Written By Doug Smirnoff

Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL is a cutting-edge electric bike designed to revolutionize urban transportation and promote wellness. In this article, we will explore common issues that riders may encounter with this specific model and provide troubleshooting solutions to ensure you have a seamless riding experience.

Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Overview

The Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL 750 Electric Folding Step-Through Ebike is a perfect blend of style and innovation. It’s designed for urban dwellers who value convenience and sustainability. Here’s a brief overview of this exceptional electric bike:

Product Description

The Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL 750 is an eco-friendly mode of transportation that allows you to reduce your carbon footprint. Its foldable design makes it ideal for apartment living, and it promotes physical activity with both throttle and pedal assist modes. Safety features include Tektro 203MM disc brakes and LED lights. With a long-lasting battery, it offers a range of 30-60 miles on a single charge. This unisex bike is accessible to riders of all ages and physical conditions.

Product Details and Features

Product Weight 48 lbs
Motor 750W Bafang Rear Hub Motor
Battery 48V 14Ah Lithium-Ion Battery
Brakes Tektro 203MM Front and Rear Mechanical Disc Brakes
Lighting LED Lights for Safety
Battery Range 30-60 miles on a single charge

Causes of Common Problems with the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL

This section will address possible issues that riders may encounter while using the Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL and provide troubleshooting solutions to ensure a smooth riding experience. We will cover a range of common problems and their respective solutions.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting for Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL

1. Battery Not Charging

Description: One common issue with the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL is that the battery may not charge properly, leading to a lack of power.

Cause: This problem can occur due to a faulty charger, loose connections, or an aging battery.


  • Check the charger and power source for any defects or damage.
  • Ensure that the charger is securely connected to the bike’s battery port.
  • If the battery is old, consider replacing it with a new one.

2. Motor Stopped Working

Description: Some users may encounter a situation where the motor of their Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL stops working unexpectedly.

Cause: Motor issues can be caused by overheating, loose wiring, or a motor failure.


  • Allow the motor to cool down if it has overheated, then try restarting the bike.
  • Check all motor-related wiring connections for any looseness or damage.
  • If the motor is still not working, contact a certified technician for motor diagnosis and repair.

3. Brake Performance Issues

Description: Riders may experience problems with the braking system, such as reduced brake performance or squeaky brakes.

Cause: Brake issues can occur due to worn brake pads, contaminated brake discs, or misaligned brake calipers.


  • Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Clean the brake discs to remove any contaminants that may affect braking performance.
  • Adjust and align the brake calipers for optimal brake response.

4. Display Screen Malfunction

Description: Some users may encounter issues with the display screen, such as it not turning on or showing incorrect information.

Cause: Display problems can be caused by loose connections, water damage, or a malfunctioning display unit.


  • Check the connections between the display unit and the bike’s wiring for any loose or damaged wires.
  • Avoid exposing the display to water or extreme moisture.
  • If the display continues to malfunction, contact customer support for a replacement or repair.

5. Throttle or Pedal Assist Not Responding

Description: Riders may encounter issues where the throttle or pedal assist feature is unresponsive, affecting the bike’s power and speed control.

Cause: This problem can occur due to wiring issues, a malfunctioning throttle or pedal sensor, or a controller problem.


  • Inspect the wiring connections for the throttle and pedal assist components and ensure they are securely connected.
  • Clean the throttle and pedal sensors to remove any dirt or debris that may affect their functionality.
  • If the problem persists, consult a professional to diagnose and repair any controller or sensor issues.

6. Uneven Motor Power Output

Description: Riders may experience uneven power output from the motor, leading to an imbalanced riding experience.

Cause: This issue can be attributed to a misaligned motor, worn-out motor components, or voltage irregularities.


  • Check for any physical misalignment of the motor and adjust it as needed.
  • Inspect motor components for wear and tear and replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure the battery voltage is within the specified range for optimal motor performance.

