Written By Doug Smirnoff

Heybike Brawn Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Introducing the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike – your perfect companion for urban exploration and off-road adventures. With a powerful 750W motor, long-lasting 48V battery, and robust 26-inch fat tires, Hydraulic Seatpost, it conquers any terrain with ease.

The responsive Shimano 7-speed gearing system and Hydraulic Disc brakes provide excellent control, while the Mobile App controlled stylish LCD display keeps you informed on your journey. Experience unparalleled freedom and performance with the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike!

Heybike Brawn Overview

Briefly, the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike is a versatile e-bike designed for urban exploration and off-road adventures. Its key features include:

  • Powerful 750W motor for reliable performance on mountains and forests.
  • Hydraulic disc brakes for superior braking performance in all conditions.
  • Headlight auto on feature for better illumination in darker conditions.
  • 19 Ah battery with a fast charger, providing up to 65 miles of travel with pedal assist.
  • 26×4 Fat tires for adapting to various road conditions.
  • Adjustable hydraulic seatpost for quick adjustments to riding center of gravity.
  • Hydraulic suspension front fork for a comfortable and stable ride.
  • Smart LCD display showing battery levels, speed, and trip details for a tailored riding experience.

Heybike Brawn Product Details and Features

Feature Description
Motor 750W motor provides strong and reliable performance, allowing for worry-free rides on mountains and through forests.
Hydraulic Disc Brakes Offer superior braking performance in all conditions, ensuring safer, more stable, and controlled rides.
Headlight Auto On The adaptive headlight with an auto-on feature provides better illumination on the road ahead, ensuring safer rides.
Battery & Charger Experience the convenience of a removable 19 Ah battery with an impressive 846Wh capacity. The 4A fast charger ensures you’ll never be stranded with a drained battery.
Fat Tires 26×4 Fat tires are capable of adapting to more complex road conditions, allowing for easy obstacle clearance and comfortable rides.
Adjustable Hydraulic Seatpost Effortlessly adapt the seat height to suit varying terrain, enabling quick adjustments to your riding center of gravity during ascents or descents.
Hydraulic Suspension Front Fork The upgraded hydraulic suspension front fork reduces frame vibrations on rough roads for more stable and comfortable rides.
Smart LCD Display Shows battery levels, speed, and trip details, allowing you to personalize your bike settings for a more enjoyable riding experience.

Causes of Common Problems with the Heybike Brawn

Below, we address possible problems and troubleshooting solutions for the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike.

Common Problems with the Heybike Brawn and Troubleshooting

1. Motor Performance Issues

Description of the problem: The motor of the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike is not providing the expected performance, resulting in reduced power and speed during rides.

Cause of the problem: This issue may arise due to a variety of reasons, such as a loose connection, software glitch, or a faulty motor component.


  1. Check all motor connections and ensure they are securely attached.
  2. Update the bike’s firmware through the Mobile App to resolve any software-related issues.
  3. Inspect the motor for physical damage or signs of wear. If any components are damaged, they may need replacement.
  4. If the problem persists, contact Heybike customer support for further assistance.

2. Brake Performance Problems

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s hydraulic disc brakes are not providing adequate stopping power, compromising rider safety.

Cause of the problem: Poor brake performance can result from air in the brake lines, brake pad wear, or misaligned calipers.


  1. Bleed the hydraulic brake system to remove air bubbles and ensure proper brake fluid circulation.
  2. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are excessively worn down.
  3. Check the caliper alignment and adjust as necessary to ensure even brake pad contact with the rotor.
  4. If the issue persists, consider upgrading to higher-quality brake pads or consult a professional bike mechanic for further inspection.

3. Battery Charging Problems

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s battery is not charging properly or holds a charge for a significantly shorter duration than expected.

Cause of the problem: Charging issues may occur due to a faulty charger, damaged charging port, or a worn-out battery.


  1. Try using a different power outlet or charger to rule out issues with the charging source.
  2. Inspect the charging port for any physical damage or debris that might be obstructing the connection.
  3. If possible, test the charger with another compatible device to determine if it is working correctly.
  4. If the battery’s capacity has significantly reduced over time, it may need replacement.
  5. Contact Heybike support if the problem persists for further assistance or battery replacement options.

4. LCD Display Malfunction

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s LCD display is not functioning correctly, displaying inaccurate information or not turning on at all.

Cause of the problem: LCD display issues may arise due to loose connections, software glitches, or physical damage to the display unit.


