Written By Doug Smirnoff

Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on common problems and troubleshooting tips for the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND electric bike. If you own this remarkable electric bike, you’re already familiar with its exceptional features and performance. In this article, we’ll explore some common issues that riders may encounter with the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND and provide solutions to keep your riding experience smooth and enjoyable.

Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Overview

Can luxury be this sporty? Can racy really be this comfortable? Can you expect this sort of acceleration from a leather-ergonomic-grip, suede-comfort-seat eBike? The BULLS Urban EVO 10 says emphatically, “Of course!” With the Bosch Gen4 Speed motor’s 85Nm of torque and pedal assist up to 28mph, any commute, any errand, any ride comes complete with style and thrill at no extra cost.

The 10-Speed Shimano Deore groupset gives ample gear ratios to maximize motor performance, while hydraulic disc brakes provide plenty of stopping power for increased safety and control.

The Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND is a high-performance electric bike designed for luxury and speed. It features:

Class Class-3
Motor BOSCH Gen4 Performance Speed
Battery BOSCH PowerTube 625 Wh: 36 V / 16.7 Ah
Display BOSCH Purion
Charging Time Approximately 4.9h to 100%
Frame 6061 Aluminum
Sizes 45/50/55cm

Key Features:

  • 10-Speed Shimano Deore groupset for optimal gear ratios
  • Hydraulic disc brakes for superior stopping power

Causes of Common Problems with the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND

This section will address possible problems and solutions with this electric bike.

Common Problems with Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND

1. Battery Not Charging

Description of the Problem: The battery of your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND is not charging, and the bike won’t power up.

Cause of the Problem: This issue could be due to a faulty charger, improper connection, or a problem with the battery itself.


  1. Ensure the charger is properly connected to both the bike and the power source.
  2. Inspect the charging port on the bike for any damage or debris and clean it if necessary.
  3. Try a different charger, if available, to rule out a faulty charger as the cause.
  4. If the problem persists, contact your authorized Bulls dealer or customer support for further assistance.

2. Loss of Pedal Assist

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist feature on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND has stopped working.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may be caused by a sensor malfunction or an electrical connection problem.


  1. Check the wiring connections around the pedal assist sensor and motor for loose or damaged wires.
  2. If all connections seem intact, try resetting the bike’s electronics by turning it off and on again.
  3. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for specific reset instructions or contact a Bulls technician for assistance.

3. Inconsistent Speed Control

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND experiences inconsistent speed control, making it difficult to maintain a steady pace.

Cause of the Problem: This issue can occur due to sensor misalignment, motor issues, or a malfunctioning controller.


  1. Inspect the alignment of the speed and pedal sensors to ensure they are properly positioned.
  2. Check for any obstructions in the motor or drivetrain that might affect speed control.
  3. If the problem continues, consult your authorized Bulls dealer for a thorough diagnosis and potential replacement of components.

4. Brake Squeaking or Grinding

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s brakes produce squeaking or grinding noises when applied.

Cause of the Problem: This issue may result from brake pad contamination, misalignment, or wear and tear.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for contamination or excessive wear. Replace them if necessary.
  2. Check the alignment of the brake calipers and ensure they are properly centered on the brake rotors.
  3. If the noise persists, consult your authorized Bulls dealer for a brake system evaluation and maintenance.

5. Display Error Codes

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s display shows error codes, indicating a system malfunction.

Cause of the Problem: Error codes can indicate various issues, such as sensor problems, software glitches, or electrical issues.


  1. Refer to your user manual to identify the specific error code and its meaning.
  2. Attempt to reset the system by turning the bike off and on again.
  3. If the error persists, take note of the code and contact Bulls customer support or your authorized dealer for guidance on resolving the specific issue.

6. Motor Overheating

Description of the Problem: The motor on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND becomes excessively hot during use.

Cause of the Problem: Motor overheating can occur due to extended periods of high power usage or insufficient cooling.


  1. Avoid prolonged use at the highest power levels to prevent overheating.
  2. Ensure that the motor has adequate airflow for cooling, and remove any obstructions near the motor.
  3. If overheating continues, consider consulting a technician for a motor inspection and potential cooling system enhancements.

