Written By Doug Smirnoff

Brompton Electric Explore Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Are you experiencing issues with your Brompton Electric Explore bike? Don’t worry; we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll address common problems and provide troubleshooting solutions specific to the Brompton Electric Explore model. Whether you’re using it for daily commutes or weekend adventures, we’ll ensure your e-bike stays in top shape.

Brompton Electric Explore Overview

The Brompton Electric Explore is the world’s most compact folding e-bike, supercharged for city living. Powered by smart technology developed with Williams Advanced Engineering, this e-bike offers a range of features that make it an ideal choice for urban riders.

Product Details and Features

WeightFrom 38.4 lb
Speed6 Speed (Explore)
Folded Size25.3″ H x 23″ W x 10.6″ D

Causes of Common Problems with the Brompton Electric Explore

Before we delve into troubleshooting, let’s identify some common issues that riders may encounter with the Brompton Electric Explore e-bike. In the following sections, we’ll address these problems and provide solutions to get you back on the road quickly.

Common Problems with Brompton Electric Explore

1. Battery Not Charging

Description of the Problem: You’re facing difficulties in charging your Brompton Electric Explore’s battery, and it’s not reaching a full charge.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may occur due to a faulty charger, loose connections, or problems with the battery itself.


  1. Ensure the charger is properly plugged into a working electrical outlet.
  2. Inspect the charging port on the bike for any debris or damage.
  3. If the problem persists, try using a different charger to rule out charger issues.
  4. If none of the above steps work, contact Brompton Electric support for further assistance.

2. Inconsistent Power Assistance

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s power assistance is sporadic, making your ride less smooth than expected.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent power assistance can be attributed to sensor misalignment, software glitches, or wiring issues.


  1. Check if the sensor on the bottom bracket is properly aligned and free from obstructions.
  2. Ensure that the e-bike’s software is up-to-date by referring to the user manual for instructions on updating.
  3. Examine the wiring for any visible damage or loose connections; tighten them if necessary.
  4. If the issue persists, consult a Brompton Electric service center for a professional diagnosis.

3. Brake Alignment

Description of the Problem: You notice that your Brompton Electric Explore’s brakes are not functioning optimally, affecting your ability to stop safely.

Cause of the Problem: Brake misalignment can occur due to regular wear and tear, dirt buildup, or improper adjustment.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn out.
  2. Clean the brake calipers and rotor to remove dirt or debris that might be affecting their performance.
  3. Adjust the brake tension following the manufacturer’s guidelines in the user manual.
  4. If the issue persists, consult a professional bike mechanic to ensure proper brake alignment.

4. Unusual Noises While Riding

Description of the Problem: You hear unusual creaking, clicking, or grinding noises while riding your Brompton Electric Explore.

Cause of the Problem: These noises can result from loose components, misaligned parts, or wear and tear on various bike elements.


  1. Inspect the bike’s frame, handlebars, and seatpost for loose bolts or components; tighten them as needed.
  2. Check the chain and drivetrain for signs of wear or damage; lubricate and replace parts if necessary.
  3. Examine the wheels and tires for any foreign objects or damage.
  4. If the noises persist, seek assistance from a qualified bike mechanic to identify and address the issue.

5. Range Reduction

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s battery range seems to be decreasing over time, limiting your riding distance.

Cause of the Problem: Battery degradation is a common reason for reduced range, but other factors like tire pressure and riding conditions can also play a role.


  1. Check and maintain proper tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Charge the battery fully and discharge it completely a few times to recalibrate its capacity.
  3. Monitor your riding habits and avoid heavy acceleration or high-speed riding when not necessary.
  4. If range reduction remains a concern, consult Brompton Electric support for battery assessment and potential replacement.

6. Display Not Functioning

Description of the Problem: The display screen on your Brompton Electric Explore is not working, making it challenging to monitor your ride information.

Cause of the Problem: Display issues may be due to a loose connection, software glitches, or a faulty display unit.


