Written By Doug Smirnoff

RadRunner 2 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The RadRunner 2 is an electric bike model known for its versatility and performance. However, like any complex machinery, it may encounter certain problems that can affect its functionality. This article aims to address the common problems that RadRunner 2 owners may face and provide troubleshooting steps to resolve them.

Causes of Problems on the RadRunner 2

In the following subsections, we will detail the common problems that RadRunner 2 e-bikes may experience and provide troubleshooting guidance to help you resolve them effectively.

Brakes are not responsive or become loose

Description: The brakes on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may not respond properly or become loose, affecting the rider’s ability to stop effectively.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by loose brake cables, worn brake pads, or misaligned brake calipers.


  • Check the brake cables and make sure they are properly tightened.
  • Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Adjust the brake calipers to ensure they are aligned correctly.

Motor malfunctions or stops working

Description: The motor of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience malfunctions or completely stop working, resulting in a loss of power assistance.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by electrical or mechanical problems within the motor system, such as loose connections or motor failure.


  • Check all electrical connections related to the motor and ensure they are secure.
  • If the motor has overheated, allow it to cool down before attempting to use it again.
  • If the motor still does not work, contact customer support for further assistance or motor replacement.

Frame or structural integrity issues

Description: The RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience issues with its frame or structural integrity, leading to concerns about safety and stability.

Cause of the problem: Frame or structural integrity issues can occur due to manufacturing defects, impacts, or wear and tear over time.


  • If you notice any cracks or damage to the frame, discontinue use and contact customer support for guidance on repairs or replacement.
  • Regularly inspect the frame for any signs of wear, and address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Loose or malfunctioning kickstand

Description: The kickstand of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may become loose or malfunction, causing instability when parked.

Cause of the problem: This issue can occur due to loose bolts, worn-out springs, or misalignment of the kickstand.


  • Tighten the bolts securing the kickstand to the frame.
  • Inspect the springs and replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure the kickstand is properly aligned and adjusted for stability.

Loose or broken spokes in the wheels

Description: The RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience issues with loose or broken spokes in the wheels, affecting the overall wheel integrity.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by improper tension, impacts, or general wear and tear.


  • Inspect the spokes and tighten any loose ones using a spoke wrench.
  • If any spokes are broken, they should be replaced to maintain wheel strength.
  • Consider having the wheel trued by a professional bike mechanic to ensure proper tension and alignment of the spokes.

Difficulties with assembling or disassembling the bike

Description: Some users may encounter difficulties when assembling or disassembling the RadRunner 2 e-bike, which can impede the initial setup or maintenance processes.

Cause of the problem: This issue can occur due to unclear instructions, missing tools, or improper alignment of components.


  • Carefully follow the assembly instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Double-check that all necessary tools are available and used correctly during the process.
  • If you are unsure about specific steps, consult the manufacturer’s customer support or seek assistance from a professional bike mechanic.

Chain keeps falling off or gets stuck

Description: The chain on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may frequently fall off or get stuck, causing difficulties in pedaling or motor assistance.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by a misaligned chain, worn-out chainrings or cassette, or inadequate tension.


  • Inspect the chain for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.
  • Ensure the chain is properly lubricated and properly tensioned.
  • Check the alignment of the chainrings and cassette, and adjust if needed.

Limited range per charge compared to advertised

Description: The RadRunner 2 e-bike may have a shorter range per charge than what was advertised by the manufacturer, resulting in reduced riding distance.

Cause of the problem: Factors such as terrain, riding style, weight, and battery condition can affect the actual range.


  • Ensure the battery is fully charged before each ride.
  • Check for any excessive drag or resistance in the bike’s components that could be draining the battery faster.
  • Adjust your riding style and consider using lower power assist levels to conserve battery power.

Suspension system issues

Description: If your RadRunner 2 e-bike is equipped with a suspension system, you may encounter issues such as a noisy suspension, lack of responsiveness, or excessive bouncing.

Cause of the problem: Suspension system issues can occur due to loose bolts, improper adjustment, or worn-out suspension components.


  • Check all bolts and connections related to the suspension system and tighten them if necessary.
  • Adjust the suspension settings according to your weight and riding preferences.
  • If the suspension is still not functioning properly, consider having it inspected and serviced by a professional bike mechanic.

Flat or punctured tires

Description: The tires of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience flats or punctures, causing a loss of air pressure and potential riding difficulties.