  1. Check and secure all connections between the display unit and the bike’s electronics.
  2. Ensure the bike’s firmware is up to date by using the Mobile App to perform any available updates.
  3. If there is visible damage to the display, it may require replacement.
  4. Try resetting the display to its factory settings to see if that resolves any software-related issues.
  5. If the problem persists, reach out to Heybike customer support for further assistance or to request a replacement display unit.

5. Tire Puncture

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s fat tires are prone to punctures, leading to frequent flats during rides.

Cause of the problem: Punctures can be caused by sharp objects on the road or trail, improper tire pressure, or worn-out tires.


  1. Inspect the tires for any visible punctures or foreign objects embedded in the tire.
  2. Maintain proper tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to reduce the risk of punctures.
  3. Consider using puncture-resistant tire liners or sealants to prevent future flats.
  4. If the tires are excessively worn, replace them with new ones that match the bike’s specifications.
  5. Carry a repair kit or spare inner tubes during rides to quickly fix punctures on the go.

6. Unresponsive Mobile App

Description of the problem: The Mobile App for the Heybike Brawn does not respond or connect to the bike, preventing riders from accessing essential features and data.

Cause of the problem: Mobile App issues can result from compatibility problems, connectivity disruptions, or outdated app versions.


  1. Ensure that the Mobile App is compatible with your device’s operating system.
  2. Check your device’s Bluetooth settings and verify that it is turned on and properly paired with the bike.
  3. If there are updates available for the Mobile App, install them to resolve any bugs or compatibility issues.
  4. Restart your device and try connecting to the bike again through the Mobile App.
  5. If the problem persists, contact Heybike support for further troubleshooting steps or app-related updates.

7. Inconsistent Pedal Assist

Description of the problem: The pedal-assist feature on the Heybike Brawn is sporadic or engages at irregular intervals during rides.

Cause of the problem: Inconsistent pedal assist can occur due to sensor malfunctions, loose connections, or low battery levels.


  1. Inspect the pedal-assist sensor and ensure it is properly aligned and not obstructed by any debris.
  2. Check all pedal-assist related connections for any looseness or damage.
  3. Make sure the battery has sufficient charge to support the pedal-assist function effectively.
  4. Perform a system reset through the Mobile App or by turning off the bike and turning it back on.
  5. If the issue persists, consider seeking assistance from a professional bike mechanic or Heybike support.

8. Squeaky Brakes

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s hydraulic disc brakes produce a squeaking noise during braking, which can be distracting and indicative of potential issues.

Cause of the problem: Squeaky brakes may result from contaminants on the brake pads, rotor, or misalignment of brake components.


  1. Inspect the brake pads for any debris or contamination, and clean them if necessary.
  2. Clean the brake rotor with a mild solvent to remove any residue or dirt.
  3. Ensure the brake calipers are properly aligned and centered on the rotor.
  4. Consider replacing the brake pads if they are excessively worn or contaminated.
  5. If the noise persists, have the brakes professionally inspected and serviced.

9. Loose Handlebars

Description of the problem: The handlebars of the Heybike Brawn feel loose and wobbly, affecting steering control and stability.

Cause of the problem: Loose handlebars can occur due to improper assembly, worn-out components, or loose bolts.


  1. Tighten all handlebar-related bolts, including the stem bolts and handlebar clamp.
  2. Check for any signs of wear or damage in the handlebar assembly, and replace any worn-out parts.
  3. Ensure the handlebars are aligned properly with the front wheel and fork.
  4. Double-check the headset bearings for proper adjustment and tighten if necessary.
  5. If the problem persists, have the handlebar assembly inspected and adjusted by a professional bike mechanic.

10. Dim Headlight

Description of the problem: The adaptive headlight on the Heybike Brawn appears dim and provides insufficient illumination during night rides.

Cause of the problem: Dim headlight issues may arise due to low battery power, loose connections, or a faulty headlight bulb.


  1. Check the headlight’s battery level and recharge if necessary.
  2. Inspect the connections between the headlight and the bike’s electrical system to ensure they are secure.
  3. If the headlight uses replaceable bulbs, check and replace the bulb if it is burnt out.
  4. Adjust the headlight angle to optimize its illumination on the road.
  5. If the problem persists, contact Heybike support for further assistance or headlight replacement options.

11. Unresponsive Brakes

Description of the problem: The hydraulic disc brakes on the Heybike Brawn do not engage or respond when the brake levers are squeezed.

Cause of the problem: Unresponsive brakes can be caused by air in the brake lines, worn-out brake pads, or a malfunctioning brake lever.