  1. Check and ensure that all display connections are securely attached.
  2. Restart the e-bike and see if the display resumes normal operation.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for specific display troubleshooting steps.
  4. If none of the above solutions work, contact Brompton Electric support for further assistance.

7. Unresponsive Pedal Assist

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist system on your Brompton Electric Explore does not engage when you pedal.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may occur due to sensor misalignment, low battery voltage, or a malfunctioning pedal assist unit.


  1. Check the sensor on the bottom bracket for proper alignment and cleanliness.
  2. Ensure that the battery is adequately charged to provide power for the pedal assist system.
  3. If the problem continues, consult the user manual for pedal assist troubleshooting instructions.
  4. If needed, contact a Brompton Electric service center for professional assistance.

8. Brakes Squeaking or Screeching

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s brakes emit loud squeaking or screeching noises when applied.

Cause of the Problem: Brake noise can result from contamination, worn brake pads, or improper adjustment.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or wear; replace them if necessary.
  2. Clean the brake calipers and rotors to remove any debris or dirt causing the noise.
  3. Adjust the brake tension and alignment following the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. If the noise persists, consider consulting a bike mechanic for a professional brake service.

9. Motor Overheating

Description of the Problem: You notice that the motor of your Brompton Electric Explore becomes excessively hot during use.

Cause of the Problem: Motor overheating can be caused by extended use at high power levels or poor ventilation.


  1. Avoid extended periods of high-speed riding or climbing steep hills to reduce motor stress.
  2. Ensure the motor has adequate ventilation and is not obstructed by debris.
  3. If the issue persists, consult the user manual for motor overheating troubleshooting tips.
  4. If necessary, contact Brompton Electric support for guidance on motor-related issues.

10. Intermittent Electrical Connectivity

Description of the Problem: You experience intermittent electrical connectivity issues where the e-bike’s power cuts out temporarily.

Cause of the Problem: This problem can stem from loose electrical connections, damaged wiring, or a failing battery.


  1. Inspect all electrical connections, ensuring they are securely attached.
  2. Check for any visible damage to the wiring and repair or replace damaged sections.
  3. If the battery is old, consider having it tested or replaced by a certified technician.
  4. If issues persist, consult the user manual for further electrical troubleshooting guidance.

11. Unresponsive Gear Shifting

Description of the Problem: The gear shifting on your Brompton Electric Explore is unresponsive or not functioning as expected.

Cause of the Problem: Gear shifting issues can be caused by cable tension problems, misalignment, or a malfunctioning gear shifter.


  1. Inspect the gear cables for proper tension and adjust as needed.
  2. Ensure that the gear shifters are properly aligned with the gears on the bike.
  3. If the issue persists, consult the user manual for gear shifting troubleshooting instructions.
  4. If necessary, seek assistance from a bike mechanic for a professional assessment and repair.

12. Loose or Wobbly Handlebars

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s handlebars feel loose or wobbly while riding, affecting your control.

Cause of the Problem: Handlebar issues can arise from loose stem bolts, damaged components, or improper assembly.


  1. Check and tighten the stem bolts to ensure the handlebars are securely attached.
  2. Inspect the handlebar and stem components for signs of damage or wear.
  3. If unsure, consult the user manual for handlebar assembly and adjustment instructions.
  4. If problems persist, consider having a bike shop or mechanic assess and fix the issue.

13. Unusual Odors from the Motor

Description of the Problem: You notice unusual odors, such as burning or overheating smells, emanating from the motor area of your Brompton Electric Explore.

Cause of the Problem: Motor odors can be caused by overheating, electrical issues, or components rubbing together excessively.


  1. Immediately stop riding if you detect unusual odors and allow the motor to cool down.
  2. Inspect the motor and surrounding components for any visible damage or loose parts.
  3. Check for any signs of electrical issues, such as exposed wires or loose connections.
  4. If the odor persists or worsens, cease using the e-bike and contact Brompton Electric support for guidance.

