with the battery itself.


  1. Ensure that the charger is properly plugged into both the wall socket and the bike’s charging port.
  2. Check for any loose connections or damaged cables. Replace any damaged parts if necessary.
  3. If the problem persists, try using a different charger to see if the issue lies with the charger itself.
  4. If none of the above steps resolve the problem, it may be a battery issue. Contact a BESV service center for further assistance.

2. No Power Assistance

Description: When riding your BESV CT 2.1 LS, you notice that there’s no power assistance from the motor.

Cause: This issue may occur due to a variety of factors, including a disengaged motor, electrical issues, or sensor problems.


  1. Check if the motor is engaged. Ensure that the power assist mode is activated on the bike’s display.
  2. Inspect the wiring and connections around the motor for any loose or damaged wires. Secure or replace them as needed.
  3. If you have a torque sensor, make sure it’s properly calibrated. Refer to the user manual for instructions on calibration.
  4. If the issue persists, contact BESV customer support for advanced troubleshooting and potential motor inspection.

3. Gears Shifting Abruptly

Description: You experience abrupt and jarring gear shifts while using the Enviolo Trekking gear system on your BESV CT 2.1 LS.

Cause: Sudden gear shifts can be caused by misalignment, cable tension issues, or improper use of the gear shifter.


  1. Check if the gear cables are properly tensioned and adjust them according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. Ensure that the gear indexing is correctly aligned. Refer to the Enviolo Trekking gear system manual for adjustment instructions.
  3. Practice smoother gear shifting techniques by applying consistent and gradual pressure on the shifter.
  4. If the issue persists, consult a local bike shop or a BESV service center for professional assistance.

4. Squeaky Brakes

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS’s hydraulic disc brakes produce squeaky sounds during braking.

Cause: Squeaky brakes can result from contamination, rotor issues, or improper brake pad alignment.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or uneven wear. Clean or replace the pads if necessary.
  2. Check the brake rotor for any damage or warping. Replace the rotor if it’s visibly damaged.
  3. Ensure that the brake calipers and pads are properly aligned and centered on the rotor.
  4. If squeaking persists, contact a bike mechanic for further assessment and potential brake system maintenance.

5. Unresponsive Display

Description: The display on your BESV CT 2.1 LS does not respond to button presses, making it difficult to access settings or monitor your ride.

Cause: Unresponsiveness in the display could be due to a software glitch or a loose connection.


  1. Try turning the bike off and on again to see if it resolves the display issue.
  2. Inspect the display’s cable connections to ensure they are securely connected to the bike’s control unit.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for any reset procedures specific to the display unit.
  4. Contact BESV customer support for further guidance if the display remains unresponsive.

6. Uneven Motor Power

Description: You notice that the motor power on your BESV CT 2.1 LS is uneven, causing jerky or unpredictable acceleration.

Cause: Uneven motor power can occur due to issues with the pedal assist sensor, wiring problems, or a malfunctioning motor controller.


  1. Check the pedal assist sensor for dirt or damage. Clean it and ensure it’s properly aligned with the pedal cranks.
  2. Inspect the wiring connections between the sensor, motor, and controller for loose or damaged wires. Reconnect or replace as needed.
  3. If the problem persists, contact BESV support for a diagnostic assessment of the motor and controller.

7. Excessive Noise from the Chain

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS emits excessive noise from the chain while pedaling, causing an unpleasant riding experience.

Cause: Chain noise can result from improper lubrication, misalignment, or a worn-out chain.


  1. Clean and lubricate the chain using a suitable bike chain lubricant, ensuring it’s properly lubricated but not excessively greasy.
  2. Check the chain’s tension and alignment. Make necessary adjustments to ensure it runs smoothly on the gears and chainrings.
  3. If the noise persists, inspect the chain for signs of wear. Replace the chain if it’s stretched or shows significant wear.

8. Inaccurate Battery Indicator

Description: The battery indicator on your BESV CT 2.1 LS provides inaccurate information, making it challenging to gauge your remaining battery life.

Cause: This issue can arise from a calibration error or a malfunction in the battery management system.


  1. Attempt to recalibrate the battery indicator by fully charging and then completely discharging the battery. Repeat this process a few times.
  2. If the problem persists, contact BESV customer support for guidance on potential firmware updates or battery system checks.

9. Unresponsive Brakes

Description: Your hydraulic disc brakes on the BESV CT 2.1 LS feel unresponsive or lack stopping power.

Cause: Unresponsive brakes may occur due to air in the brake lines, contaminated brake fluid, or worn brake pads.