  1. Bleed the hydraulic brake system to remove any air bubbles and restore proper brake fluid pressure.
  2. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are excessively worn down.
  3. Check the brake lever for any damage or misalignment that may be affecting its functionality.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a professional bike mechanic or contact Heybike support for further assistance.

12. Faulty Speedometer

Description of the problem: The speedometer on the Heybike Brawn’s LCD display does not provide accurate speed readings or fails to display speed altogether.

Cause of the problem: Speedometer issues can arise due to a faulty speed sensor, damaged wiring, or software glitches.


  1. Check the speed sensor for any damage or misalignment, and ensure it is properly positioned near the bike’s wheel magnet.
  2. Inspect the wiring connecting the speed sensor to the display unit for any breaks or loose connections.
  3. Update the bike’s firmware through the Mobile App to address any software-related speedometer problems.
  4. If the speedometer continues to malfunction, consider replacing the speed sensor or contacting Heybike support for further guidance.

13. Noisy Chain

Description of the problem: The chain on the Heybike Brawn emits loud and unusual noises while pedaling or using the motor.

Cause of the problem: Chain noise can result from improper lubrication, misalignment, or a worn-out chain.


  1. Clean and lubricate the chain with a suitable bike chain lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
  2. Check the chain’s tension and adjust it if necessary to prevent slippage or excessive noise.
  3. Inspect the chainrings and rear cassette for signs of wear and replace them if they are worn out.
  4. If the chain noise persists, seek assistance from a professional bike mechanic for further inspection and maintenance.

14. Inaccurate Battery Indicator

Description of the problem: The battery indicator on the Heybike Brawn’s display does not accurately reflect the remaining battery charge, leading to uncertainty about the available range.

Cause of the problem: Battery indicator inaccuracies can be caused by calibration issues, voltage fluctuations, or software glitches.


  1. Perform a battery calibration by fully charging the battery and then discharging it completely before recharging it again.
  2. Check for any loose connections between the battery and the bike’s electrical system.
  3. Update the bike’s firmware through the Mobile App to address any software-related battery indicator problems.
  4. If the battery indicator remains inaccurate, contact Heybike support for further assistance or battery recalibration options.

15. Uncomfortable Seat

Description of the problem: The saddle on the Heybike Brawn is uncomfortable and causes discomfort or pain during longer rides.

Cause of the problem: Seat discomfort can result from inadequate padding, improper positioning, or an incompatible seat design.


  1. Consider adding a gel seat cover or cushion for additional padding and comfort.
  2. Adjust the seat position to find the most comfortable angle and height for your riding style.
  3. If the seat is still uncomfortable, consider replacing it with a different saddle that better suits your preferences.
  4. Ensure the seat clamp is securely tightened to prevent any wobbling or instability during rides.
  5. If the issue persists, consult a professional bike fitting expert for personalized seat recommendations and adjustments.

16. Unstable Kickstand

Description of the problem: The kickstand on the Heybike Brawn is unstable and struggles to support the bike in an upright position.

Cause of the problem: Unstable kickstand issues can be caused by a loose or damaged kickstand, improper installation, or an uneven surface.


  1. Tighten all kickstand-related bolts and connections to ensure a secure fit.
  2. Inspect the kickstand for any damage and replace it if necessary.
  3. Ensure the kickstand is installed correctly and aligned properly with the bike’s frame.
  4. If the surface is uneven, try repositioning the bike or finding a more level area for better stability.
  5. If the kickstand continues to be unstable, consider upgrading to a more robust and reliable kickstand model.

17. Frequent Chain Slippage

Description of the problem: The chain on the Heybike Brawn slips off the chainrings or cassette frequently, causing disruption during rides.

Cause of the problem: Chain slippage can occur due to a loose chain tension, misaligned derailleurs, or worn-out chainrings.


  1. Adjust the chain tension to the appropriate level according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Inspect the derailleurs for proper alignment and adjust them if necessary to prevent chain misalignment.
  3. Check the chainrings for signs of wear or damage, and replace them if they are worn out.
  4. Ensure the chain is properly lubricated to reduce friction and enhance chain engagement.
  5. If chain slippage persists, have the bike’s drivetrain inspected and serviced by a professional mechanic.

18. Faulty Throttle Control

Description of the problem: The throttle control mechanism on the Heybike Brawn does not respond or functions intermittently, affecting the bike’s power delivery.

Cause of the problem: Throttle control issues can arise from loose connections, sensor malfunctions, or faulty wiring.


