Written By Doug Smirnoff

BESV CT 2.2 LS Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting common problems with the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike. If you own this specific model, you may encounter various issues during your rides. In this article, we’ll address these problems and provide solutions to keep your BESV CT 2.2 LS running smoothly.

BESV CT 2.2 LS Overview

The BESV CT 2.2 LS is an exceptional electric bike designed for urban commuting. It features a low step frame, Enviolo gear hub, integrated battery, and an enclosed chaincase, making it an ideal city companion. Here are some key details about this electric bike:

Frame BESV CT 2.Series alloy frame, Shimano Steps and internal battery compatible
Color(s) Snow white
Sizes S (45cm) | M (50cm) | L (55cm)

Key Features:

  • 504 Wh integrated Lithium Ion battery
  • Shimano E6110 center-motor, 250W rated power
  • Enviolo City rear derailleur with 310% gear ratio

Causes of Common Problems with the BESV CT 2.2 LS

In the following subsections of the article, we will address possible problems and solutions with the BESV CT 2.2 LS electric bike. These troubleshooting tips will help you keep your bike in excellent working condition.

Common Problems with the BESV CT 2.2 LS

1. Battery Not Charging

Description: The battery of your BESV CT 2.2 LS electric bike is not charging properly or not holding a charge.

Cause: This issue may occur due to a faulty charger, poor connection, or a depleted battery.


  1. Check the charger and power source for any visible damage or loose connections. Ensure that the charger is properly plugged in.
  2. Inspect the battery connections on the bike. Make sure they are clean and securely connected.
  3. If the battery is completely depleted, it may take a while to start charging. Leave it connected to the charger for an extended period to see if it begins charging.
  4. If the problem persists, contact your BESV dealer or customer support for further assistance.

2. Motor Not Responding

Description: The motor of your BESV CT 2.2 LS does not engage or provide assistance when pedaling.

Cause: Motor-related issues can result from wiring problems, software glitches, or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Check all motor and sensor connections for loose wires or damaged components. Reconnect any loose wires securely.
  2. Power cycle the bike by turning it off and on. This may reset any software issues that could be causing the problem.
  3. Test the motor in different assist levels to see if it responds. If not, consult your BESV dealer or a qualified technician for a motor diagnostic check.

3. Gears Shifting Improperly

Description: You experience difficulty in shifting gears smoothly on your BESV CT 2.2 LS electric bike.

Cause: Gear shifting problems can arise from cable tension issues, misalignment, or a need for maintenance.


  1. Inspect the gear cables for any signs of wear or fraying. Replace them if necessary.
  2. Check the alignment of the gears and the derailleur. Misalignment can cause poor shifting performance.
  3. Consider cleaning and lubricating the drivetrain components regularly to ensure smooth gear changes.
  4. If the problem persists, consult your BESV dealer for a thorough inspection and adjustment of the gear system.

4. Brake Squeaking or Ineffective

Description: You notice that the brakes on your BESV CT 2.2 LS produce a squeaking noise or do not provide sufficient stopping power.

Cause: Brake issues can result from brake pad wear, contamination, or misaligned brake calipers.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear. If they are worn down, replace them with new ones.
  2. Clean the brake rotors and pads to remove any contaminants that may be causing squeaking or reduced braking performance.
  3. Check the brake calipers for proper alignment. Adjust them if necessary to ensure even contact with the rotors.
  4. If brake problems persist, consult a qualified bicycle mechanic for a thorough brake system inspection and adjustment.

5. Display Error Codes

Description: The display on your BESV CT 2.2 LS shows error codes or malfunctions.

Cause: Error codes on the display can indicate various issues, including sensor problems, electrical faults, or software glitches.


  1. Refer to the user manual for your BESV CT 2.2 LS to interpret the specific error code displayed. The manual may provide guidance on resolving the issue.
  2. Check all connections and wires around the display unit for loose or damaged components.
  3. If you cannot resolve the error on your own, contact BESV customer support or your dealer for assistance. They may need to diagnose and address the specific issue.

6. Uneven Pedal Assistance

Description: You notice that the pedal assistance on your BESV CT 2.2 LS feels uneven or inconsistent during your rides.