Cause of the problem: Flats or punctures can occur due to sharp objects on the road, improper tire pressure, or worn-out tires.


  • Inspect the tires for any signs of punctures or objects embedded in them.
  • If you find a puncture, patch it or replace the inner tube as necessary.
  • Maintain proper tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Consider using puncture-resistant tires or adding tire liners for added protection against flats.

Loose or rattling components

Description: Various components on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may become loose over time, leading to rattling noises and potential performance issues.

Cause of the problem: Regular use, vibrations, or inadequate tightening can cause components to become loose.


  • Regularly inspect and tighten all bolts, screws, and fasteners throughout the bike, including the handlebars, stem, seatpost, and accessories.
  • If a component continues to rattle or come loose despite tightening, consider using thread-locking compounds or consulting a professional bike mechanic.

Rust or corrosion on metal parts

Description: Exposure to moisture and environmental elements may lead to the formation of rust or corrosion on the metal parts of the RadRunner 2 e-bike.

Cause of the problem: Lack of proper maintenance, storing the bike in a damp environment, or exposure to water can cause rust and corrosion.


  • Regularly clean and dry the bike, paying attention to areas prone to rust, such as the chain, bolts, and exposed metal surfaces.
  • Apply a protective coating, such as bike-specific lubricants or corrosion inhibitors, to prevent rust formation.
  • If rust is already present, gently remove it using appropriate cleaning agents and a soft brush, then apply a rust converter or touch-up paint to prevent further damage.

Display or control panel malfunctions

Description: The display or control panel on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience malfunctions, such as inaccurate readings, unresponsiveness, or flickering.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by loose connections, software glitches, or water damage.


  • Check the connections between the display/control panel and the wiring harness, ensuring they are securely attached.
  • Power off the bike, then power it back on to see if the issue resolves itself.
  • If the problem persists, contact customer support for further assistance or to inquire about firmware updates or replacements.

Overall build quality concerns

Description: Some RadRunner 2 e-bike owners may have concerns about the overall build quality and durability of the bike.

Cause of the problem: Build quality concerns can arise from individual expectations, perceived weaknesses in certain components, or personal experiences.


  • Regularly maintain and inspect the bike to address any minor issues before they escalate.
  • Contact customer support to share your concerns and seek guidance or feedback.
  • Consider professional assessments from bike mechanics or reviews from trusted sources to gain further insights into the build quality.

Fenders get damaged or become loose

Description: The fenders on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may get damaged or become loose, compromising their ability to protect against splashes and debris.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by impacts, improper installation, or wear and tear.


  • Inspect the fenders for cracks, bends, or other signs of damage. Replace any damaged fenders.
  • Check the mounting brackets and bolts, ensuring they are tightened securely. Adjust or replace as necessary.
  • If the fenders continue to come loose, consider using additional brackets or hardware for added stability.

Gear shifting problems

Description: The gear shifting system on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience issues, such as difficulty in changing gears or slipping gears.

Cause of the problem: Gear shifting problems can arise from misadjusted derailleurs, worn-out cables, or damaged shifters.


  • Inspect the derailleurs and ensure they are properly aligned and adjusted. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional help if needed.
  • Check the cables for signs of fraying or damage. Replace them if necessary.
  • If the gear shifting problem persists, have the shifters and drivetrain components examined by a professional bike mechanic.

Throttle or pedal assist system fails to engage

Description: The throttle or pedal assist system on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may fail to engage, resulting in no power assistance.

Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by a faulty connection, a malfunctioning sensor, or a low battery.


  • Check the connections between the throttle or pedal assist system and the main wiring harness. Ensure they are securely plugged in.
  • Inspect the sensors and magnets, ensuring they are properly positioned and free from dirt or debris.
  • Ensure the battery is adequately charged. Recharge or replace the battery if needed.
  • If the problem persists, contact customer support for further assistance or to inquire about component replacements.

Charger or charging port malfunctions

Description: The charger or charging port of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may experience malfunctions, preventing proper charging of the battery.

Cause of the problem: Charger or charging port malfunctions can be caused by loose connections, damaged cables, or internal issues.


  • Ensure that the charger is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet.
  • Inspect the charging port on the bike for any dirt, debris, or damage. Clean the port carefully if necessary.
  • Try using a different charger or cable to eliminate the possibility of a faulty charger.
  • If the problem persists, contact customer support for further assistance or to inquire about charger or port replacements.