  1. Check all throttle-related connections and ensure they are securely attached.
  2. Inspect the throttle sensor for any damage or misalignment.
  3. Verify that the throttle control mechanism is receiving power from the battery.
  4. Perform a system reset through the Mobile App or by turning off the bike and turning it back on.
  5. If the issue persists, contact Heybike support for further assistance or throttle mechanism replacement options.

19. Misaligned Wheels

Description of the problem: The wheels of the Heybike Brawn appear misaligned, causing handling issues and affecting overall riding performance.

Cause of the problem: Misaligned wheels can result from improper assembly, uneven spoke tension, or a bent wheel rim.


  1. Inspect the wheels for any visible signs of misalignment, such as wobbling or rubbing against the brake pads.
  2. Ensure all wheel spokes have even tension and are properly tightened.
  3. Check the wheel trueness using a wheel truing stand or seek assistance from a bike mechanic.
  4. If there is significant damage or misalignment, consider replacing the affected wheel or components.
  5. Consult a professional bike mechanic for wheel alignment and further adjustments.

20. App Connectivity Issues

Description of the problem: The Mobile App for the Heybike Brawn experiences frequent connectivity issues, preventing riders from accessing bike data and features remotely.

Cause of the problem: App connectivity problems can arise from Bluetooth interference, app bugs, or compatibility issues with the device.


  1. Ensure that the Mobile App is up to date with the latest version available.
  2. Try using the app on a different device to rule out compatibility issues.
  3. Restart your phone’s Bluetooth and attempt to connect to the bike again.
  4. Minimize potential sources of Bluetooth interference, such as other nearby electronic devices.
  5. If the issue persists, contact Heybike support for further assistance or app-related updates.

21. Unresponsive Pedal Assist Level

Description of the problem: The pedal assist level selection on the Heybike Brawn does not respond when adjusting the desired level.

Cause of the problem: Unresponsive pedal assist level can occur due to a faulty pedal assist controller, software glitches, or a damaged display unit.


  1. Restart the bike’s display unit and Mobile App to see if the issue is resolved.
  2. Check the pedal assist controller’s connections for any looseness or damage.
  3. Update the bike’s firmware through the Mobile App to address any software-related problems.
  4. If the problem persists, consider replacing the pedal assist controller or contacting Heybike support for further guidance.

22. Uncomfortable Suspension

Description of the problem: The Heybike Brawn’s hydraulic suspension front fork feels uncomfortable and fails to provide the desired smoothness during rides.

Cause of the problem: Uncomfortable suspension can result from inadequate tuning, insufficient travel, or worn-out suspension components.


  1. Adjust the suspension settings to match your weight and riding preferences.
  2. Inspect the suspension fork for any signs of damage or oil leakage.
  3. Ensure the suspension fork has the appropriate amount of travel for your riding style and terrain.
  4. Consider upgrading to a higher-quality suspension fork if the current one is not providing the desired comfort.
  5. Consult a professional bike mechanic for further suspension tuning and recommendations.

23. Limited Mobile App Features

Description of the problem: The Mobile App for the Heybike Brawn lacks certain features advertised, limiting the rider’s ability to access specific functionalities.

Cause of the problem: Limited app features can be caused by outdated app versions, compatibility issues, or regional restrictions.


  1. Ensure that you have the latest version of the Mobile App installed on your device.
  2. Check if the app is available in your region or country and if there are any restrictions.
  3. Contact Heybike support to inquire about the available app features for your specific model and region.
  4. If there are no immediate solutions, provide feedback to Heybike to address and update the app features in future releases.

24. Corroded Electrical Connectors

Description of the problem: The electrical connectors on the Heybike Brawn appear corroded or rusty, affecting electrical connections and performance.

Cause of the problem: Corroded connectors can result from exposure to moisture, improper storage, or lack of regular maintenance.


  1. Clean the electrical connectors with a contact cleaner to remove any corrosion or rust.
  2. Inspect the connectors for signs of damage, and replace any severely corroded components.
  3. Ensure that the connectors are properly sealed and protected from moisture.
  4. Regularly inspect and clean the connectors as part of routine bike maintenance.
  5. If the issue persists, contact Heybike support for further assistance or replacement connectors if necessary.

25. Unreliable Gear Shifting

Description of the problem: The gear shifting on the Heybike Brawn is unreliable, leading to difficulty in changing gears smoothly.

Cause of the problem: Unreliable gear shifting can be caused by cable stretch, misadjusted derailleurs, or worn-out gear components.