14. Unstable Handling at High Speeds

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore exhibits unstable handling, especially at high speeds, making it challenging to control.

Cause of the Problem: Unstable handling can result from misaligned components, improper tire pressure, or an unbalanced load.


  1. Ensure that the front and rear wheels are properly aligned and the fork is straight.
  2. Check and maintain the recommended tire pressure for optimal stability.
  3. Distribute your load evenly on the bike to avoid an unbalanced weight distribution.
  4. If the issue persists, consult a bike mechanic or specialist for a thorough assessment and adjustments.

15. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description of the Problem: The chain on your Brompton Electric Explore frequently slips off the gears, causing interruptions in your ride.

Cause of the Problem: Chain slippage can be caused by a loose chain, worn components, or misadjusted derailleurs.


  1. Check the chain tension and ensure it is properly tensioned; adjust if necessary.
  2. Inspect the chain for signs of wear or damage, and replace it if needed.
  3. Verify that the derailleurs are correctly adjusted to prevent chain slippage.
  4. If problems persist, consider consulting a bike mechanic for a professional assessment and repairs.

16. Battery Drains Quickly

Description of the Problem: The battery of your Brompton Electric Explore seems to discharge rapidly, limiting your riding range.

Cause of the Problem: Rapid battery drainage can result from excessive power consumption, incorrect charging habits, or a deteriorating battery.


  1. Monitor your riding habits and avoid using high power levels unnecessarily.
  2. Charge the battery according to manufacturer recommendations, and avoid overcharging.
  3. If the issue persists, consider having the battery tested and, if needed, replaced by a professional technician.
  4. Ensure that your e-bike’s software is up-to-date, as software updates may optimize battery usage.

17. Excessive Motor Noise

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s motor produces unusually loud or distracting noises during operation.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive motor noise can result from misaligned components, worn gears, or internal motor issues.


  1. Inspect the motor and its components for any visible signs of misalignment or damage.
  2. Ensure that all motor-related fasteners and bolts are securely tightened.
  3. If the noise persists, consult the user manual for motor noise troubleshooting steps.
  4. If necessary, contact Brompton Electric support or a qualified technician for further assessment and repairs.

18. Display Error Messages

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore’s display screen shows error messages or codes that you don’t understand.

Cause of the Problem: Display error messages can be triggered by various issues, including sensor malfunctions, connectivity problems, or software bugs.


  1. Refer to the user manual or documentation provided by Brompton Electric to decipher the error codes.
  2. Check for loose connections or cables that may be causing communication errors with the display.
  3. Restart the e-bike and see if the error message persists; sometimes, a reboot can resolve software-related issues.
  4. If the error message remains unresolved, contact Brompton Electric support for specific guidance on the displayed error code.

19. Uncomfortable Saddle

Description of the Problem: The saddle on your Brompton Electric Explore is uncomfortable, causing discomfort during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Saddle discomfort can result from personal preference, improper saddle height, or an unsuitable saddle design.


  1. Adjust the saddle height to a level that suits your comfort and riding posture.
  2. If the saddle remains uncomfortable, consider replacing it with a model that better matches your preferences.
  3. Use padded shorts or a gel saddle cover to enhance comfort during rides.
  4. If discomfort persists, seek advice from a professional bike shop to find the ideal saddle for your needs.

20. Frequent Flat Tires

Description of the Problem: You experience flat tires on your Brompton Electric Explore more often than expected.

Cause of the Problem: Frequent flat tires can result from sharp objects on the road, improper tire maintenance, or low-quality inner tubes.


  1. Inspect the tires for foreign objects or debris, and remove any that may puncture the inner tube.
  2. Maintain proper tire pressure within the recommended range to reduce the risk of pinch flats.
  3. If flats persist, consider upgrading to puncture-resistant tires or higher-quality inner tubes.
  4. Learn how to patch or replace inner tubes to quickly address flat tires during rides.