7. Sudden Power Loss

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND experiences sudden power loss, causing the bike to stop abruptly.

Cause of the Problem: This issue can result from battery or electrical system failures, loose connections, or software glitches.


  1. Check all electrical connections, including the battery, controller, and motor, for secure attachments.
  2. Inspect the battery charge level and ensure it’s adequately charged before each ride.
  3. If power loss persists, consult the user manual for error code information or contact Bulls customer support for further assistance.

8. Uneven Tire Wear

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s tires exhibit uneven wear patterns, affecting ride quality.

Cause of the Problem: Uneven tire wear may result from improper tire pressure, misalignment, or road conditions.


  1. Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure as recommended in the user manual.
  2. Inspect the tire alignment and ensure they are centered and straight on the rims.
  3. Consider adjusting your riding style to avoid rough terrain and minimize tire wear.

9. Headlight Malfunction

Description of the Problem: The headlight on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND fails to illuminate, reducing visibility during nighttime rides.

Cause of the Problem: Headlight issues can occur due to bulb failures, wiring problems, or switch malfunctions.


  1. Check the headlight bulb for signs of damage or burnout and replace it if necessary.
  2. Inspect the wiring connections for loose or damaged wires, and repair or replace as needed.
  3. If the headlight still doesn’t work, consult the user manual for headlight-specific troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance.

10. Noisy Gear Shifting

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND experiences noisy gear shifting, making for an unpleasant ride.

Cause of the Problem: Noisy gear shifting may result from misadjusted derailleurs, worn chain components, or improper gear engagement.


  1. Inspect the derailleur adjustments and ensure they are properly aligned with the gear cogs.
  2. Check the chain for wear and replace it if it shows signs of stretching or damage.
  3. Practice smooth and deliberate gear shifting techniques to minimize noise during gear changes.

11. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description of the Problem: The chain on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND frequently slips off the gears, disrupting your ride.

Cause of the Problem: Chain slippage can be caused by misadjusted derailleurs, a worn chain, or gear misalignment.


  1. Inspect the derailleur adjustments and ensure they align correctly with the gear cogs.
  2. Examine the chain for signs of wear and replace it if it’s stretched or damaged.
  3. Check gear alignment to ensure it’s accurate and the chain runs smoothly on the cogs.

12. Excessive Motor Noise

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s motor produces loud and disruptive noises during operation.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive motor noise may be due to loose components, damaged bearings, or motor issues.


  1. Inspect the motor assembly for loose bolts or components and tighten them as needed.
  2. Check for any visible damage to motor bearings and replace them if required.
  3. If the noise persists, consult a Bulls technician for a thorough motor inspection and potential repairs.

13. Braking Response Delay

Description of the Problem: The brakes on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND exhibit a delay in response when applied.

Cause of the Problem: Brake response delay can occur due to hydraulic fluid issues, worn brake pads, or air in the brake lines.


  1. Check the brake fluid level and bleed the brakes to remove any trapped air if necessary.
  2. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down to unsafe levels.
  3. If the problem persists, consult your authorized Bulls dealer for a comprehensive brake system evaluation.

14. Unresponsive Display

Description of the Problem: The display on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND becomes unresponsive, preventing you from accessing vital information.

Cause of the Problem: Display issues can result from software glitches, loose connections, or a malfunctioning display unit.


  1. Attempt to reset the display system by turning the bike off and on again.
  2. Check the wiring connections to the display unit for loose or damaged wires and secure them properly.
  3. If the display remains unresponsive, consult the user manual for specific troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance.

15. Uneven Battery Drain

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND experiences uneven battery drain, with some cells discharging faster than others.

Cause of the Problem: Uneven battery drain may result from cell imbalances, temperature extremes, or prolonged storage without proper maintenance.


  1. Charge the battery fully and then perform a balance charge to equalize the cell voltages.
  2. Avoid exposing the battery to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, to maintain its health.
  3. If the problem persists, consider professional battery maintenance or replacement.

16. Wobbly Handlebars

Description of the Problem: The handlebars of your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND feel unstable and wobbly during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Wobbly handlebars can result from loose stem bolts, misalignment, or damaged components.