7. Chain Slippage

Description: Chain slippage can occur, causing the chain to skip gears or come off entirely, leading to loss of propulsion.

Cause: Chain issues may arise due to improper tension, a worn-out chain, or misaligned gears.


  • Adjust the chain tension to ensure it’s neither too loose nor too tight.
  • If the chain is excessively worn, consider replacing it with a new one.
  • Check the alignment of the gears and make necessary adjustments.

8. Sudden Loss of Battery Power

Description: Riders might encounter a sudden and unexpected loss of battery power during their ride.

Cause: This issue can be caused by a drained battery, loose connections, or a faulty battery indicator.


  • Ensure the battery is sufficiently charged before starting your ride.
  • Check all wiring connections for the battery and motor to ensure they are secure.
  • If the battery indicator is unreliable, consider using an external battery monitor.

9. Noisy Brakes

Description: The brakes may produce excessive noise, such as squealing or grinding sounds, when applied.

Cause: Noisy brakes can result from contaminated brake pads, misaligned calipers, or worn brake components.


  • Inspect the brake pads for contamination and clean or replace them as needed.
  • Check the alignment of the brake calipers to ensure they are properly positioned on the brake discs.
  • If the noise persists, examine the condition of the brake discs and replace them if necessary.

10. Inconsistent Pedal Assistance

Description: Riders may notice inconsistent pedal assistance levels, making it challenging to maintain a steady pace.

Cause: This issue can be attributed to sensor malfunctions, wiring problems, or software glitches.


  • Inspect the pedal assist sensor and its connections for any defects or loose wires.
  • Ensure that the bike’s firmware and software are up to date to prevent software-related issues.
  • If problems persist, consult the manufacturer’s support for further assistance.

11. Tire Punctures

Description: Riders may frequently experience tire punctures, leading to inconvenience and potential damage to the bike.

Cause: Tire punctures can result from riding on rough terrain, sharp objects on the road, or insufficient tire pressure.


  • Inspect tires for embedded objects and remove them carefully.
  • Maintain proper tire pressure to reduce the risk of punctures.
  • Consider upgrading to puncture-resistant tires for added durability.

12. Unresponsive Electronic Display

Description: The electronic display on the bike may become unresponsive or freeze, preventing access to vital information.

Cause: This issue can be caused by software glitches, loose connections, or display unit malfunctions.


  • Attempt to reset the display unit by turning off the bike and turning it back on.
  • Check all wiring connections related to the display for any loose or damaged wires.
  • If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer for software updates or display unit replacement.

13. Loose Handlebars

Description: Some riders may notice that the handlebars become loose during rides, affecting steering control.

Cause: Handlebar looseness can occur due to improper assembly, vibration, or worn components.


  • Regularly check and tighten handlebar bolts to ensure they are securely fastened.
  • Consider using a torque wrench to achieve proper handlebar bolt tension.
  • If the handlebars continue to loosen, inspect and replace any worn or damaged parts.

14. Unusual Motor Noises

Description: Riders may hear unusual noises coming from the motor, such as grinding or clicking sounds.

Cause: Motor noises can result from debris in the motor, loose components, or motor wear and tear.


  • Carefully inspect the motor for any debris or foreign objects, and remove them if found.
  • Check all motor-related bolts and connections for tightness.
  • If unusual noises persist, consult a professional technician for motor diagnosis and repair.

15. Pedal Misalignment

Description: Riders may experience issues with pedal alignment, leading to discomfort and inefficient pedaling.

Cause: Pedal misalignment can occur due to loose pedal threads, worn pedal axles, or improper installation.


  • Ensure that pedal threads are securely tightened to the crank arms.
  • Inspect pedal axles for wear and replace them if necessary.
  • If problems persist, carefully reinstall the pedals, ensuring proper alignment.

16. Gear Shifting Difficulties

Description: Riders may encounter difficulties while trying to shift gears, leading to an inconsistent riding experience.

