Written By Doug Smirnoff

Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE electric bike is designed for riders who crave adventure and durability. With a strong frame capable of carrying up to 330lbs of rider and gear weight, this bike is built to tackle rugged terrain. Its unique wave style frame offers easy step-through access, making it suitable for riders with limited mobility.

In this guide, we will address common problems that riders may encounter with the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE electric bike and provide troubleshooting solutions to keep you riding smoothly.


The Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE 750 is a versatile electric mountain bike designed for adventure enthusiasts. Here are some key product details and features:

Drive Unit Bosch Performance Line CX Smart System (85 Nm)
Battery BOSCH PowerTube 750 Wh Smart System
Charger 4A Charging time appx. 6.0 hrs.
Frame Aluminum 6061

Additional features include a 120mm travel BULL Lytro 35 fork for tackling rough trails, large hydraulic disc brakes for reliable stopping power, and a 10-speed Shimano Deore RD-M5120-SGS derailleur for smooth gear changes.

Causes of Common Problems with the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE

This section will explore potential issues that riders may encounter with the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE electric bike and provide solutions to address these problems.

Common Problems with Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE

1. Battery Not Holding Charge

Description: The electric bike’s battery does not hold a charge as expected, resulting in shorter riding durations.

Cause: This issue may occur due to overuse, a faulty charger, or a degraded battery.


  1. Ensure the charger is properly connected and functioning.
  2. If the problem persists, consider contacting the manufacturer for a battery assessment and potential replacement.

2. Inconsistent Motor Performance

Description: The electric motor’s performance varies or becomes unreliable during rides.

Cause: Inconsistent motor performance can be caused by wiring issues, sensor malfunctions, or overheating.


  1. Check all wiring connections for loose or damaged wires.
  2. Clean and inspect sensors for any obstructions or damage.
  3. Allow the motor to cool down if overheating occurs, and avoid pushing it beyond its limits.

3. Braking Problems

Description: Issues with the electric bike’s braking system, such as squeaking, reduced braking power, or inconsistent braking.

Cause: Brake pads may wear out over time, and hydraulic systems may develop air bubbles or leaks.


  1. Inspect brake pads for wear and replace if necessary.
  2. Bleed the hydraulic brake system to remove air bubbles and ensure proper functioning.

4. Display Malfunctions

Description: The LED display on the electric bike’s handlebar is not functioning correctly, displaying errors, or failing to show relevant information.

Cause: Display malfunctions can result from loose connections, water damage, or software glitches.


  1. Check and secure all connections related to the display.
  2. If the display is exposed to water, allow it to dry completely before use.
  3. Update the display’s firmware or contact customer support for software-related issues.

5. Gear Shifting Problems

Description: Difficulty or inconsistencies in shifting gears with the Shimano Deore RD-M5120-SGS derailleur.

Cause: Gear shifting problems may arise from cable tension issues, misalignment, or derailleur damage.


  1. Inspect the cable tension and adjust it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Ensure the derailleur is properly aligned and the hanger is not bent.
  3. If problems persist, consider professional servicing or replacement of components if necessary.

6. No Power When Turning On

Description: The electric bike fails to power on or respond when attempting to start it.

Cause: This issue can be caused by a dead battery, faulty power button, or electrical connection problems.


  1. Ensure the battery is properly charged and securely connected.
  2. Check the power button for any physical damage and make sure it’s functioning correctly.
  3. Inspect the electrical connections for loose or damaged wires.

7. Unusual Noise from the Motor

Description: Unusual sounds, such as grinding or clicking, coming from the electric motor during operation.

Cause: Motor noises may result from debris stuck in the motor, loose components, or internal motor issues.


  1. Inspect the motor for any foreign objects or debris and remove them carefully.
  2. Tighten any loose components or bolts in the motor assembly.
  3. If unusual noises persist, consult a professional for a motor inspection.

8. Rapid Battery Drain

Description: The battery discharges quickly, providing a shorter riding range than expected.

Cause: Rapid battery drain can occur due to excessive use of power-hungry features, a high level of assist, or a deteriorating battery.


  1. Reduce the level of assist or power settings to conserve battery life during rides.
  2. Avoid using power-consuming features excessively, such as high-speed modes or heavy acceleration.
  3. If the problem persists, consider a battery health check and possible replacement.

9. Handlebar and Stem Issues

Description: Problems related to the handlebar, stem, or steering components, such as instability or difficulty in steering.

Cause: Handlebar and stem issues may stem from loose components, misalignment, or wear and tear.


  1. Check and tighten all handlebar and stem bolts to ensure they are secure.
  2. Inspect the alignment of the handlebar and stem for proper positioning.
  3. If steering problems persist, seek professional assistance for a thorough inspection.

10. Tire Puncture or Damage

Description: Flat tires, punctures, or damage to the bike’s tires that affect ride quality.

Cause: Tire issues can result from sharp objects on the riding path, improper tire pressure, or worn-out tire treads.