Limited customer support or difficulty in obtaining spare parts

Description: Some RadRunner 2 e-bike owners may face challenges in receiving adequate customer support or finding spare parts when needed.

Cause of the problem: Limited customer support or difficulty in obtaining spare parts can be due to supply chain issues, communication gaps, or organizational limitations.


  • Ensure that you have followed the proper channels for contacting customer support, such as using designated communication channels or submitting support tickets.
  • Clearly communicate your concerns or issues to the customer support team, providing all necessary details and documentation.
  • If you are experiencing difficulty in obtaining spare parts, consider reaching out to local bike shops or third-party suppliers that specialize in e-bike components.
  • Stay updated with manufacturer announcements and join online forums or communities to connect with other RadRunner 2 owners who may have helpful insights or resources.

Lights (headlight or taillight) stop working

Description: The lights, either the headlight or taillight, on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may stop functioning, compromising visibility and safety.

Cause of the problem: Lights may stop working due to loose connections, blown bulbs, or electrical issues.


  • Check the connections between the lights and the wiring harness, ensuring they are securely attached.
  • Inspect the bulbs and replace them if they are burnt out or damaged.
  • If the lights still do not work, check the electrical system and consult a professional bike mechanic or customer support for further assistance.

Battery life is shorter than expected

Description: The battery of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may have a shorter lifespan or provide less range per charge than anticipated.

Cause of the problem: Battery life can be affected by factors such as riding conditions, terrain, speed, weight, and age of the battery.


  • Ensure that you are charging the battery fully before each ride and following the manufacturer’s recommended charging guidelines.
  • Consider adjusting your riding style, such as reducing speed or using lower power levels, to maximize battery efficiency.
  • If the battery consistently provides significantly less range than expected, contact customer support to inquire about battery health and potential replacements.

Seat becomes uncomfortable or loose

Description: The seat of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may become uncomfortable or develop looseness, affecting the rider’s comfort and stability.

Cause of the problem: Uncomfortable seating can be caused by inadequate padding or improper seat positioning, while looseness can occur due to loose bolts or a damaged seat post.


  • Check the seat height and angle, making adjustments to find a comfortable position for your riding style.
  • If the seat is uncomfortable, consider adding a gel seat cover or replacing the seat with a more ergonomic option.
  • Inspect the bolts and connections between the seat and the seat post, tightening them if necessary.
  • If the seat continues to be loose or unstable, consult a professional bike mechanic for further inspection and potential repairs.

Handlebar grips become loose or worn out

Description: The handlebar grips on the RadRunner 2 e-bike may become loose or worn out, compromising grip comfort and control.

Cause of the problem: Regular use, vibrations, or inadequate tightening can cause the handlebar grips to become loose or deteriorate.


  • Inspect the handlebar grips and ensure they are securely fastened. If necessary, tighten or readjust them.
  • If the grips are worn out or uncomfortable, consider replacing them with new grips that suit your preference.
  • Alternatively, you can use grip adhesives or tapes to improve grip stability and comfort.

Unstable or wobbly ride

Description: The RadRunner 2 e-bike may exhibit instability or wobbling while riding, affecting balance and overall safety.

Cause of the problem: Unstable or wobbly rides can be caused by improper weight distribution, loose components, misaligned wheels, or incorrect tire pressure.


  • Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed on the bike and that you maintain a balanced riding position.
  • Inspect and tighten all bolts and connections, including the stem, handlebars, seatpost, and pedals.
  • Check the alignment of the wheels. If misaligned, consult a professional bike mechanic for adjustment.
  • Verify that the tires are properly inflated according to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure.

Problems with the kick-start feature

Description: The kick-start feature of the RadRunner 2 e-bike may encounter problems, such as difficulty starting the motor or inconsistent performance.

Cause of the problem: Issues with the kick-start feature can be caused by sensor malfunctions, loose connections, or mechanical problems.


  • Check the connections between the kick-start sensor and the wiring harness, ensuring they are securely plugged in.
  • Inspect the sensor for any signs of damage or misalignment. Adjust or replace if necessary.
  • If the kick-start feature continues to be problematic, contact customer support or consult a professional bike mechanic for further assistance.