Cause: Gear shifting issues can arise from cable tension problems, misalignment, or worn-out gears.


  • Adjust the cable tension to ensure smooth and precise gear shifts.
  • Inspect the gear alignment and adjust as needed to prevent chain skipping.
  • If gears are severely worn, consider replacing them to restore optimal performance.

17. Loose or Wobbly Pedals

Description: Some riders may experience loose or wobbly pedals, which can affect pedaling efficiency and safety.

Cause: Loose pedals can result from worn pedal threads, improper installation, or insufficient pedal maintenance.


  • Ensure that pedal threads are securely tightened to the crank arms.
  • Properly reinstall the pedals, ensuring they are tightly secured to the crank arms.
  • Regularly inspect pedals for wear and replace them if necessary.

18. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description: Riders may continually experience chain slippage issues, disrupting their riding experience.

Cause: Frequent chain slippage can occur due to improper tension, a worn chain, or misaligned gears.


  • Adjust the chain tension to ensure it’s within the manufacturer’s recommended specifications.
  • If the chain is excessively worn, replace it with a new one.
  • Inspect and adjust gear alignment to prevent chain skipping.

19. Rattling or Loose Accessories

Description: Riders may notice rattling or loose accessories on the bike, which can be distracting and potentially hazardous.

Cause: This issue can result from improper attachment, vibration, or inadequate maintenance of bike accessories.


  • Ensure all bike accessories and components are securely attached following the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Consider using additional fasteners or adhesives to secure loose accessories.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain accessories to prevent them from becoming loose.

20. Unpredictable Power Cut-offs

Description: Riders may experience unpredictable power cut-offs during their rides, causing sudden loss of motor assistance.

Cause: Power cut-offs can occur due to electrical issues, loose connections, or problems with the bike’s controller.


  • Inspect all electrical connections and ensure they are securely fastened.
  • Check for loose wires or damaged cables in the bike’s electrical system.
  • If power cut-offs persist, consult a professional technician to diagnose and repair controller-related issues.

21. Uneven Brake Wear

Description: Riders may notice that the brakes wear unevenly, affecting braking performance and safety.

Cause: Uneven brake wear can result from misaligned brake pads, uneven brake disc surfaces, or riding habits.


  • Regularly inspect the brake pads for even wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Check the brake discs for signs of uneven surfaces and have them resurfaced if needed.
  • Adjust your riding habits to avoid excessive and sudden braking, which can lead to uneven wear.

22. Saddle Discomfort

Description: Some riders may experience discomfort or pain while using the bike’s saddle, affecting their overall riding experience.

Cause: Saddle discomfort can occur due to improper saddle height, saddle shape, or personal fit preferences.


  • Adjust the saddle height to ensure it’s suitable for your leg length and riding posture.
  • Consider trying different saddle designs and materials to find one that provides better comfort.
  • Use padded cycling shorts or seat covers for added comfort during longer rides.

23. Inconsistent Tire Pressure

Description: Riders may encounter issues with inconsistent tire pressure, which can affect the bike’s handling and performance.

Cause: Inconsistent tire pressure can result from air leaks, temperature fluctuations, or improper tire maintenance.


  • Regularly check tire pressure and inflate the tires to the manufacturer’s recommended PSI.
  • Inspect the tires for any visible damage or punctures that may cause air leaks.
  • Consider using a quality tire sealant to prevent small leaks and maintain consistent pressure.

24. Loose Spokes

Description: Some riders may experience loose spokes in the bike’s wheel, which can lead to wheel wobbling and compromised stability.

Cause: Loose spokes can occur due to inadequate initial wheel truing, excessive load, or impact damage.


  • Inspect all spokes and tighten any that are loose using a spoke wrench.
  • Check the overall wheel trueness and true the wheel if necessary to ensure even tension on all spokes.
  • Avoid excessive weight or impact that may cause spoke damage and loosening.

