Written By Doug Smirnoff

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Himiway Big Dog Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Himiway Big Dog Common Problems

Despite its impressive features and capabilities, the Himiway Big Dog may still encounter some common issues that riders should be aware of. Among its standout qualities, such as the powerful 750W motor and the robust 80mm suspension fork, there are certain aspects that could lead to potential challenges.

One of the distinctive features of the Himiway Big Dog is its impressive payload capacity of up to 400 lbs, making it an ideal choice for transporting heavy loads. However, despite this remarkable capability, riders may encounter issues related to the bike’s weight and size, particularly when maneuvering in tight spaces or transporting the e-bike.

In addition, while the Himiway Big Dog offers a smooth and comfortable ride, especially with its long-lasting battery and motorbike-style kickstand, there are some limitations to consider. For instance, taller riders may find the bike less accommodating due to its size, and the absence of hydraulic disc brakes could impact stopping power and safety, particularly in demanding riding conditions.

This article aims to address these common problems associated with the Himiway Big Dog and provide readers with practical troubleshooting tips and real-life experiences in owning and maintaining this model. By understanding these potential issues and how to effectively resolve them, riders can fully enjoy the benefits of this powerful and versatile cargo e-bike.

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Himiway Big Dog Common Problems and Troubleshooting


Name of Specification Description
Price $1,999.00
Type eBike
Release Year 2020
Brake Type Hydraulic Disc Brakes
Drive Type Rear-Wheel Drive
Frame Material Aluminum
Gears 7
Max Range (mi) 80 mi
Top Speed (mph) 25 mph
Watts 750
Weight (lbs) 88 lbs
Weight Capacity (lbs) 400 lbs
Wheels 2
Wheel Diameter (in) 20 in
Wheel Width (in) 4 in

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Himiway Big Dog Common Problems and Troubleshooting


  • Powerful 750W motor
  • Impressive payload capacity of up to 400 lbs
  • Long-lasting 960Wh battery
  • Robust 80mm suspension fork for a comfortable ride
  • Strong cast alloy wheels for stability and reliability
  • Half-twist throttle for easy speed adjustment
  • Motorbike-style kickstand for stability and convenience
  • Sleek and stylish design
  • Versatile mode of transportation

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Himiway Big Dog Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Causes of Common Problems with the Himiway Big Dog

In this section, we will explore the various causes behind the common problems encountered with the Himiway Big Dog. We will delve into the factors contributing to these issues and discuss effective solutions to address them.

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Himiway Big Dog Common Problems and Troubleshooting

1. Battery Not Charging – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The battery of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike is not charging when connected to the charger.
  • Cause of the problem: The charging port may be damaged or dirty, preventing a proper connection with the charger.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the charging port on the bike for any visible damage or debris.
    2. Clean the charging port carefully using a soft brush or compressed air to remove any dirt or dust.
    3. Try using a different charging cable and adapter to rule out any issues with the charger.
    4. If the problem persists, contact Himiway customer support for further assistance or to arrange a repair.

2. Motor Stalling – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The motor of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike intermittently stops working while riding.
  • Cause of the problem: Overheating of the motor due to prolonged use or riding in extreme weather conditions.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Allow the motor to cool down by stopping the bike and letting it rest for a few minutes.
    2. Avoid riding the bike in extremely hot or cold temperatures to prevent overheating or freezing of the motor.
    3. Check the motor’s wiring connections for any loose or damaged wires and secure or repair them if necessary.
    4. If the problem persists, contact Himiway customer support for further assistance or to arrange a motor inspection.

3. Brakes Squeaking – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The brakes of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike produce a squeaking noise when applied.
  • Cause of the problem: Accumulation of dirt, grime, or brake pad wear can lead to squeaking brakes.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down.
    2. Clean the brake pads and rotor with a soft brush and rubbing alcohol to remove any debris or contaminants.
    3. Adjust the brake calipers to ensure proper alignment with the rotor.
    4. If the squeaking persists, consider upgrading to high-quality brake pads or seek professional assistance for brake adjustment.

4. Loose Bolts and Screws – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: Various bolts and screws on the Himiway Big Dog electric bike become loose over time, leading to rattling or instability.
  • Cause of the problem: Vibration from riding and normal wear and tear can cause bolts and screws to loosen over time.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Regularly inspect all bolts and screws on the bike for signs of loosening.
    2. Tighten any loose bolts or screws using the appropriate tools, being careful not to over-tighten and risk damaging the components.
    3. Consider applying a thread-locking adhesive to critical fasteners to prevent them from loosening again.
    4. If bolts continue to loosen despite efforts to secure them, consult with a bike mechanic to assess the issue and potentially replace the fasteners.

