Written By Doug Smirnoff

Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting common problems with the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike. If you’re a proud owner of this cutting-edge electric bike, you already know the thrill of riding it through various terrains. However, like any sophisticated piece of machinery, the ALPINE HAWK EVO may encounter issues from time to time.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the typical challenges riders may face while using this electric bike and provide you with effective solutions. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just starting your journey with the ALPINE HAWK EVO, our troubleshooting tips will help you keep your ride smooth and enjoyable.

Before you hit the road, it’s essential to be prepared for any technical hiccups that may arise. We’ve got you covered with valuable insights into diagnosing and resolving common problems, ensuring that your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike experience remains hassle-free.

Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Overview

A Modern Endurance Road Bike with a Kick

The pros may make climbing the Alps look easy, but sometimes the rest of us wouldn’t mind an ongoing tailwind. Hiding within the Alpine Hawk EVO’s carbon frame, the Fazua drive system offers its rider gentle assistance to weary legs on those long HC climbs, up to 20mph, and then decouples from the drivetrain once your speed exceeds that. You can even remove the motor/battery combo for those rides you’d prefer to drop some weight and ride fully human powered.

The Alpine Hawk Evo’s riding position is sporty, with a tendency toward comfort. The race-worthy Shimano Ultegra 2×11 groupset with its 160mm hydraulic disc brakes is not only durable but also makes it the best bang for your buck.

Product Details

  • Motor: Fazua Evation 255W
  • Battery: Fazua 255wh/36v/7Ah battery
  • Max Speed: 20mph
  • Frame: Carbon
  • Frame Size: 50/54/58cm
  • Fork: BULLS Carbon
  • Rear Derailleur: Shimano Ultegra, RD-8000GS
  • Shifters: Shimano Ultegra ST-R8020
  • Crankset: FSA
  • Cassette: Shimano CS-R8000 11-32T
  • Brakes: Shimano Ultegra BR-R8070 hydraulic disc brake 160mm Fr/Rr
  • Handlebar: BULLS
  • Stem: BULLS
  • Seat Post: Duroflex, carbon
  • Saddle: BULLS
  • Wheelset: DT Swiss E1800 Spline 22mm int. width, tubeless ready
  • Tires: Schwable Durano Raceguard 700x32mm
  • Weight: 33.5 lbs
  • Pedals: Wellgo

The Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO is designed to offer an exceptional riding experience. With its carbon frame and the Fazua drive system, this bike provides gentle assistance on challenging climbs, up to speeds of 20mph. The Fazua motor and battery combo can also be removed, allowing for fully human-powered rides when desired.

MotorFazua Evation 255W
BatteryFazua 255wh/36v/7Ah battery
Max Speed20mph

Product Features

  • Race-worthy Shimano Ultegra 2×11 groupset
  • 160mm hydraulic disc brakes for durability
  • Carbon frame for lightweight performance

Causes of Common Problems with the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO

This section will address possible problems and solutions with this electric bike.

Common Problems with Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description of the Problem: You notice that the battery of your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO is not holding a charge as it used to, resulting in reduced riding range.

Cause of the Problem: Battery degradation over time is a common issue with electric bikes. Continuous charging and discharging cycles can lead to reduced capacity.


  1. Ensure the battery is properly connected to the bike.
  2. Check the charging cycle – avoid keeping the battery fully charged for extended periods when not in use.
  3. If the problem persists, consider consulting a Bulls service center for a battery health check or replacement.

2. Gearing or Shifting Issues

Description of the Problem: You experience difficulties when shifting gears or notice that the gears do not engage smoothly.

Cause of the Problem: Gearing issues can result from misalignment or cable tension problems in the Shimano Ultegra groupset.


  1. Inspect the gear cable for any fraying or damage, and replace if necessary.
  2. Ensure the front and rear derailleurs are properly aligned and adjusted.
  3. If problems persist, consider having your bike’s gears professionally tuned at a bike shop.

3. Brake Squeaking or Reduced Braking Power

Description of the Problem: You notice that the brakes on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO squeak or do not provide the expected stopping power.

Cause of the Problem: Brake squeaking can occur due to contamination on the brake pads, while reduced braking power might be due to brake pad wear.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or wear and replace them if necessary.
  2. Clean the brake rotors and pads with rubbing alcohol to remove any contaminants.
  3. Adjust the brake calipers for proper alignment and tension.

4. Tire Puncture

Description of the Problem: You experience a flat tire on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO, causing an interruption in your ride.

Cause of the Problem: Tire punctures can occur due to sharp objects on the road or improper tire pressure.


  1. Inspect the tire for the cause of the puncture, such as glass, nails, or thorns, and remove it.
  2. Replace or patch the inner tube as needed.
  3. Maintain proper tire pressure to reduce the risk of future punctures.