RadRunner 2 Error Codes

RadRunner 2 Error Code 101: Low Battery

This error code indicates that the battery level is critically low and needs to be recharged before further operation.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 204: Motor Overheating

This error code occurs when the motor temperature exceeds the safe operating range. It is necessary to allow the motor to cool down before using the bike again.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 305: Brake Sensor Malfunction

This error code signifies an issue with the brake sensor system. It can be caused by a faulty sensor or a wiring problem. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 408: Throttle Fault

This error code indicates a problem with the throttle control. It may be due to a loose connection, damaged wiring, or a faulty throttle unit. Proper troubleshooting or replacement might be necessary.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 512: Motor Controller Error

This error code suggests an error in the motor controller system. It can be caused by a malfunctioning controller unit or a wiring issue. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 619: Display Communication Failure

This error code occurs when there is a communication failure between the display panel and the bike’s electronic components. It may require checking the connections or replacing the display unit.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 723: Speed Sensor Error

This error code indicates an issue with the speed sensor system. It can be caused by a faulty sensor or a wiring problem. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 101: Low Battery

This error code indicates that the battery level is critically low and needs to be recharged before further operation.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 204: Motor Overheating

This error code occurs when the motor temperature exceeds the safe operating range. It is necessary to allow the motor to cool down before using the bike again.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 305: Brake Sensor Malfunction

This error code signifies an issue with the brake sensor system. It can be caused by a faulty sensor or a wiring problem. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 408: Throttle Fault

This error code indicates a problem with the throttle control. It may be due to a loose connection, damaged wiring, or a faulty throttle unit. Proper troubleshooting or replacement might be necessary.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 512: Motor Controller Error

This error code suggests an error in the motor controller system. It can be caused by a malfunctioning controller unit or a wiring issue. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 619: Display Communication Failure

This error code occurs when there is a communication failure between the display panel and the bike’s electronic components. It may require checking the connections or replacing the display unit.

RadRunner 2 Error Code 723: Speed Sensor Error

This error code indicates an issue with the speed sensor system. It can be caused by a faulty sensor or a wiring problem. Professional inspection and repair may be required.

RadRunner 2 Manual

The instruction manual for the RadRunner 2 can be found here. It provides comprehensive information about the bike’s features, maintenance, and troubleshooting procedures. Make sure to consult the manual for detailed instructions and specifications.

RadRunner 2 Cost

The price of the RadRunner 2 in the USA was $1,449 without accessories. However, please note that prices may vary over time, and it’s always best to check the official Rad Power Bikes website or authorized retailers for the most up-to-date pricing information.

RadRunner 2 Weight

The weight of the RadRunner 2 electric utility bike is approximately 65 pounds (29.5 kg). It is worth noting that this weight is without accessories or any additional attachments. The bike is designed to be sturdy and capable of handling a maximum rider weight of up to 300 pounds (136 kg).

List of 11 Most Common Problems in the RadRunner 2

  1. Brakes are not responsive or become loose.
  2. Motor malfunctions or stops working.
  3. Frame or structural integrity issues.
  4. Loose or malfunctioning kickstand.
  5. Loose or broken spokes in the wheels.
  6. Difficulties with assembling or disassembling the bike.
  7. Chain keeps falling off or gets stuck.
  8. Limited range per charge compared to advertised.
  9. Suspension system issues (if applicable).
  10. Flat or punctured tires.
  11. Loose or rattling components.


How can I improve the range per charge of my RadRunner 2?

To maximize the range per charge, you can try riding in lower power levels, reducing speed, avoiding excessive uphill climbs, and ensuring your tires are properly inflated. Additionally, maintaining your battery by following recommended charging practices can help optimize its performance.

What should I do if my RadRunner 2 motor stops working?

If the motor on your RadRunner 2 stops working, first check the connections and ensure the battery is fully charged. If the issue persists, consult the troubleshooting section in the instruction manual or contact Rad Power Bikes customer support for further assistance.

How often should I service the brakes on my RadRunner 2?

Regular brake maintenance is crucial for safety and optimal performance. It is recommended to inspect and service the brakes at least every three to six months, depending on usage. Refer to the instruction manual for detailed instructions on brake adjustment and maintenance.


While the RadRunner 2 offers a fantastic riding experience, it’s important to be aware of potential problems and their solutions. By following the troubleshooting steps provided in this article and referring to the RadRunner 2 manual, you can address common issues effectively and enjoy your e-bike to its fullest potential.

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