5. Display Malfunction – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The display screen of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike is not functioning properly, showing incorrect information or not turning on.
  • Cause of the problem: Electrical issues such as loose connections, water damage, or a faulty display unit can lead to display malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check all electrical connections leading to the display unit for any loose or damaged wires and reconnect or repair them if necessary.
    2. Ensure that the display unit is not exposed to water or moisture, as this can damage the electronics.
    3. Attempt to reset the display unit by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery or following the manufacturer’s reset instructions.
    4. If the display continues to malfunction, contact Himiway customer support for further troubleshooting or to arrange a display unit replacement.

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Battery Draining Quickly – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The battery of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike discharges rapidly, providing shorter than expected ride times.
  • Cause of the problem: Factors such as high power consumption, battery age, and improper charging habits can contribute to rapid battery drain.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check for any accessories or components on the bike that may be drawing excessive power and remove them if possible.
    2. Ensure that the battery is properly charged and not over-discharged, as this can reduce its overall capacity.
    3. Consider replacing the battery if it is old or degraded, as worn-out batteries may not hold a charge as effectively.
    4. Adopt proper charging practices such as avoiding overcharging or storing the battery at high temperatures to prolong its lifespan.

Noisy Chain – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The chain of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike produces loud noises during pedaling or motor engagement.
  • Cause of the problem: A dry or dirty chain, misalignment, or worn-out drivetrain components can lead to chain noise.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Clean and lubricate the chain with a suitable bicycle chain lubricant to reduce friction and noise.
    2. Check for chain wear and replace the chain if it is stretched or worn beyond the manufacturer’s recommended limits.
    3. Inspect the derailleur and cassette for signs of wear or damage and replace any worn-out components as needed.
    4. Adjust the chain tension and derailleur alignment to ensure smooth and quiet operation.

Intermittent Power Loss – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The Himiway Big Dog electric bike experiences occasional power loss or dropouts during operation.
  • Cause of the problem: Loose electrical connections, battery issues, or motor controller malfunctions can result in intermittent power loss.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect all electrical connections and wiring harnesses for signs of looseness or damage and secure or repair them as needed.
    2. Test the battery voltage and capacity to ensure it is within the recommended range and consider replacing the battery if it is faulty.
    3. Check the motor controller for any error codes or indications of malfunction and troubleshoot or replace it if necessary.
    4. Monitor the bike for any recurring power loss patterns and note any specific conditions or events that trigger the issue for further diagnosis.

Unresponsive Pedal Assist – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The pedal assist system of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike fails to engage or respond to pedaling input.
  • Cause of the problem: Faulty sensors, wiring issues, or software glitches can cause the pedal assist system to become unresponsive.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the connections and wiring of the pedal assist sensors for any damage or loose connections and repair or replace them as necessary.
    2. Inspect the magnet ring and sensor alignment to ensure they are properly positioned and calibrated for accurate pedal assist detection.
    3. Reset the pedal assist settings or update the firmware of the bike’s electronic control unit (ECU) to address any software-related issues.
    4. Test the pedal assist system under different riding conditions to determine if the problem persists and seek professional assistance if needed.

Overheating Controller – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The controller unit of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike becomes excessively hot during operation.
  • Cause of the problem: Overloading, poor ventilation, or a malfunctioning controller can lead to overheating issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the bike is not being overloaded with excessive weight or power demands beyond the controller’s capacity.
    2. Check the controller’s mounting position and ensure that it is adequately ventilated to dissipate heat effectively.
    3. Inspect the controller for any signs of damage or malfunction and replace it if necessary to prevent further overheating.
    4. Monitor the controller’s temperature during operation and adjust riding habits or settings to prevent overheating in the future.

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Uneven Tire Wear – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The tires of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike exhibit uneven wear patterns, resulting in reduced traction and handling.
  • Cause of the problem: Improper tire inflation, misalignment, or worn-out suspension components can lead to uneven tire wear.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure even wear.
    2. Inspect the tires for signs of misalignment or suspension issues and adjust or replace components as needed.
    3. Rotate the tires regularly to promote more uniform wear across all tread surfaces and extend tire lifespan.
    4. Monitor tire wear patterns and adjust riding habits or terrain choices to minimize excessive wear on specific areas of the tire.