5. Unusual Noises from the Motor

Description of the Problem: You hear unusual noises, such as grinding or clicking, coming from the Fazua motor of your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO.

Cause of the Problem: Unusual motor noises may be caused by debris or issues within the motor system.


  1. Inspect the motor area for any debris or foreign objects that may be causing the noise.
  2. If the problem persists, contact Bulls customer support or a certified technician for a thorough motor inspection.

6. Chain Slippage

Description of the Problem: Your bike’s chain occasionally slips or skips gears while riding, causing an inconsistent pedaling experience.

Cause of the Problem: Chain slippage can result from a worn-out chain, improperly adjusted derailleur, or cassette wear.


  1. Inspect the chain for signs of wear and replace it if necessary.
  2. Ensure the derailleur is properly adjusted to the correct tension and alignment.
  3. If the cassette shows signs of wear, consider replacing it to prevent further chain slippage.

7. Inconsistent Motor Assistance

Description of the Problem: The electric motor’s assistance on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO feels inconsistent, with abrupt changes in power output.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent motor assistance can occur due to sensor issues, low battery voltage, or software glitches.


  1. Check the battery voltage and charge level to ensure it’s within the optimal range.
  2. Inspect the motor sensors and connections for loose or damaged components.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the bike’s user manual for any recommended software updates or reset procedures.

8. Saddle Discomfort

Description of the Problem: You experience discomfort or pain while riding due to the bike’s saddle.

Cause of the Problem: Saddle discomfort can result from differences in body anatomy and saddle design.


  1. Consider adjusting the saddle’s height, angle, and position to find a more comfortable riding position.
  2. If discomfort persists, explore alternative saddle designs that better suit your anatomy.
  3. Invest in padded cycling shorts or seat cushions for added comfort during longer rides.

9. Unresponsive Electronics

Description of the Problem: Some of the electronic components, such as the display or lights, on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO are unresponsive or fail to function.

Cause of the Problem: Electronics issues may arise from loose connections, damaged wiring, or software glitches.


  1. Check all electronic connections for tightness and ensure cables are securely connected.
  2. If applicable, consult the user manual for troubleshooting steps related to specific electronic components.
  3. If problems persist, seek assistance from a qualified electric bike technician or Bulls customer support.

10. Handling and Stability Concerns

Description of the Problem: You experience handling or stability issues while riding your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO, especially during high-speed descents or cornering.

Cause of the Problem: Handling and stability issues can be influenced by tire pressure, bike fit, or improper weight distribution.


  1. Check and adjust tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal grip and stability.
  2. Ensure your bike is properly fitted to your body size and riding style, and consider a professional bike fit if necessary.
  3. Experiment with your riding position and weight distribution to find a more stable and comfortable riding posture.

11. Excessive Chain Noise

Description of the Problem: Your bike’s chain produces excessive noise during pedaling, which can be distracting and unpleasant.

Cause of the Problem: Chain noise can result from insufficient lubrication, misalignment, or chain wear.


  1. Regularly lubricate the chain with a suitable bicycle chain lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
  2. Check the chain’s alignment and adjust it if necessary to ensure it runs smoothly through the gears.
  3. If the chain is significantly worn, consider replacing it to eliminate noise issues.

12. Rattling or Loose Components

Description of the Problem: You notice rattling or loose components on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO, which can be annoying and potentially dangerous.

Cause of the Problem: Rattling and loose components can occur due to vibrations during rides or improper assembly and maintenance.


  1. Inspect the bike for loose bolts, nuts, or components, and tighten them securely.
  2. Consider using thread locker on critical fasteners to prevent them from loosening over time.
  3. Ensure that all accessories and attachments are properly secured to minimize rattling.

13. Fading Brake Performance

Description of the Problem: The braking performance of your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO gradually diminishes, requiring longer stopping distances.

Cause of the Problem: Fading brake performance can result from overheating of the brake pads and rotors during prolonged descents.


  1. Monitor your brake usage during extended descents to avoid overheating. Use both brakes lightly and intermittently.
  2. Upgrade to larger brake rotors if you frequently ride in mountainous terrain for improved heat dissipation.
  3. Inspect brake pads for wear and replace them if necessary to maintain optimal braking efficiency.

14. Unpredictable Power Cutoff

Description of the Problem: The electric power assistance on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO cuts off unexpectedly, leading to sudden changes in riding effort.

Cause of the Problem: Power cutoffs can occur due to issues with the motor controller, loose wiring, or low battery voltage.


  1. Check all electrical connections and wiring for secure attachment and signs of damage.
  2. Ensure the battery is adequately charged and not approaching its low voltage threshold.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the bike’s user manual for guidance on resetting the motor controller or seek professional assistance.

15. Excessive Vibration

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO exhibits excessive vibration during rides, making it uncomfortable and potentially affecting control.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive vibration can result from unbalanced wheels, worn-out tires, or loose components.