21. Inconsistent Brake Performance

Description of the Problem: You notice that your Brompton Electric Explore’s brakes don’t consistently provide the expected stopping power.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent brake performance can occur due to brake pad wear, contaminated brake surfaces, or misaligned brake components.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down.
  2. Clean the brake calipers and rotor to remove any dirt or contaminants that may affect brake performance.
  3. Ensure that the brake components are properly aligned and adjust them if necessary.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a bike mechanic for a thorough brake system assessment and maintenance.

22. Loss of Power on Hills

Description of the Problem: Your Brompton Electric Explore experiences a significant loss of power when climbing steep hills.

Cause of the Problem: Power loss on hills can be attributed to the e-bike’s motor capacity, low battery charge, or improper pedal assist settings.


  1. Switch to a lower gear and use higher pedal assist levels when tackling steep inclines to maintain power.
  2. Ensure your battery is adequately charged before embarking on hilly routes.
  3. Consider using a larger capacity battery if available for your Brompton Electric Explore model.
  4. If the problem persists and severely affects your rides, contact Brompton Electric support for guidance.

23. Unusual Vibration During Riding

Description of the Problem: You feel unusual vibrations in your Brompton Electric Explore while riding, which can be disconcerting.

Cause of the Problem: Vibration issues can stem from misaligned components, loose parts, or tire imbalances.


  1. Check the tightness of all nuts and bolts, including those securing the wheels, handlebars, and saddle.
  2. Inspect the tires for irregularities or damage, and ensure they are properly inflated.
  3. Examine the frame and fork for any visible misalignment or damage.
  4. If the vibrations persist, consult a bike mechanic for a comprehensive assessment and adjustments.

24. Erratic Pedal Assist Behavior

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist on your Brompton Electric Explore behaves erratically, engaging and disengaging unexpectedly.

Cause of the Problem: Erratic pedal assist behavior can result from sensor issues, software glitches, or loose connections.


  1. Inspect the bottom bracket sensor for proper alignment and cleanliness, and ensure there are no obstructions.
  2. Check for loose sensor or electrical connections, and secure them if necessary.
  3. Update your e-bike’s software to the latest version to address potential software-related problems.
  4. If the issue persists, contact Brompton Electric support or a qualified technician for further assistance.

25. Difficulty in Folding the E-Bike

Description of the Problem: You encounter difficulties when attempting to fold your Brompton Electric Explore, hindering its portability.

Cause of the Problem: Folding issues can arise from misaligned hinge parts, dirt accumulation, or improper folding techniques.


  1. Inspect the hinge parts for cleanliness and ensure they are not obstructed by dirt or debris.
  2. Ensure that the hinge parts are properly aligned and lubricated for smooth folding.
  3. Review the user manual for step-by-step folding instructions and tips on overcoming common folding challenges.
  4. If problems persist, seek assistance from a Brompton Electric service center or dealer for hands-on guidance.

Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike Users

When considering the experiences of Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike users available online, it’s clear that many riders have found satisfaction with various aspects of this electric bike. Here are some summarized positive points associated with the Brompton Electric Explore:

  • Efficient Commuting: Some users were satisfied with the Brompton Electric Explore’s efficiency for daily commuting. Its electric assist, combined with the foldable design, made it a convenient choice for urban transportation.
  • Compact and Portable: Many riders praised the bike’s compact folding design, which allowed for easy storage and transportation, especially in crowded city environments.
  • Reliable Electric Assist: Users appreciated the reliable electric assist system, which provided a boost when needed and made riding uphill or against headwinds more manageable.
  • Long Battery Life: Several users noted the impressive battery life of the Brompton Electric Explore, allowing for extended rides without frequent recharging.
  • Sturdy Build: Riders mentioned the bike’s sturdy build quality, which contributed to a sense of durability and longevity.

The positive feedback from Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike customers suggests that this e-bike is well-received by riders for its convenience, efficiency, and overall performance. The compact design, reliable electric assist, and long battery life are key factors contributing to user satisfaction.