Handlebar Wobble – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The handlebars of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike exhibit wobbling or shaking during riding, affecting stability and control.
  • Cause of the problem: Loose handlebar stem, worn headset bearings, or imbalanced front wheel can cause handlebar wobble.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and tighten the handlebar stem bolts to ensure they are securely fastened to the fork steerer tube.
    2. Inspect the headset bearings for wear or damage and replace them if necessary to eliminate excess play in the handlebar assembly.
    3. Ensure that the front wheel is properly balanced and centered within the fork dropouts to prevent wobbling.
    4. Test the bike for handlebar wobble at various speeds and road conditions to identify any persistent issues and address them accordingly.

Chain Slippage – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The chain of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike slips or skips over the drivetrain components, causing intermittent loss of power.
  • Cause of the problem: Worn chain or cassette, improper derailleur adjustment, or excessive chain tension can lead to chain slippage.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the chain and cassette for signs of wear or damage, such as worn teeth or stretched links, and replace them if necessary.
    2. Adjust the derailleur settings to ensure proper chain tension and alignment with the cassette gears.
    3. Check for any debris or contaminants on the chain or drivetrain components and clean them thoroughly to improve engagement.
    4. Monitor chain slippage during riding and make any necessary adjustments or replacements to prevent further issues.

No Power to Lights – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The lights of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike do not turn on or receive power, compromising visibility during low-light conditions.
  • Cause of the problem: Electrical issues such as loose connections, blown fuses, or faulty wiring can prevent power delivery to the lights.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the wiring connections leading to the lights for any loose or damaged wires and repair or replace them as needed.
    2. Check the fuse box or circuit breakers for any tripped fuses and reset them if necessary to restore power to the lights.
    3. Test the lights with a multimeter to verify that they are receiving power from the battery or electrical system.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the bike’s wiring diagram and seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair any underlying electrical issues.

Brake Fade – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The brakes of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike experience reduced stopping power or effectiveness over time, leading to brake fade.
  • Cause of the problem: Heat buildup, worn brake pads, or contaminated brake fluid can cause brake fade and diminish braking performance.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Allow the brakes to cool down between heavy use to prevent excessive heat buildup and maintain consistent braking performance.
    2. Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are worn down beyond the manufacturer’s recommended thickness.
    3. Flush and replace the brake fluid in the hydraulic brake system to remove any air bubbles or contaminants that may affect brake performance.
    4. Adjust the brake calipers and pads to ensure proper alignment and contact with the braking surface for maximum stopping power.

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Loose Spokes – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The spokes on the wheels of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike become loose, leading to wheel wobbling or instability.
  • Cause of the problem: Insufficient tension, improper wheel truing, or impacts from rough terrain can cause spokes to loosen over time.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the tension of all spokes using a spoke tension meter and adjust them to the manufacturer’s recommended specifications.
    2. True the wheels by adjusting the spoke tension and alignment to eliminate any lateral or radial deviations that may contribute to spoke loosening.
    3. Check for any damaged or broken spokes and replace them as needed to maintain wheel integrity.
    4. Monitor spoke tension regularly and perform maintenance as necessary to prevent further loosening and ensure wheel stability.

Seat Post Slipping – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The seat post of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike slips or rotates unexpectedly during riding, causing discomfort and instability.
  • Cause of the problem: Insufficient seat post clamp tension, worn seat post or frame interface, or improper seat post insertion depth can lead to slipping.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the seat post clamp for proper tightness and adjust it as needed to ensure a secure grip on the seat post.
    2. Inspect the seat post and frame interface for signs of wear or damage and replace any worn components to restore stability.
    3. Ensure that the seat post is inserted to the recommended depth mark on the post and that it is properly aligned with the frame.
    4. Consider applying friction paste or a non-slip shim to the seat post to increase grip and prevent slipping.

Shifting Problems – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The gears of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike experience difficulty shifting or fail to engage properly, affecting drivetrain performance.
  • Cause of the problem: Cable tension issues, derailleur misalignment, or worn drivetrain components can cause shifting problems.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the cable tension and adjust it using barrel adjusters to ensure smooth and precise shifting action.
    2. Inspect the derailleur alignment and hanger position to ensure proper positioning and adjustment for optimal shifting performance.
    3. Replace worn or damaged cassette cogs, chainrings, or chain links to eliminate skipping or hesitation during gear shifts.
    4. Perform a drivetrain cleaning and lubrication to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation of the shifting components.