25. Limited Range in Cold Weather

Description: Riders may experience a reduced battery range when using the bike in cold weather conditions.

Cause: Cold temperatures can affect battery performance, leading to reduced capacity and range.


  • Keep the battery and the bike in a warmer environment before use to minimize the impact of cold weather.
  • Consider using an insulated battery cover to help maintain battery temperature during cold rides.
  • Plan your routes and rides carefully to account for potential reduced range in colder conditions.

Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike User Reviews

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the real-world experiences of users with the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike.

In this section, we will summarize both positive and negative reviews from Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike users, based on information available on the Internet. Please note that the reviews are paraphrased and do not include feedback related to shipping, warranty, or customer service issues.

Positive Reviews from Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the comfortable and ergonomic design of the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike, making it suitable for long rides.
  • Several riders appreciated the powerful motor, which provided excellent assistance when tackling hilly terrain.
  • Many users found the foldable feature of the bike convenient for storage and transportation, especially in smaller living spaces.
  • A significant number of customers praised the bike’s long-lasting battery, which allowed for extended rides on a single charge.
  • Positive comments were also made about the unisex design of the bike, which catered to a wide range of riders.

Overall, the positive feedback suggests that the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike offers comfort, power, and convenience for a satisfying riding experience.

Negative User Reviews of the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike

  • Some users were not satisfied with the bike’s weight, finding it heavier than expected, which made it challenging to carry when not riding.
  • A few riders reported issues with the bike’s assembly, mentioning that it required adjustments and tuning out of the box.
  • Several customers expressed concerns about the bike’s price, feeling that it was on the higher side compared to similar models.
  • There were a few complaints about the limited availability of spare parts and accessories for the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike.
  • Some users mentioned that the pedal assist feature could be inconsistent at times, affecting their riding experience.

While there were some negative comments, it’s important to note that the majority of users were satisfied with their Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike, highlighting its positive attributes.

The aggregated user feedback from Walmart.com suggests that the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike generally received positive reviews, with many users enjoying its comfort, power, and convenience. While there were some negative comments, they were in the minority, indicating that the bike has garnered a significant level of customer satisfaction.

Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions for the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed guidance on how to use and maintain your electric bike, please visit the official website of Big Cat Electric Bikes and access the manual section.

Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I charge the battery of my Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL?

To charge the battery, locate the charging port on your bike and connect it to the provided charger. Plug the charger into a standard electrical outlet. Ensure that the battery is properly seated and wait for it to fully charge, as indicated in the user manual.

2. Can I ride the bike in the rain?

The Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL is designed to be water-resistant, but it’s advisable to avoid heavy rain or submerging the bike in water. If you encounter wet conditions, take precautions to protect the electrical components and avoid riding through deep puddles.

3. What should I do if the motor stops working during my ride?

If the motor stops unexpectedly, first check the battery level and ensure it’s not completely drained. Inspect the wiring connections for any loose or damaged wires. If the issue persists, consult the troubleshooting section in the user manual or contact customer service for assistance.

4. How can I maximize the lifespan of the battery?

To extend the battery’s lifespan, avoid overcharging it and store the bike in a cool, dry place when not in use. It’s also recommended to charge the battery regularly, even if you’re not using the bike frequently. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for battery maintenance.

5. What do I do if I experience inconsistent pedal assist?

If the pedal assist feature is inconsistent, check the wiring connections for the pedal sensor and ensure they are secure. Clean the sensor to remove any dirt or debris. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips or seek assistance from a service center.

6. How do I adjust the brakes for optimal performance?

To adjust the brakes, refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on brake maintenance and adjustments. Properly aligned and maintained brakes are essential for your safety while riding the Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL.


In case you encounter any problems or have questions about your Big Cat Mini Long Beach Cruiser XXL Electric Bike, it’s recommended to always refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, if you face issues that require assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the customer service or a certified service center for professional support and troubleshooting.

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