  1. Bleed the brake lines to remove air bubbles if you suspect air is causing the issue. Refer to the brake manufacturer’s instructions for bleeding procedures.
  2. Inspect the brake fluid for contamination or discoloration. Replace the brake fluid if it appears dirty or discolored.
  3. Check the condition of the brake pads. Replace them if they are worn beyond their recommended thickness.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a professional bike mechanic for a thorough brake system inspection.

10. Loose Handlebar or Stem

Description: The handlebar or stem on your BESV CT 2.1 LS feels loose or wobbly, affecting your steering control.

Cause: A loose handlebar or stem can result from improper assembly, insufficient tightening, or wear and tear.


  1. Check the bolts and fasteners securing the handlebar and stem. Tighten them to the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings.
  2. Inspect the handlebar and stem components for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any worn parts as necessary.
  3. If you’re unsure about the proper assembly or tightening procedure, consult the user manual or seek assistance from a bike shop.

11. Uneven Tire Wear

Description: You notice that the tires on your BESV CT 2.1 LS are wearing unevenly, leading to reduced traction and control.

Cause: Uneven tire wear can result from incorrect tire pressure, misalignment, or improper riding techniques.


  1. Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure as specified in the user manual. Underinflated or overinflated tires can lead to uneven wear.
  2. Inspect the tire alignment and ensure that they are centered correctly in the wheel wells. Adjust as needed.
  3. Practice smooth riding techniques, avoiding sudden stops or aggressive cornering to reduce tire wear.
  4. If uneven wear continues, consider rotating the tires or consulting a bike shop for professional assessment.

12. Loose Pedals

Description: The pedals on your BESV CT 2.1 LS become loose during rides, causing discomfort and potential safety concerns.

Cause: Loose pedals may occur due to insufficient tightening, damaged pedal threads, or worn pedal bearings.


  1. Check and tighten the pedal threads securely to the recommended torque specifications using a pedal wrench.
  2. Inspect the pedal bearings for any signs of wear or play. Replace the pedals if bearing issues are detected.
  3. Regularly perform maintenance on pedal threads and lubricate them with appropriate grease to prevent loosening.

13. Display Error Codes

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS display shows error codes, which can be confusing and hinder your riding experience.

Cause: Display error codes can indicate various issues, including sensor malfunctions, connectivity problems, or software errors.


  1. Refer to the user manual to identify the specific error code displayed and its corresponding meaning.
  2. Check for loose connections, damaged wires, or sensor issues as indicated by the error code. Address these problems accordingly.
  3. If the error persists, try resetting the display unit to its default settings or contact BESV support for guidance on resolving the error.

14. Uncomfortable Saddle

Description: The saddle on your BESV CT 2.1 LS causes discomfort or pain during longer rides.

Cause: Discomfort from the saddle can result from poor fit, improper saddle height, or saddle design that doesn’t suit your body.


  1. Adjust the saddle height to ensure it’s at an appropriate level for your riding style and body proportions.
  2. If the saddle is still uncomfortable, consider replacing it with a saddle that suits your riding preferences and provides better comfort.

15. Unstable Kickstand

Description: The kickstand on your BESV CT 2.1 LS is unstable and struggles to support the bike’s weight.

Cause: An unstable kickstand may result from improper installation or damage to the kickstand components.


  1. Inspect the kickstand’s attachment points and ensure it’s securely fastened to the bike frame. Tighten any loose bolts.
  2. Examine the kickstand itself for damage or wear. Replace the kickstand if it’s bent or damaged beyond repair.
  3. If the problem persists, consider upgrading to a more robust kickstand for enhanced stability.

16. Rattling Noise from the Frame

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS produces a rattling noise from the frame, which can be annoying and concerning.

Cause: Frame rattling may be caused by loose components, bolts, or worn-out frame parts.


  1. Inspect the frame for loose bolts, especially around the handlebar stem, saddle, and other key areas. Tighten any loose bolts securely.
  2. Check for worn or damaged frame parts, such as cable guides or mounts, and replace them if needed.
  3. If the rattling noise persists, consider using frame-specific foam or rubber inserts to dampen vibrations.

17. Chain Slippage

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS experiences chain slippage, where the chain skips gears unexpectedly.

Cause: Chain slippage can result from a loose chain, misadjusted derailleurs, or worn-out drivetrain components.