  1. Inspect the wheels for proper truing and balance. True and balance them if necessary.
  2. Check tire condition and pressure. Replace worn tires and maintain proper pressure for a smoother ride.
  3. Examine all bike components for loose or damaged parts and tighten or replace them accordingly.

16. Erratic Display Readings

Description of the Problem: The bike’s display occasionally shows erratic readings of speed, battery level, or other metrics, making it challenging to monitor your ride.

Cause of the Problem: Erratic display readings can result from loose connections, sensor issues, or software glitches.


  1. Check the display unit’s connections and ensure they are securely attached.
  2. Inspect sensor wiring for damage or misalignment and correct any issues found.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the bike’s user manual for troubleshooting or consider a software update.

17. Limited Range on a Single Charge

Description of the Problem: You notice a significant reduction in the bike’s range on a single battery charge, requiring more frequent charging stops.

Cause of the Problem: Reduced range can be attributed to factors like low battery capacity, improper battery care, or excessive use of power modes.


  1. Check the battery’s overall health and consider a replacement if it has significantly degraded.
  2. Use power modes judiciously and avoid constantly operating the bike at maximum power for extended periods.
  3. Follow recommended battery care guidelines, such as storing the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use.

18. Uncomfortable Handlebar Position

Description of the Problem: You find the handlebar position on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO uncomfortable, leading to discomfort during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Handlebar discomfort can arise from improper adjustment or a handlebar design that doesn’t suit your riding style.


  1. Experiment with adjusting the handlebar height and angle to find a more comfortable riding position.
  2. If the handlebar still doesn’t provide comfort, consider replacing it with a different design that suits your preferences.
  3. Invest in ergonomic grips or handlebar accessories to reduce hand and wrist fatigue.

19. Excessive Motor Noise

Description of the Problem: The motor on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO produces loud and distracting noises during operation.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive motor noise can be attributed to motor wear, loose components, or insufficient lubrication.


  1. Inspect the motor for loose bolts or components and tighten them securely.
  2. Check the motor for signs of wear, and if necessary, consult a professional technician for maintenance or replacement.
  3. Lubricate the motor components as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to reduce noise caused by friction.

20. Unresponsive Brakes

Description of the Problem: The brakes on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO become unresponsive or require excessive force to engage, compromising safety.

Cause of the Problem: Unresponsive brakes can result from contaminated brake pads, air in the brake lines, or worn-out components.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination and replace them if necessary.
  2. Bleed the brake lines to remove air bubbles, which can restore brake responsiveness.
  3. If the problem persists, consult a professional bike mechanic for a thorough brake system inspection.

21. Pedal Creaking

Description of the Problem: You hear creaking sounds coming from the pedals while pedaling, which can be annoying and affect your riding experience.

Cause of the Problem: Pedal creaking can occur due to loose pedal threads, worn-out pedal bearings, or contamination.


  1. Check and tighten the pedal threads to ensure they are securely attached to the crankarms.
  2. If the creaking persists, consider disassembling the pedals, cleaning, and lubricating the bearings, or replacing the pedals if necessary.
  3. Inspect the pedal cleats and ensure they are properly aligned and tightened to the cycling shoes.

22. Chain Dropping Off Gears

Description of the Problem: The bike’s chain occasionally drops off the gears while riding, causing a sudden loss of power.

Cause of the Problem: Chain dropping can occur due to a misadjusted front derailleur, a bent chainring, or chain wear.


  1. Inspect the front derailleur and adjust its alignment to ensure smooth gear changes.
  2. Examine the chainring for signs of damage or bending, and replace if needed.
  3. If the chain is worn, replace it to prevent further chain dropping issues.

23. Uneven Tire Wear

Description of the Problem: Your bike’s tires wear unevenly, leading to a less comfortable and efficient ride.

Cause of the Problem: Uneven tire wear can be caused by improper tire pressure, misaligned wheels, or road conditions.


  1. Maintain recommended tire pressure to ensure even wear and a comfortable ride.
  2. Inspect the wheels for alignment issues and true them if necessary to prevent uneven tire wear.
  3. Avoid riding on rough or uneven surfaces whenever possible to prolong tire life.

24. Loose Headset

Description of the Problem: You notice that the headset on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO is loose, causing wobbling or instability in the front end of the bike.

Cause of the Problem: A loose headset can occur due to insufficient tightening, wear in headset bearings, or improper installation.


  1. Tighten the headset by adjusting the preload or tension as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. If the headset bearings are worn, consider replacing them to restore stability.
  3. If unsure about proper installation, consult a bike mechanic for assistance.

25. Limited Support for Accessories

Description of the Problem: You find it challenging to mount accessories like racks, fenders, or bottle cages on your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO due to limited attachment points.

Cause of the Problem: Limited accessory support can result from the bike’s frame design, which may not include sufficient mounts or eyelets.