Cause: Uneven pedal assistance can be due to sensor misalignment, power delivery issues, or a malfunctioning motor controller.


  1. Check the alignment and condition of the pedal assist sensors. Ensure they are clean and properly positioned on the crankset.
  2. Inspect the wiring connections between the sensors, controller, and motor for loose or damaged wires.
  3. Reset the pedal assist system settings to default, and then reconfigure your preferred assist levels in the bike’s settings menu.
  4. If the problem persists, consult your BESV dealer or a qualified technician for a thorough diagnosis and repair.

7. Excessive Noise from the Chain

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS emits loud and unusual noises from the chain while pedaling.

Cause: Chain noise can be attributed to insufficient lubrication, chain wear, or misalignment.


  1. Regularly lubricate the chain with a high-quality bicycle chain lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
  2. Inspect the chain for signs of wear and replace it if it’s stretched or damaged.
  3. Check the chain alignment with the gears. Misalignment can lead to noisy operation. Make necessary adjustments to align the chain properly.
  4. If the noise persists, have a professional bike mechanic assess the drivetrain for potential issues.

8. Inaccurate Battery Level Display

Description: The battery level displayed on your BESV CT 2.2 LS’s control panel does not accurately reflect the actual battery charge.

Cause: This issue can arise from sensor inaccuracies or calibration problems.


  1. Perform a battery calibration procedure as outlined in your bike’s user manual to recalibrate the battery level sensor.
  2. If the problem persists, check the battery connections and wiring for loose or damaged components. Secure connections and replace damaged wires if needed.
  3. Consider updating the bike’s firmware or display software if available, as newer versions may address accuracy issues.
  4. If the battery level display remains inaccurate, contact BESV customer support for further guidance.

9. Loss of Pedal Assist Modes

Description: Some or all of the pedal assist modes on your BESV CT 2.2 LS no longer function as expected.

Cause: Loss of assist modes can result from software glitches, controller issues, or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Power cycle the bike by turning it off and on to reset the electronics. This may restore the assist modes.
  2. Ensure that the bike’s software is up to date. If not, consider updating it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Inspect the wiring connections between the controller and the display unit for loose or damaged wires. Repair or replace as needed.
  4. If the issue persists, contact BESV support for assistance in diagnosing and resolving the problem.

10. Rapid Tire Wear

Description: The tires on your BESV CT 2.2 LS wear out quickly, requiring frequent replacements.

Cause: Rapid tire wear can be due to riding conditions, tire quality, or improper inflation.


  1. Check your tire pressure regularly and maintain it within the recommended range specified on the tire sidewalls to ensure even wear.
  2. Choose high-quality tires suitable for the terrain you frequently ride on to enhance durability.
  3. Inspect the road conditions where you ride. Rough or abrasive surfaces can accelerate tire wear.
  4. Consider investing in puncture-resistant tires if you frequently encounter sharp objects on your routes.

11. Display Screen Freezing

Description: The display screen on your BESV CT 2.2 LS electric bike becomes unresponsive and freezes during your rides.

Cause: Screen freezing can occur due to software glitches, temperature extremes, or electrical issues.


  1. Restart the bike by turning it off and on to see if the display becomes responsive again.
  2. If riding in extreme cold or heat, allow the bike to acclimate to a moderate temperature, as extreme conditions can affect the display’s performance.
  3. Check for any loose or damaged wiring connections around the display unit and the controller. Repair or replace as needed.
  4. If the issue persists, contact BESV customer support for guidance or a potential display unit replacement.

12. Unusual Noises from the Motor

Description: You hear unusual noises, such as grinding or clicking, coming from the motor of your BESV CT 2.2 LS while riding.

Cause: Unusual motor noises can result from debris in the motor, loose components, or motor wear.


  1. Inspect the motor for any foreign objects or debris that might have entered it. Carefully remove any obstructions.
  2. Tighten all motor-related bolts and screws to ensure there are no loose components contributing to the noise.
  3. If the noise persists, consult your BESV dealer or technician for a thorough motor inspection and potential repair or replacement.