Handlebar Grips Wearing Out – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The handlebar grips of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike deteriorate over time, becoming worn or torn, compromising grip and comfort.
  • Cause of the problem: Normal wear and tear, exposure to UV rays, or low-quality grip materials can cause handlebar grips to degrade.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Regularly inspect the condition of the handlebar grips and replace them if they show signs of wear, tearing, or loss of grip.
    2. Choose high-quality handlebar grips made from durable materials such as rubber or silicone to ensure long-lasting performance.
    3. Apply grip glue or adhesive spray during installation to secure the grips firmly in place and prevent them from slipping or rotating.
    4. Consider using grip tape or gloves as temporary solutions to improve grip and comfort while riding with worn handlebar grips.

Frame Cracking – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The frame of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike develops cracks or fractures, compromising structural integrity and safety.
  • Cause of the problem: Overloading, impacts from rough terrain, or material fatigue can cause stress concentrations and lead to frame cracking.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the frame for any visible cracks, especially around weld joints or high-stress areas, and mark them for further monitoring.
    2. Reduce the weight load on the bike and avoid riding over rough terrain to prevent further stress on the frame.
    3. Consult a professional bicycle mechanic or frame builder to assess the severity of the cracks and recommend repair or replacement options.
    4. If the frame is under warranty, contact the manufacturer for assistance in obtaining a replacement frame or repair services.

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Handlebar Misalignment – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The handlebars of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike become misaligned, resulting in discomfort and compromised steering control.
  • Cause of the problem: Impact from falls or collisions, loose stem bolts, or improper handlebar adjustment can lead to handlebar misalignment.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the alignment of the handlebars with the front wheel to ensure they are parallel and centered within the stem.
    2. Tighten the stem bolts securely to prevent movement and ensure proper clamping force on the handlebars.
    3. Adjust the handlebar position and angle to the rider’s preference and verify that it aligns with the bike’s geometry.
    4. If misalignment persists, inspect the stem and handlebar for any signs of damage and replace them if necessary.

Suspension Squeaking – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The suspension components of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike emit squeaking or creaking noises during compression or rebound.
  • Cause of the problem: Dry or worn suspension bushings, insufficient lubrication, or dirt accumulation can cause suspension squeaking.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the suspension bushings for signs of wear or deterioration and replace them if necessary to eliminate noise.
    2. Apply suspension-specific lubricant to pivot points, seals, and bushings to reduce friction and prevent squeaking.
    3. Clean the suspension components regularly to remove dirt, debris, or old lubricant buildup that may contribute to noise.
    4. If squeaking persists, consider seeking professional service to diagnose and address any underlying issues with the suspension system.

Rattling Fenders – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The fenders of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike produce rattling or vibrating noises during riding, causing annoyance and distraction.
  • Cause of the problem: Loose mounting hardware, worn fender brackets, or inadequate clearance can lead to fender rattling.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the fender mounting points and hardware for any looseness or play and tighten them securely to eliminate rattling.
    2. Check the condition of the fender brackets and replace any worn or damaged components that may contribute to noise.
    3. Adjust the fender clearance to ensure that it does not come into contact with the tire or other bike components during riding.
    4. If rattling persists, consider adding foam padding or rubber grommets between the fender and mounting points to dampen vibrations.

Battery Connection Issues – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The battery of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike experiences intermittent connection issues, leading to power interruptions or shutdowns.
  • Cause of the problem: Corrosion, loose contacts, or damaged wiring can disrupt the electrical connection between the battery and the bike’s components.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the battery terminals and connectors for any signs of corrosion or damage and clean them thoroughly to ensure a secure connection.
    2. Check for loose or worn contacts on the battery and corresponding terminals on the bike and tighten or replace them as needed.
    3. Inspect the wiring harnesses and connectors for any frayed wires or loose connections and repair or replace them if necessary.
    4. If connection issues persist, test the battery on another compatible bike or charger to determine if the problem lies with the battery or the bike’s electrical system.

Seat Comfort Issues – Himiway Big Dog

  • Description of the problem: The seat of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike causes discomfort or pain during extended rides, affecting rider comfort and enjoyment.
  • Cause of the problem: Inadequate padding, improper seat angle, or unsuitable seat design can lead to seat discomfort issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Install a gel or memory foam seat cover to add additional padding and improve comfort during long rides.
    2. Adjust the seat angle and position to find the optimal riding position that alleviates pressure points and promotes comfort.
    3. Consider upgrading to a wider or differently shaped seat that better suits your anatomical preferences and riding style.
    4. If seat discomfort persists, consult a bike fitting specialist or professional saddle retailer to find a customized solution tailored to your individual needs.

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Himiway Big Dog electric bike User Reviews

Welcome to the user reviews section for the Himiway Big Dog electric bike. Here, we’ll explore the feedback from real users to provide insights into their experiences with this remarkable electric bike.