  1. Inspect the tires for visible damage or foreign objects, and remove any debris carefully.
  2. Ensure the tires are properly inflated to the recommended pressure levels.
  3. If tire damage is extensive, replace the affected tire with a compatible one.

11. Unresponsive Electric Assist

Description: The electric assist system fails to engage or respond when pedaling.

Cause: Unresponsiveness can be due to sensor issues, electrical connections, or software glitches.


  1. Check the sensor connections for loose or damaged wires and secure them.
  2. Inspect the assist mode settings and ensure they are properly configured.
  3. If the problem persists, contact customer support for assistance or software updates.

12. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description: The bike’s chain frequently slips off the gears, affecting the riding experience.

Cause: Chain slippage can occur due to improper gear adjustments, worn-out chain or cassette, or derailleur issues.


  1. Ensure proper gear adjustments by indexing the gears according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. Inspect the chain and cassette for wear and replace them if necessary.
  3. If chain slippage continues, consult a professional for derailleur inspection and adjustments.

13. Suspension Problems

Description: Issues related to the bike’s suspension, such as sagging, lack of responsiveness, or excessive rebound.

Cause: Suspension problems may result from incorrect settings, worn-out components, or damage to the suspension fork or shock.


  1. Adjust suspension settings to match your riding preferences and weight distribution.
  2. Inspect the suspension components for wear and replace any damaged parts.
  3. If suspension issues persist, seek professional servicing for a thorough inspection.

14. Loose or Unstable Pedals

Description: The pedals feel loose or unstable during pedaling, affecting rider control.

Cause: Loose or unstable pedals can result from improper installation, worn-out pedal bearings, or damaged pedal components.


  1. Check pedal installation for proper tightness and secure any loose pedals.
  2. Inspect pedal bearings for wear and replace if necessary.
  3. If pedal issues persist, consider upgrading to more robust pedal options.

15. Chain Skipping

Description: The bike’s chain skips or jumps between gears during gear shifts, causing an inconsistent ride.

Cause: Chain skipping may occur due to misalignment, a worn-out chain or cassette, or improper gear adjustments.


  1. Ensure proper gear alignment and indexing to prevent chain skipping.
  2. Inspect the chain and cassette for wear and replace them if needed.
  3. If chain skipping continues, consult a professional for gear adjustments and inspections.

16. Saddle Discomfort

Description: Discomfort or pain experienced while riding due to issues with the bike’s saddle.

Cause: Saddle discomfort may result from poor saddle fit, incorrect height, or inadequate padding.


  1. Adjust the saddle height and angle to match your riding position and body type.
  2. If the saddle is uncomfortable, consider replacing it with a more ergonomic model.
  3. Add padded shorts or cushions to improve riding comfort if needed.

17. Unstable Handling on Descents

Description: The bike exhibits unstable handling, especially when descending steep slopes.

Cause: Unstable handling on descents can be attributed to improper weight distribution, tire pressure, or suspension settings.


  1. Adjust your body position to distribute weight evenly and maintain a stable center of gravity.
  2. Check and adjust tire pressure according to the terrain and your riding preferences.
  3. Fine-tune suspension settings to improve handling during descents.

18. Chain Squeaking

Description: Audible squeaking or creaking noises coming from the bike’s chain during pedaling.

Cause: Chain squeaking can be caused by insufficient lubrication, dirt buildup, or misalignment.


  1. Apply a suitable chain lubricant to ensure proper chain lubrication and reduce friction.
  2. Regularly clean the chain to remove dirt and debris that can contribute to squeaking.
  3. Inspect chain alignment and make necessary adjustments to prevent squeaking.

19. Loose Bolts and Components

Description: Bolts and components on the bike become loose during rides, potentially compromising safety.

Cause: Vibration and repeated use can lead to bolts and components gradually coming loose.


  1. Regularly perform maintenance checks to ensure all bolts are properly tightened.
  2. Apply thread locker to critical bolts to prevent them from loosening due to vibrations.
  3. Inspect components for wear and replace any damaged parts as needed.

20. Front Fork Issues

Description: Problems related to the bike’s front fork, such as leakage, lack of responsiveness, or excessive rebound.

Cause: Front fork issues may result from seal damage, insufficient air pressure, or worn-out components.


  1. Check the front fork seals for signs of damage or leakage and address any issues promptly.
  2. Adjust the air pressure in the front fork according to manufacturer recommendations and your riding style.
  3. If front fork problems persist, consult a professional for a thorough inspection and potential servicing.

21. Loose or Noisy Pedal Cranks

Description: The pedal cranks feel loose or produce unusual noises during pedaling.

Cause: Loose or noisy pedal cranks can result from improper installation, worn bearings, or damaged components.


  1. Check and tighten the pedal crank bolts to ensure they are securely attached.
  2. Inspect pedal bearings for wear and replace them if necessary.
  3. If noise or looseness persists, consider professional servicing or replacement.

22. Uneven Brake Pad Wear

Description: Brake pads wear unevenly, leading to inconsistent braking performance.

Cause: Uneven brake pad wear can be due to misalignment, contamination, or uneven rotor surfaces.