  1. Ensure the chain is properly tensioned. If it’s loose, use the rear derailleur’s adjustment settings to tighten it.
  2. Check the derailleur alignment and indexing. Make necessary adjustments to ensure smooth gear shifting.
  3. If the chain is heavily worn or damaged, consider replacing it and inspect the cassette and chainrings for wear as well.

18. Frequent Flat Tires

Description: You encounter frequent flat tires on your BESV CT 2.1 LS, disrupting your rides.

Cause: Frequent flat tires may be caused by sharp objects on the road, low tire pressure, or worn-out tires.


  1. Inspect your tires for embedded objects like thorns or glass. Remove any foreign objects carefully.
  2. Maintain proper tire pressure as recommended by the manufacturer to reduce the risk of pinch flats.
  3. If your tires are consistently punctured, consider switching to puncture-resistant tires for added durability.

19. Erratic Motor Behavior

Description: The motor on your BESV CT 2.1 LS behaves erratically, with sudden bursts of power or unexpected cutoffs.

Cause: Erratic motor behavior may be caused by electrical issues, sensor problems, or controller malfunctions.


  1. Check the wiring connections between the motor and the controller for loose or damaged wires. Reconnect or replace them as needed.
  2. Inspect the sensors, such as the cadence sensor or torque sensor, for proper alignment and functionality. Calibrate if necessary.
  3. If erratic behavior persists, contact BESV support for advanced troubleshooting and potential motor controller replacement.

20. Unresponsive Gear Shifter

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS’s gear shifter becomes unresponsive, making it difficult to change gears.

Cause: Unresponsive gear shifting can result from cable tension issues, worn shifter components, or a misaligned drivetrain.


  1. Inspect the gear shifter cables and adjust the tension to ensure smooth and responsive gear changes.
  2. If the gear shifter is worn or damaged, consider replacing it with a new one that matches the drivetrain components.
  3. Check the alignment of the drivetrain components, including the derailleur and chain, to ensure they are functioning correctly.

21. Noisy Suspension Fork

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS’s suspension fork produces unusual noises, affecting the comfort of your ride.

Cause: Noisy suspension forks can result from dry seals, loose components, or damaged suspension parts.


  1. Inspect the suspension fork’s seals and apply suspension fork oil if they appear dry or worn. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for lubrication.
  2. Check for loose bolts and fasteners on the suspension fork. Tighten them to the recommended torque settings.
  3. If the noise persists, consider having the suspension fork serviced or inspected by a professional bike mechanic.

22. Pedal Assist Delay

Description: You experience a noticeable delay in pedal assist activation when you start pedaling on your BESV CT 2.1 LS.

Cause: Delayed pedal assist can occur due to sensor calibration issues or software-related delays.


  1. Check if the pedal assist sensor is properly calibrated. Follow the user manual instructions to recalibrate the sensor if necessary.
  2. If the delay continues, check for any firmware updates for the electric bike’s control unit and display. Apply updates if available.
  3. If the issue persists, contact BESV customer support for further assistance in diagnosing the delay.

23. Brake Squeal

Description: Your BESV CT 2.1 LS’s hydraulic disc brakes emit a high-pitched squealing sound during braking.

Cause: Brake squeal can result from contaminated brake pads, misaligned calipers, or glazed brake rotors.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or uneven wear. Clean or replace the pads if they are contaminated or worn out.
  2. Check the alignment of the brake calipers and ensure they are properly centered on the brake rotor.
  3. If the rotor appears glazed, lightly sand it with fine-grit sandpaper to remove the glaze and improve braking performance.

24. Loose Handlebar Grips

Description: The handlebar grips on your BESV CT 2.1 LS become loose or slip during rides, affecting your grip.

Cause: Loose grips can occur due to worn grip components, improper installation, or lack of grip adhesive.


  1. Ensure that the handlebar grips are properly installed and secure. Tighten any locking mechanisms or fasteners if necessary.
  2. If the grips are worn, consider replacing them with new ones that provide a snug fit and better grip.
  3. If your grips continue to slip, apply grip adhesive or double-sided tape under the grips to improve their stability.

25. Display Battery Draining Quickly

Description: The display unit’s battery on your BESV CT 2.1 LS drains rapidly, requiring frequent recharging.

Cause: Quick battery drainage can result from high display brightness, background apps, or a faulty display unit.


  1. Reduce the brightness level of the display to conserve battery life while maintaining visibility.
  2. Check for background apps or features that may be running unnecessarily on the display unit. Close or disable them if possible.
  3. If the issue persists, contact BESV support for assistance in diagnosing the battery drainage problem.

BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike Users

When analyzing user feedback for the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike, we found several positive experiences reported by customers. These experiences highlight the bike’s strengths and the aspects that users appreciated:

  • Some users were satisfied with the comfortable and ergonomic design of the BESV CT 2.1 LS, which allowed for extended rides without discomfort.
  • Many riders praised the bike’s smooth and responsive pedal assist system, which provided a natural riding experience and made hills and challenging terrain more manageable.
  • Several users commended the bike’s impressive range, thanks to its powerful 504Wh integrated lithium-ion battery, allowing for long rides without frequent recharging.
  • Owners of the BESV CT 2.1 LS appreciated the bike’s sturdy construction and build quality, emphasizing its durability for everyday city use.
  • Some users were delighted with the Enviolo stepless gear hub, highlighting its convenience and ease of use for adapting to different riding conditions.

In general, positive feedback from BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike users indicates that the bike offers a comfortable, reliable, and enjoyable riding experience, with particular praise for its design, pedal assist system, battery life, durability, and gear hub.

Negative User Reviews of the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike

While many users had positive experiences with the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike, there were also reports of certain issues and drawbacks, as summarized from negative user reviews available online:

  • Some users were not satisfied with occasional issues related to the bike’s electrical components, such as motor glitches or display errors.
  • A few riders reported that the bike’s weight, approximately 29.3 kg, made it challenging to handle in certain situations, particularly when lifting or transporting it.
  • Several users mentioned that they experienced difficulty with the bike’s hydraulic disc brakes, with occasional squealing or unresponsiveness.
  • A few users noted that the saddle provided with the BESV CT 2.1 LS was uncomfortable for longer rides and chose to replace it for improved comfort.
  • Occasionally, riders encountered issues with the motor’s responsiveness, experiencing delays or sudden bursts of power during rides.

While the majority of users expressed satisfaction with the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike, it’s important to note that some reported issues related to electrical components, weight, brakes, saddle comfort, and motor behavior. These issues, though present in a minority of cases, should be considered when evaluating the bike.

The majority of users who reviewed the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike had positive experiences, highlighting its comfort, responsiveness, impressive range, durability, and gear hub. However, a minority of users reported issues related to electrical components, weight, brakes, saddle comfort, and motor behavior. When considering this bike, it’s important to weigh the overall positive feedback against these potential drawbacks.

BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike Manual

If you’re looking for the operating instructions and user manual for the BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike, you can find them on the manufacturer’s website. Visit the official BESV website and navigate to the support or downloads section to access the comprehensive manual for your electric bike.

BESV CT 2.1 LS Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I properly maintain and clean my BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike?

Maintaining your BESV CT 2.1 LS is essential for its performance and longevity. Regularly clean your bike, lubricate the chain, and check tire pressure. Refer to the user manual for detailed maintenance instructions.

2. What should I do if my electric bike’s battery isn’t holding a charge effectively?

If you’re experiencing issues with your battery’s performance, first ensure that it’s properly connected and charged. If problems persist, consult the user manual for battery maintenance tips. If needed, contact BESV customer service or a certified service center for assistance.

3. How can I troubleshoot motor-related problems like sudden power bursts or delays?

If you encounter motor-related issues, check for loose wiring connections and sensor alignment. Calibrate sensors as needed. If problems persist, consult the troubleshooting section in the user manual. For complex issues, consider seeking assistance from a BESV service center.

4. Is it normal to hear noises from the BESV CT 2.1 LS, such as rattling or squeaking?

While some noises may be typical, excessive or unusual sounds should be investigated. Check for loose components, worn parts, or alignment issues. Refer to the user manual for guidance on specific noises. If necessary, contact a bike mechanic or BESV support for further diagnosis.

5. How can I address brake-related problems like squealing or unresponsiveness?

If you’re experiencing brake issues, inspect the brake pads for contamination or wear. Align the calipers correctly and maintain the brake fluid. Follow the user manual’s brake maintenance instructions. For persistent problems, consult a professional bike mechanic for a thorough inspection and potential adjustments.


When encountering problems with your BESV CT 2.1 LS Electric Bike, it’s advisable to always refer to the manual for guidance on maintenance and troubleshooting. Additionally, don’t hesitate to reach out to customer service or visit a certified service center when facing more complex issues. Proper maintenance and timely professional assistance can help ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your electric bike.

BESV CT 2.2 LS Common Problems
BESV CT 2.3 Common Problems
BESV CT 2.3 LS Common Problems

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