  1. Inspect the gear cables for signs of wear or stretch, and replace them if necessary.
  2. Adjust the derailleur settings to ensure precise gear shifting and proper alignment.
  3. Check the gear components, such as the cassette and chainrings, for signs of wear and replace them if needed.
  4. Lubricate the gear components and cables regularly to reduce friction and improve shifting performance.
  5. If gear shifting issues persist, consult a professional bike mechanic for further adjustments and maintenance.

Heybike Brawn Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from Heybike Brawn Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the bike’s ruggedness and its ability to handle rough terrains with ease.
  • Many customers appreciated the excellent customer service provided by Heybike, particularly in resolving issues with replacement parts.
  • Several users were impressed with the bike’s power and speed, finding it fast and powerful for their needs.
  • Customers praised the bike’s design and build quality, mentioning its impressive performance and sturdiness.
  • Users in their 60s expressed delight in feeling like kids again, enjoying the bike’s performance during their rides.
  • Some customers were impressed with the bike’s rechargeable rear light, which held a charge for an extended period.
  • One user, an engineer, praised the Brawn’s design, production, and performance, particularly appreciating its power and speed.

Negative Reviews of the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike

  • Some users expressed frustration with inaccurate battery life indicators, leading to uncertainty about the available range.
  • One customer encountered difficulties with the bike’s headlight, which remained on at night and drained the battery.
  • Another user reported issues with updating the firmware on their Heybike Brawn, preventing them from accessing the latest features.
  • A few users mentioned encountering problems with the bike shutting down unexpectedly during their rides.
  • Some customers faced challenges with the bike’s light switch, experiencing its inconsistent functionality and the light turning on by itself.
  • Several users expressed the need for additional accessories like mud fenders and cargo racks to enhance the bike’s practicality.
  • One user reported issues with the bike’s performance, facing multiple shutdowns in a relatively short distance covered.
  • Despite the positive overall experience, some customers felt that improvements could be made to certain aspects of the bike.

All the user reviews mentioned above are taken from the site Walmart.com. The majority of users were satisfied with the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike, praising its ruggedness, power, and customer service. However, there were also some negative feedback regarding issues with battery indicators, firmware updates, unexpected shutdowns, and inconsistent light switches.

Despite these challenges, the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike received generally positive feedback from its customers, proving to be a reliable and enjoyable electric bike for various riding experiences.

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Heybike Brawn Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions for the Heybike Brawn Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s website. To ensure safe and proper usage of the electric bike, it is essential to refer to the official manual provided by Heybike. The manual contains detailed information on assembly, maintenance, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guidelines.

Users are encouraged to read and follow the instructions carefully to maximize their riding experience and ensure the longevity of their Heybike Brawn Electric Bike.

Heybike Brawn Frequently Asked Questions

1. How far can the Heybike Brawn travel on a single battery charge?

The Heybike Brawn can travel up to 65 miles on a single battery charge with pedal assist. The 19 Ah battery, coupled with efficient power management, provides an impressive range for various riding adventures.

2. How long does it take to charge the Heybike Brawn’s battery fully?

The Heybike Brawn’s 48V battery with an 18 ampere-hour capacity can be fully charged in approximately 4 hours using the included 4A fast charger.

3. Is the Heybike Brawn suitable for off-road riding?

Yes, the Heybike Brawn is designed to handle off-road adventures with ease. Its robust 26×4-inch fat tires, hydraulic suspension front fork, and powerful 750W motor make it well-suited for tackling various terrains.

4. Can I adjust the pedal assist level on the Heybike Brawn?

Yes, the Heybike Brawn offers multiple pedal assist levels that can be adjusted to match your riding preferences and desired level of assistance. The Mobile App allows you to customize the pedal assist settings to suit your needs.

5. What is the maximum speed the Heybike Brawn can reach?

The Heybike Brawn has a maximum speed of 28 miles per hour when using the pedal-assist mode. However, the actual speed may vary depending on factors such as rider weight, terrain, and weather conditions.


For Heybike Brawn Electric Bike users facing any issues or problems, it is recommended to refer to the official manual provided by Heybike. The manual contains essential information on troubleshooting, assembly, and maintenance to help users address common problems effectively.

If additional assistance is required, users are advised to contact Heybike’s customer service or visit a service center for expert support and guidance. By following the instructions and seeking appropriate assistance, users can enjoy a smooth and enjoyable riding experience with their Heybike Brawn Electric Bike.

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