Negative User Reviews of the Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike

While many users have had positive experiences with the Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike, it’s important to consider some of the issues that have been raised by riders. Here are summarized negative points associated with this e-bike, based on user feedback available online:

  • Uncomfortable Saddle: Some users were not satisfied with the comfort of the saddle, finding it less accommodating during longer rides.
  • Price Tag: A few riders mentioned that the Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike’s price point is relatively high compared to other e-bike options in the market.
  • Weight: While the bike is portable when folded, a few users found it relatively heavy when carrying it up stairs or when using it without electric assistance.
  • Limited Off-Road Capability: Users looking for off-road adventures were disappointed, as the Brompton Electric Explore is primarily designed for urban commuting and may not perform well on rugged terrain.
  • Charging Time: Some riders expressed that the four-hour charging time for the battery could be improved for added convenience.

Despite these negative points, it’s important to note that the majority of users were satisfied with the Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike, emphasizing its utility for urban commuting and the advantages it offers in terms of compactness and reliable electric assistance.

The overall consensus from user reviews on the Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike, gathered from Walmart, indicates that the majority of users have found this e-bike to be a convenient and efficient solution for urban transportation needs. While some minor drawbacks were noted, the positive feedback far outweighs the negatives, making the Brompton Electric Explore a popular choice among riders.

Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Brompton Electric Explore can be found on the manufacturer’s website. For comprehensive guidance on using and maintaining your electric bike, please visit the official Brompton Electric website and access the manual provided there.

Brompton Electric Explore Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I fold and unfold my Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike?

Folding and unfolding your Brompton Electric Explore is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  • Begin by lowering the saddle to its lowest position.
  • Release the main frame hinge clamp lever and the handlebar hinge clamp levers located on both sides of the handlebars.
  • Swing the handlebars down towards the front wheel and ensure they are securely latched in place.
  • Fold the pedals if equipped with folding pedals.
  • Engage the rear frame clip and ensure it’s locked into position.
  • Your Brompton Electric Explore is now folded and ready for transportation or storage.

2. What should I do if my Brompton Electric Explore displays an error message?

If your Brompton Electric Explore displays an error message on the display screen, refer to the user manual for a list of error codes and their corresponding meanings. In most cases, the manual will provide troubleshooting steps to address common issues. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the manual’s guidance, consider contacting Brompton Electric customer support or visiting an authorized service center for assistance.

3. How long does it take to charge the battery of the Brompton Electric Explore?

The Brompton Electric Explore’s battery typically takes about four hours to reach a full charge. It’s important to use the provided charger and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and efficient charging. Avoid overcharging the battery, as it can negatively impact its lifespan.

4. Is the Brompton Electric Explore suitable for off-road riding?

The Brompton Electric Explore is primarily designed for urban commuting and city use. While it can handle light gravel paths and urban terrain, it is not intended for rugged off-road trails. If you’re looking for an electric bike for off-road adventures, you may want to consider a different model designed for such purposes.

5. What maintenance tasks should I regularly perform on my Brompton Electric Explore?

To keep your Brompton Electric Explore in good condition, consider these maintenance tasks:

  • Check tire pressure and inflate as needed.
  • Clean and lubricate the chain regularly to prevent excessive wear.
  • Inspect the brakes and brake pads for wear and adjust or replace as necessary.
  • Ensure all bolts and fasteners are properly tightened.
  • Keep the frame and components clean to prevent dirt buildup.

For more detailed maintenance instructions, refer to the user manual provided with your Brompton Electric Explore or consult a certified bike mechanic for professional servicing.


When faced with any problem or issue with your Brompton Electric Explore Electric Bike, it’s advisable to always refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, for more complex problems or if you need technical assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Brompton Electric’s customer service or visit an authorized service center. They are equipped to provide expert guidance and solutions to ensure you have a seamless riding experience with your Brompton Electric Explore.

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