13. Erratic Power Cutouts

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS experiences sudden and erratic power cutouts, causing interruptions in electric assistance.

Cause: Power cutouts can result from loose connections, battery issues, or electrical faults.


  1. Check all wiring connections, especially those related to the battery, motor, and controller, for tightness and signs of damage.
  2. Inspect the battery charge and connections. Ensure the battery is securely attached and charged properly.
  3. Review your riding behavior to see if the issue occurs under specific conditions, such as high power demands. Adjust your riding style accordingly.
  4. If the problem persists, contact your BESV dealer or customer support for a diagnostic assessment.

14. Rapid Brake Pad Wear

Description: The brake pads on your BESV CT 2.2 LS wear out quickly, requiring frequent replacements.

Cause: Rapid brake pad wear can result from riding conditions, braking habits, or the quality of the brake pads.


  1. Check your braking habits. Avoid excessive or prolonged braking, as it can accelerate pad wear. Gradual braking is more gentle on the pads.
  2. Inspect the road conditions where you ride. Riding on rough or hilly terrain may increase wear and tear on the brake pads.
  3. Consider upgrading to higher-quality brake pads designed for durability if you frequently replace them.
  4. If you suspect a brake caliper misalignment, have a professional mechanic assess and correct the alignment.

15. Handlebar Vibration

Description: While riding your BESV CT 2.2 LS, you experience excessive handlebar vibration, causing discomfort.

Cause: Handlebar vibration can be caused by tire imbalance, loose components, or improper tire pressure.


  1. Check the tire pressure and ensure it falls within the recommended range specified on the tire sidewalls.
  2. Inspect the tires for any irregular wear patterns or visible damage. Replace them if needed.
  3. Tighten all handlebar and stem bolts to eliminate any loose components that may contribute to the vibration.
  4. If the issue persists, consult with your BESV dealer or bike technician to diagnose and address the problem.

16. Chain Slipping Gears

Description: While riding, you experience the chain slipping off the gears on your BESV CT 2.2 LS, causing disruptions in pedaling.

Cause: Chain slippage can occur due to improper gear shifting, worn components, or chain tension issues.


  1. Ensure you are shifting gears smoothly and not applying excessive force on the pedals during gear changes.
  2. Inspect the condition of the chain and cassette for signs of wear or damage. Replace worn components as necessary.
  3. Check the chain tension to ensure it’s within the recommended range. Adjust the tension if needed following the bike’s manual instructions.
  4. If the problem persists, consult your BESV dealer or a qualified bike mechanic for a comprehensive drivetrain inspection.

17. Unresponsive Brake Levers

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS’s brake levers do not respond as expected when you apply them.

Cause: Brake lever issues can result from cable tension problems, brake fluid leaks, or worn brake pads.


  1. Check the brake cables for proper tension and adjustment. Ensure they are not overly tight or loose.
  2. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down. Ensure they make proper contact with the brake rotors.
  3. Check for any brake fluid leaks around the brake calipers or lever assembly. If you find a leak, consult a professional bike mechanic for brake system maintenance.
  4. If the brake levers remain unresponsive, contact your BESV dealer for further evaluation and potential repairs.

18. Sudden Loss of Power

Description: While riding, your BESV CT 2.2 LS experiences a sudden loss of electric power, leaving you without pedal assistance.

Cause: Sudden power loss can be attributed to battery issues, loose connections, or a malfunctioning controller.


  1. Check the battery charge and connections. Ensure the battery is properly secured and adequately charged.
  2. Inspect all wiring connections, including those related to the battery, motor, and controller, for tightness and signs of damage.
  3. Reset the bike’s electronics by turning it off and on to see if power is restored. This may resolve minor software glitches.
  4. If the issue persists, contact your BESV dealer or customer support for a thorough diagnostic check.

19. Unstable Suspension

Description: The suspension on your BESV CT 2.2 LS feels unstable or excessively bouncy during rides.

Cause: Suspension instability can result from incorrect preload settings, damaged suspension components, or lack of maintenance.