  1. Explore alternative mounting solutions, such as seatpost-mounted racks or handlebar-mounted accessories.
  2. Consider using adapters or clamps to attach accessories securely to the frame, handlebars, or seatpost.
  3. If you frequently require accessory support, consult with a bike shop for customized solutions or frame modifications.

Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike Users

After analyzing user feedback from various sources available online, it’s clear that many Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike owners have reported positive experiences with their bikes. Here are some of the aspects that users were satisfied with:

  • Impressive Electric Assistance: Some users were satisfied with the powerful and smooth electric assistance provided by the Fazua drive system. They appreciated how it made climbing hills easier and extended their riding range.
  • Comfortable Riding Position: Many riders found the bike’s sporty yet comfortable riding position to be ideal for long rides. The ergonomic design of the ALPINE HAWK EVO contributed to reduced fatigue during extended journeys.
  • Premium Components: Users praised the inclusion of high-quality components, such as the Shimano Ultegra groupset and hydraulic disc brakes. These components contributed to a reliable and durable riding experience.
  • Lightweight Design: Some riders highlighted the lightweight carbon frame, which allowed for agile handling and easy maneuverability, especially when transitioning to human-powered riding.
  • Smooth Shifting: The Shimano Ultegra 2×11 groupset received positive feedback for its precise and smooth shifting, enhancing the overall riding experience.

The majority of users expressed satisfaction with their Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike, emphasizing its electric assistance, comfortable design, premium components, lightweight frame, and smooth shifting as key highlights of their positive experiences.

Negative User Reviews of the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike

While the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO received many positive reviews, it’s important to note that a few users also reported some issues. Here are some of the common problems associated with negative feedback:

  • Battery Range Limitations: Some users were not entirely satisfied with the battery’s range, especially when riding at high speeds. They found that the range could be limited, requiring more frequent recharging.
  • Noisy Motor: A few riders mentioned that the Fazua motor produced more noise than expected, which could be distracting during quieter rides.
  • Component Wear: A minor group of users reported premature wear on components like the chain and brake pads, necessitating replacements sooner than anticipated.
  • Price Point: Some individuals felt that the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO was on the higher end in terms of price, which led to comparisons with other electric bikes offering similar features at a lower cost.
  • Limited Accessory Mounts: A handful of riders found it challenging to attach certain accessories due to limited mounting options on the bike’s frame.

Despite these concerns, it’s important to highlight that these negative experiences were in the minority, and the majority of users were content with their Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bikes.

The general consensus based on user reviews from Walmart and other online sources indicates that the majority of users were satisfied with their Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike. While a few minor issues were reported, the bike’s overall performance, comfort, and quality components were highly praised by the user community.

Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s official website. To access the comprehensive manual, please visit the official Bulls website and navigate to the product support or downloads section. The manual provides detailed information on bike assembly, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring you have all the necessary guidance to enjoy your electric bike to the fullest.

Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I extend the battery range of my Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO?

To maximize your bike’s battery range, you can:

  • Ride in lower power modes when extra assistance isn’t required.
  • Maintain proper tire pressure for reduced rolling resistance.
  • Minimize excessive acceleration and braking to conserve energy.
  • Consider carrying a spare battery for longer rides.

2. What should I do if my electric assistance cuts off unexpectedly?

If you experience sudden power cutoffs, follow these steps:

  • Check the battery charge level; a low battery may trigger cutoffs.
  • Inspect all electrical connections for loose or damaged components.
  • If the issue persists, consult your user manual for reset procedures or contact customer service.

3. Can I ride the Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO without electric assistance?

Yes, you can ride the ALPINE HAWK EVO like a regular bike without electric assistance. The Fazua drive system decouples from the drivetrain when you exceed the maximum speed, allowing for human-powered riding. Additionally, you can remove the motor/battery combo for fully human-powered rides, reducing the bike’s weight.

4. How can I address chain slippage issues on my bike?

If your chain occasionally slips or skips gears, follow these steps:

  • Inspect the chain for wear and replace it if needed.
  • Ensure the derailleur is properly adjusted for precise shifting.
  • If the cassette is worn, consider replacing it to prevent chain slippage.

5. What should I do if my bike’s brakes feel unresponsive?

If your brakes are unresponsive or require excessive force, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the brake pads for contamination and replace them if necessary.
  • Bleed the brake lines to remove air bubbles for improved responsiveness.
  • If the issue persists, consult a professional bike mechanic for a thorough brake system inspection.


In case you encounter any issues with your Bulls ALPINE HAWK EVO Electric Bike, it’s essential to refer to the user manual for detailed guidance on troubleshooting and maintenance. Additionally, if you face any problems beyond what the manual covers, or if you have questions related to your electric bike, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bulls customer service or visit an authorized service center for professional assistance. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.

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