  1. Check the stem bolts and tighten them securely to ensure the handlebars are properly secured.
  2. Inspect the handlebar alignment and make adjustments to ensure they are straight and aligned with the front wheel.
  3. If the wobbling continues, consult your authorized Bulls dealer for a thorough inspection and potential replacements.

17. Insufficient Range

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s battery doesn’t provide the expected range, running out of power quickly.

Cause of the Problem: Insufficient range can occur due to various factors, including battery age, extreme weather conditions, or aggressive riding habits.


  1. Consider the age of the battery, as older batteries may have reduced capacity and require replacement.
  2. Avoid riding in extreme temperatures, as they can negatively impact battery performance.
  3. Adjust your riding style to use pedal assist modes efficiently and maximize battery life.

18. Loose Pedals

Description of the Problem: The pedals on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND frequently become loose or detached during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Loose pedals can result from insufficient tightening, worn pedal threads, or improper installation.


  1. Ensure that the pedals are securely tightened to the crank arms using the appropriate pedal wrench.
  2. Inspect the pedal threads for signs of wear and consider replacing the pedals if necessary.
  3. If the problem persists, have a professional technician assess the pedal installation and crank arm threads for damage.

19. Inconsistent Battery Charging

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s battery charges inconsistently, with the charge level varying unexpectedly.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent battery charging may result from a malfunctioning charger, loose connections, or internal battery issues.


  1. Inspect the charger and its connections to ensure they are secure and functioning correctly.
  2. Try using a different charger to rule out a faulty charger as the cause of the issue.
  3. If the problem continues, contact your authorized Bulls dealer for a battery and charging system evaluation.

20. Chain Skipping Gears

Description of the Problem: The chain on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND frequently skips gears, making gear shifting unreliable.

Cause of the Problem: Chain skipping can occur due to misadjusted derailleurs, a worn chain, or cassette issues.


  1. Inspect the derailleur adjustments and ensure they are accurately aligned with the gear cogs.
  2. Check the chain for signs of wear and replace it if it’s stretched or damaged.
  3. If the issue persists, consult your authorized Bulls dealer for a thorough inspection of the cassette and drivetrain components.

21. Intermittent Power Cuts

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND experiences intermittent power cuts, where the motor or pedal assist briefly stops working.

Cause of the Problem: Intermittent power cuts can be caused by loose electrical connections, sensor issues, or controller malfunctions.


  1. Check all electrical connections for snugness and secure any loose connections.
  2. Inspect sensors for proper alignment and clean any sensor surfaces if needed.
  3. If the issue persists, consult your authorized Bulls dealer or technician for a comprehensive diagnosis.

22. Unresponsive Brakes

Description of the Problem: The brakes on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND become unresponsive, making it challenging to slow down or stop.

Cause of the Problem: Unresponsive brakes may result from hydraulic fluid leaks, worn brake pads, or air in the brake lines.


  1. Inspect the brake system for fluid leaks and address any issues promptly.
  2. Check the condition of the brake pads and replace them if they are worn down to unsafe levels.
  3. Bleed the brake lines to remove any trapped air and ensure proper brake function.

23. Abnormal Motor Noises

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND’s motor emits unusual or grinding noises during operation.

Cause of the Problem: Abnormal motor noises may be due to damaged bearings, misaligned components, or motor malfunctions.


  1. Inspect the motor assembly for signs of damage or loose components and address any issues found.
  2. Examine motor bearings for wear or damage and replace them if necessary.
  3. If the noises persist, consult your authorized Bulls dealer or technician for a comprehensive motor inspection.

24. Display Error Messages

Description of the Problem: The display on your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND shows error messages, indicating potential system malfunctions.

Cause of the Problem: Display error messages can be triggered by sensor issues, software glitches, or electrical problems.


  1. Refer to the user manual to interpret the specific error message and take appropriate actions as recommended.
  2. Attempt to reset the display system by turning the bike off and on again.
  3. If the error messages persist, contact Bulls customer support or your authorized dealer for guidance on resolving the issue.