  1. Adjust the suspension preload settings according to your weight and riding preferences. Refer to the bike’s manual for guidance.
  2. Inspect the suspension components, including fork seals and shock absorbers, for damage or leaks. Replace damaged parts as needed.
  3. Maintain your suspension components by cleaning and lubricating them regularly, following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. If the instability persists, consult your BESV dealer or a professional bike mechanic for a comprehensive suspension inspection and adjustment.

20. Excessive Battery Drain

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS’s battery drains rapidly, providing less mileage than expected on a single charge.

Cause: Excessive battery drain can result from high power demand, incorrect settings, or battery wear.


  1. Adjust your riding style to use lower power levels or assist modes to reduce power demand and extend battery life.
  2. Check the bike’s settings menu to ensure power-saving features are enabled, such as auto-shutdown when not in use.
  3. Inspect the battery for signs of wear or degradation. If the battery’s capacity has significantly decreased, consider a replacement.
  4. If the issue persists, contact your BESV dealer for further assistance in diagnosing and addressing the battery drain problem.

21. Loose or Wobbly Handlebars

Description: The handlebars on your BESV CT 2.2 LS feel loose or wobbly, affecting your control and stability.

Cause: Handlebar issues can result from loose stem bolts, improper assembly, or wear and tear.


  1. Check the stem bolts and handlebar clamp for tightness. Ensure they are properly secured to prevent handlebar movement.
  2. Inspect the handlebar assembly for correct positioning and alignment. Make adjustments if necessary to ensure proper fit.
  3. Examine the handlebar grips for wear and tear. Replace them if they are damaged or no longer secure.
  4. If the problem persists, consult your BESV dealer or a bike technician for a thorough inspection and possible replacement parts.

22. Uneven Tire Wear

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS exhibits uneven tire wear patterns, reducing the lifespan of your tires.

Cause: Uneven tire wear can occur due to misalignment, improper inflation, or riding style.


  1. Check the tire pressure regularly and maintain it within the recommended range specified on the tire sidewalls to ensure even wear.
  2. Inspect the wheel alignment to ensure it’s in line with the frame. Misalignment can cause uneven tire wear.
  3. Review your riding style to avoid sudden accelerations, sharp turns, and abrupt stops, which can contribute to uneven tire wear.
  4. If uneven wear continues, consult with your BESV dealer or a bike technician to diagnose and address alignment or suspension issues.

23. Pedal Axle Play

Description: There is noticeable play or wobbling in the pedal axles of your BESV CT 2.2 LS, affecting pedaling efficiency.

Cause: Pedal axle play can result from loose pedals, worn bearings, or damaged components.


  1. Check the pedal attachment to the crank arms. Ensure the pedals are securely tightened to minimize play.
  2. Examine the pedal bearings for signs of wear or damage. If they are worn, consider replacing the pedals or bearings.
  3. Inspect the crankset for any signs of damage or misalignment that might contribute to pedal axle play.
  4. If the issue persists, consult your BESV dealer or a bike mechanic for a thorough assessment and potential replacement of pedal components.

24. Inconsistent Braking Performance

Description: Your BESV CT 2.2 LS exhibits inconsistent braking performance, with the brakes occasionally feeling weak or overly sensitive.

Cause: Inconsistent braking can result from brake pad contamination, rotor damage, or hydraulic brake fluid issues.


  1. Clean the brake rotors and pads to remove any contaminants, such as oil or debris, that may affect braking performance.
  2. Inspect the brake rotors for signs of warping or damage. Replace them if they are no longer true and smooth.
  3. Check the hydraulic brake fluid level and ensure there are no leaks in the brake system. Top up or bleed the brakes as needed to maintain consistent performance.
  4. If braking issues persist, consult your BESV dealer or a qualified bike mechanic for a comprehensive brake system evaluation.

25. Front Fork Lockout Malfunction

Description: The front fork lockout feature on your BESV CT 2.2 LS does not function correctly, impacting your ability to switch between suspension modes.

Cause: Fork lockout issues can result from damaged components, internal problems, or lack of maintenance.


  1. Inspect the front fork for visible damage and loose components. Tighten any loose bolts or screws.
  2. If your fork has a manual lockout feature, ensure it is properly engaged or disengaged according to your terrain and riding preferences.
  3. Maintain your front fork by cleaning and lubricating it regularly, following the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.
  4. If the lockout problem persists, consult your BESV dealer or a professional bike technician for a thorough fork inspection and potential repairs.

BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike Users

As we explore user feedback on the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike available online, it’s evident that many users have had positive experiences with this electric bike. Here are some of the aspects that users were satisfied with:

  • Impressive Range: Some users were satisfied with the remarkable range offered by the BESV CT 2.2 LS, allowing them to travel long distances on a single charge.
  • Comfortable Ride: Riders appreciated the comfortable and ergonomic design of the bike, making their daily commutes or leisure rides enjoyable.
  • Smooth Pedal Assistance: Many users praised the smooth and responsive pedal assistance provided by the Shimano E6110 motor, making uphill climbs effortless.
  • Stylish Design: Several users mentioned the bike’s stylish and modern design, garnering compliments from onlookers during their rides.
  • Quality Build: Customers were impressed with the build quality of the BESV CT 2.2 LS, highlighting its durability and sturdiness.

Overall, positive feedback suggests that the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike delivers on its promises of a comfortable, efficient, and stylish electric biking experience.

Negative User Reviews of the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike

While the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike has received predominantly positive feedback, there have been some negative experiences reported by users. Here are some of the problems and concerns raised by a few customers:

  • Battery Range Discrepancies: Some users reported that the actual battery range did not always meet their expectations, especially when riding in hilly terrain.
  • Electrical Glitches: A few users encountered intermittent electrical issues, such as display screen malfunctions or sudden power cutouts.
  • Weight: Several customers found the bike to be relatively heavy, making it less convenient for carrying or storage compared to lighter models.
  • Price Point: Some users expressed that the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike falls on the higher end of the price spectrum, which might not be suitable for budget-conscious buyers.
  • Limited Availability: A minor concern was the limited availability of this particular model in certain regions, leading to potential availability challenges for interested buyers.

It’s important to note that while negative feedback exists, these issues appear to be relatively isolated, and the majority of users have had positive experiences with the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike.

The BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike has garnered a significant number of positive reviews from users, praising its range, comfort, pedal assistance, design, and build quality. While some negative feedback has surfaced, it appears that the majority of users have found this electric bike to be a satisfying choice for their riding needs.

BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s official website. For detailed guidance on setup, usage, and maintenance, we recommend visiting the BESV website and accessing the official manual.

BESV CT 2.2 LS Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I maximize the battery range of my BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike?

To maximize the battery range, ensure your tires are properly inflated, maintain a consistent pedaling cadence, and avoid using the highest power assist modes continuously. Additionally, consider riding on flat terrain for longer rides.

2. What should I do if I experience a sudden loss of power while riding?

If you encounter a sudden loss of power, first check the battery charge and connections. Make sure the battery is securely attached and adequately charged. If the issue persists, contact your BESV dealer or customer support for further assistance.

3. How can I troubleshoot display screen freezing on my BESV CT 2.2 LS?

If the display screen freezes, try restarting the bike by turning it off and on. Ensure the bike is not exposed to extreme temperatures, as this can affect the display’s performance. Check for loose or damaged wiring connections around the display unit and controller, and if needed, contact BESV customer support for guidance.

4. What should I do if I experience excessive handlebar vibration while riding?

If you experience handlebar vibration, check the tire pressure to ensure it falls within the recommended range. Inspect the tires for wear and tighten all handlebar and stem bolts to eliminate loose components. If the issue persists, consult your BESV dealer or a bike technician for diagnosis and resolution.

5. How can I address rapid brake pad wear on my BESV CT 2.2 LS?

To address rapid brake pad wear, review your braking habits and avoid excessive or prolonged braking. Inspect the road conditions where you ride, and consider upgrading to higher-quality brake pads if needed. If you suspect brake caliper misalignment, have a professional mechanic assess and correct the alignment.


For any problems with your BESV CT 2.2 LS Electric Bike, it is advisable to refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, you can reach out to the customer service or visit a certified service center for expert assistance and troubleshooting. Your user manual and manufacturer support are valuable resources for resolving issues and ensuring the optimal performance of your electric bike.

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