Positive Reviews from Himiway Big Dog Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the powerful performance of the Himiway Big Dog, praising its 750W motor and its ability to tackle various terrains with ease.
  • Many users appreciated the impressive payload capacity of 400 lbs, highlighting the bike’s suitability for carrying heavy loads on their daily commutes or errands.
  • Several users were pleased with the long-lasting battery life of the Himiway Big Dog, enabling them to enjoy extended rides without worrying about running out of power.
  • A significant number of users found the 80mm suspension fork to be a standout feature, providing a smooth and comfortable ride, even on bumpy roads or trails.
  • Many users loved the convenience of the motorbike-type kickstand, making parking and loading/unloading items a hassle-free experience.
  • Several users praised the versatility of usage offered by the Himiway Big Dog, noting its suitability for commuting, running errands, or embarking on off-road adventures.
  • Numerous users found the Himiway Big Dog to be a great value for its price, offering premium features and performance without breaking the bank.

Overall, the positive feedback from Himiway Big Dog customers highlights its exceptional performance, versatility, and value, making it a popular choice among electric bike enthusiasts.

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Negative user reviews of the Himiway Big Dog

  • Some users were not satisfied with the Himiway Big Dog’s lack of hydraulic disc brakes, expressing concerns about its impact on stopping power and safety.
  • Others reported that the bike may not be suitable for tall riders, as it lacks sufficient adjustability, leading to discomfort during long rides.
  • A few users found the Himiway Big Dog to be a bit on the heavier side, which could pose challenges when maneuvering or transporting the bike.

Findings: Despite these negative reviews, the majority of users were satisfied with the overall performance and features of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike.

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Himiway Big Dog Manual

For detailed operating instructions for the Himiway Big Dog electric bike, please visit the website of the manufacturer.


Overall Impressions

Throughout this article, we’ve delved into various aspects of the Himiway Big Dog electric bike, exploring its features, specifications, common problems, user reviews, and more. It’s evident that the Himiway Big Dog offers a compelling package, combining powerful performance, versatile functionality, and stylish design.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The Himiway Big Dog impresses with its powerful 750W motor, impressive payload capacity, long-lasting battery, and durable construction. Users have praised its versatility, value for the price, and overall riding experience.

However, the bike does have its shortcomings, including the lack of hydraulic disc brakes, limited adjustability for tall riders, and its relatively heavier weight. Despite these drawbacks, the majority of users have found the Himiway Big Dog to meet or exceed their expectations.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Himiway Big Dog electric bike emerges as a reliable and capable choice for those seeking a versatile and powerful mode of transportation. Its combination of features, performance, and affordability make it a standout option in the competitive electric bike market. Whether you’re commuting through city streets, tackling off-road trails, or running errands, the Himiway Big Dog delivers a satisfying riding experience.

While no product is without its flaws, the overall consensus from users is overwhelmingly positive, reaffirming the Himiway Big Dog’s position as a top contender in the realm of electric bikes.

This HTML markup creates the subsections “Himiway Big Dog Manual” and “Conclusion” within the main article. The “Himiway Big Dog Manual” subsection provides information on where to find the operating instructions, while the “Conclusion” subsection offers a general conclusion for the entire article.

Himiway Big Dog FAQ

What type of brakes does the Himiway Big Dog have?

The Himiway Big Dog is equipped with hydraulic disc brakes.

What is the range of the Himiway Big Dog on a single charge?

The Himiway Big Dog has an impressive range of up to 80 miles on a single charge.

What is the maximum payload capacity of the Himiway Big Dog?

The Himiway Big Dog has a payload capacity of 400 lbs.

Does the Himiway Big Dog have a suspension system?

Yes, the Himiway Big Dog is equipped with a front suspension fork and a rear spring suspension system for a smooth and comfortable ride.

Is the Himiway Big Dog suitable for tall riders?

The Himiway Big Dog may not be the most comfortable option for taller riders.

How much does the Himiway Big Dog eBike cost?

The Himiway Big Dog is priced at $1,999 USD.

What motor does the Himiway Big Dog eBike have?

The Himiway Big Dog eBike is equipped with a powerful 750W brushless geared hub motor.

Can the Himiway Big Dog be used on different terrains?

Yes, the Himiway Big Dog features all-terrain fat tires that offer excellent traction and stability on a variety of surfaces, including sand, snow, mud, and gravel.

What is the battery capacity of the Himiway Big Dog?

The Himiway Big Dog comes with a 48V 17.5Ah Lithium-ion battery.

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