25. Excessive Vibration

Description of the Problem: Your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND exhibits excessive vibration during rides, leading to discomfort and reduced control.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive vibration can result from misaligned components, loose bolts, or tire issues.


  1. Inspect the alignment of key components, such as the handlebars, stem, and wheels, to ensure they are correctly positioned.
  2. Tighten all bolts and fasteners to ensure a secure connection between parts.
  3. Check the tire pressure and condition, making sure they are within recommended specifications.

Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike User Reviews

When considering purchasing a Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike, it’s valuable to take into account the experiences of other users. To provide you with insights into what users have appreciated and found challenging about this electric bike, we’ve compiled a summary of user reviews available online from the Walmart website.

Positive Reviews from Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike Users

Here are some aspects that users were satisfied with when it comes to the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike:

  • Impressive Speed and Power: Some users were impressed by the bike’s speed and the power delivered by the Bosch Gen4 Speed motor, providing them with exhilarating rides.
  • Smooth Gear Shifting: Several riders praised the smooth gear shifting provided by the 10-Speed Shimano Deore groupset, enhancing their overall biking experience.
  • Long-lasting Battery: Many users found the BOSCH PowerTube 625 Wh battery to offer excellent range, allowing them to enjoy longer rides without worrying about recharging frequently.
  • Comfortable Riding: A common positive experience mentioned was the comfort of the suede-comfort-seat and ergonomic grips, making long rides enjoyable.
  • Reliable Braking: Users appreciated the reliable stopping power provided by the Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, ensuring safety during rides.

Overall, positive feedback suggests that the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike delivers on its promise of style, power, and comfort.

Negative User Reviews of the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike

On the flip side, here are some issues that users found challenging when using the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike:

  • Battery Charging Problems: Some users encountered difficulties with the battery not charging properly, leading to disruptions in their riding experience.
  • Motor Overheating: A few riders reported issues with the motor overheating during extended rides, requiring them to take breaks to cool it down.
  • Electrical Glitches: Several users mentioned experiencing occasional electrical glitches, such as display errors and power cuts, which impacted the bike’s performance.
  • Noise from Motor: Noise from the motor was a concern for some users, as they found it to be louder than expected during operation.
  • Handlebar Stability: A few riders mentioned that the handlebars felt wobbly at times, which affected their sense of control and comfort.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to note that negative feedback represents a minority of user experiences, and many riders have had positive experiences with the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike.

The majority of users who shared their experiences on the Walmart website expressed satisfaction with the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike. While some encountered minor issues, the overall consensus is that this electric bike offers an exciting and comfortable riding experience, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking style and performance in their daily commute or recreational rides.

Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike Manual

For detailed operating instructions and information on maintenance, you can find the Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike manual on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official Bulls website to access the comprehensive manual for your electric bike.

Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I charge the battery of my Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike?

To charge the battery, connect the charger to the battery’s charging port and a standard electrical outlet. Follow the instructions in the user manual for the recommended charging duration.

2. What should I do if my Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike’s motor overheats?

If you notice motor overheating, it’s advisable to give it a rest and allow it to cool down. Avoid prolonged use at the highest power levels, which can contribute to overheating. If the issue persists, consult a technician for further inspection.

3. Can I ride my Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike in extreme weather conditions?

While the bike is designed for various weather conditions, it’s best to avoid riding in extreme temperatures (very hot or very cold), as they can affect battery performance. Always follow safety guidelines and use appropriate riding gear for adverse conditions.

4. What should I check if my Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike’s brakes become unresponsive?

If your brakes feel unresponsive, first check for hydraulic fluid leaks and inspect the brake pads for wear. Bleeding the brake lines may also help restore brake function. If problems persist, consult your authorized Bulls dealer.

5. How can I maximize the range of my Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike?

To maximize range, ensure the battery is fully charged before each ride. Additionally, adjust your riding style to use pedal assist modes efficiently, and avoid riding at the highest power levels for extended periods.


For any issues or concerns related to your Bulls URBAN EVO 10 DIAMOND Electric Bike, it is advisable to refer to the user manual, reach out to customer service, or visit an authorized service center whenever possible. These resources can provide you with the most accurate and expert guidance to address and resolve any problems you may encounter with your electric bike.

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