  1. Check and adjust brake caliper alignment to ensure even contact with the rotor.
  2. Clean brake rotors and pads to remove contaminants that may cause uneven wear.
  3. If uneven wear continues, replace both brake pads and ensure rotor surfaces are in good condition.

23. Limited Range on a Single Charge

Description: The electric bike provides a shorter riding range than expected on a single battery charge.

Cause: Limited range can be attributed to various factors, including terrain, riding style, and battery health.


  1. Optimize your riding style to conserve battery power, such as using lower assist levels when possible.
  2. Regularly maintain and charge the battery according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  3. If range issues persist, consider upgrading to a higher-capacity battery if compatible.

24. Uncomfortable Grip Handles

Description: Discomfort or pain in the hands or wrists while gripping the handlebars.

Cause: Uncomfortable grip handles may result from handlebar design, inadequate padding, or poor fit.


  1. Consider replacing the grips with more ergonomic or padded options for improved comfort.
  2. Adjust the handlebar position and angle to minimize strain on the wrists and hands.
  3. If discomfort persists, explore different handlebar styles that better suit your riding preferences.

25. Excessive Vibration

Description: The bike exhibits excessive vibration during rides, leading to discomfort and reduced control.

Cause: Excessive vibration can be caused by tire issues, loose components, or imbalanced wheels.


  1. Check tire pressure and ensure it’s within the recommended range to minimize vibrations.
  2. Tighten all bolts and components on the bike to prevent vibrations caused by loose parts.
  3. If vibration remains problematic, have the wheels inspected for balance and trueness by a professional.

Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike User Reviews

When considering a purchase like the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike, it’s valuable to gather insights from fellow riders. User reviews provide a glimpse into the real-world experiences of those who have chosen this electric bike for their adventures. We’ve compiled both positive and negative feedback from users to help you make an informed decision.

Positive Reviews from Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the impressive battery life, allowing for extended rides on a single charge.
  • Several riders praised the bike’s powerful motor and smooth performance, especially on challenging terrains.
  • Many users appreciated the comfortable and ergonomic design of the bike, making long rides enjoyable.
  • Positive feedback highlighted the bike’s durability and its ability to withstand rugged trail conditions.
  • Several riders mentioned the bike’s easy maneuverability and stable handling, enhancing their overall riding experience.

In summary, the majority of positive feedback from Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike customers emphasized its exceptional battery life, powerful motor, comfort, durability, and overall performance on various terrains. These aspects contributed to a satisfying riding experience for many users.

Negative User Reviews of the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike

  • Some users were not satisfied with occasional issues related to the electric assist system, reporting malfunctions or unresponsiveness.
  • A few riders expressed concerns about the weight of the bike, finding it challenging to handle in certain situations.
  • Negative feedback mentioned issues with the bike’s gears, including occasional shifting problems and gear skipping.
  • Some users experienced discomfort due to the bike’s saddle design and recommended upgrading to a more comfortable saddle.
  • A handful of riders noted that the bike’s front fork suspension could be improved for better performance on rough trails.

In summary, while many users praised the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike, there were some negative experiences related to the electric assist system, bike weight, gear issues, saddle comfort, and front fork suspension. It’s important to consider these factors when making your decision.

The majority of users expressed satisfaction with the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike, highlighting its strengths in battery life, motor performance, comfort, durability, and handling. However, it’s important to be aware of potential issues related to the electric assist system, bike weight, gears, saddle comfort, and front fork suspension when evaluating this electric bike.

Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions for the Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s website. For comprehensive guidance on using and maintaining your electric bike, please visit the official website of Bulls and navigate to the product support or downloads section to access the manual.

Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I maximize the battery life of my Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike?

To extend battery life, avoid overcharging and store the bike and battery in a cool, dry place when not in use. Additionally, use lower power settings when riding on flat terrain to conserve battery power.

2. What should I do if I experience issues with the electric assist system?

If you encounter problems with the electric assist system, first check the connections and ensure the battery is properly charged. If issues persist, refer to the manual for troubleshooting or contact customer service for assistance.

3. How can I maintain the bike’s gears to prevent shifting problems?

To keep the gears in good condition, regularly clean and lubricate the chain, and ensure proper cable tension. If shifting problems persist, consider professional adjustments or replacements as needed.

4. Is it possible to upgrade the saddle for better comfort?

Yes, you can upgrade the saddle to improve comfort. Many riders find this customization worthwhile, and it can significantly enhance your overall riding experience.

5. What should I do if I encounter unusual noises from the bike?

If you hear unusual noises while riding, inspect the bike for loose components, foreign objects, or wear and tear. Tighten any loose parts and remove any obstructions. If the issue persists, seek professional assistance.


For any problems or concerns with your Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO HD WAVE Electric Bike, it is advisable to always refer to the manual for guidance. Additionally, you can reach out to customer service or visit an authorized service center for expert assistance in resolving issues and ensuring the optimal performance of your electric bike.

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Bulls COPPERHEAD EVO 2 WAVE Common Problems

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