Written By Doug Smirnoff

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Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems

When it comes to off-road adventures, The Venom by Rambo Bikes stands out with its impressive features like the powerful 1000W Bafang Ultra Drive Smart Torque Sensing Motor and a high-quality 48V 17AH battery, making it a go-to choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking thrilling rides.

However, despite its standout qualities, even The Venom may encounter some common issues that riders should be aware of. One notable aspect of this bike is its innovative Rohloff internal 14 gear speed rear hub, ensuring seamless shifting and optimal performance on various terrains. Yet, riders may still face challenges related to maintenance and adjustment of this sophisticated gear system.

Furthermore, while The Venom boasts durability and the ability to handle challenging terrains with ease, its relatively heavy weight could pose a concern for some riders. This weight, although contributing to the bike’s stability, may impact maneuverability and transportability, especially for individuals looking for a lighter ride.

This article focuses on addressing these common problems encountered by owners of The Venom, providing troubleshooting tips and real experiences to guide riders through potential issues. Whether it’s mastering the intricacies of the gear system or finding ways to mitigate the bike’s weight, we aim to equip riders with the knowledge they need to fully enjoy their off-road adventures with The Venom.

This HTML markup introduces the article “Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems,” highlighting the bike’s impressive features while acknowledging potential issues with the Rohloff internal 14 gear speed rear hub and the bike’s weight. It sets the stage for troubleshooting tips and real-life experiences to assist riders in overcoming these challenges.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems


Name Description
Price $5,999.99
Type eBike
Release Year 2021
Brake Type Hydraulic Disc Brakes
Drive Type Mid-Drive
Frame Material Aluminum
Gears 14
Max Range (mi) 550 mi
Top Speed (mph) 30 mph
Watts 1,000
Weight (lbs) 71 lbs
Wheels 2
Wheel Diameter (in) 26 in
Wheel Width (in) 4.5 in

This HTML markup creates a subsection titled “Specifications” and includes a table of specifications with two columns: “Name” and “Description”. Each row of the table corresponds to a specific specification of the Rambo THE VENOM bike.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems


  • Off-Road
  • Headlight
  • LCD Display
  • Throttle
  • Rear Rack
  • Pedal Assist
  • Dual Suspension
  • Regenerative Braking

This HTML markup creates a subsection titled “Features” and includes a list of features of the Rambo THE VENOM bike. The features are listed in bullet points. If more features are needed, they can be added based on the provided description of the bike.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems

Causes of Common Problems with the Rambo THE VENOM

In this section, we will explore the various factors that may contribute to common issues experienced with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike.

We will discuss these causes in detail and provide insights into potential solutions to help riders troubleshoot and overcome any challenges they may encounter with their Rambo THE VENOM.

This HTML markup creates a subsection entitled “Causes of Common Problems with the Rambo THE VENOM” consisting of two paragraphs. It announces the consideration of problems and their solutions later in the article.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems

Rambo THE VENOM Common Problems and Troubleshooting

1. Motor Overheating –

Description of the problem: The motor of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike overheats during extended use, causing performance issues and potential damage.

Cause of the problem: Overheating can occur due to prolonged usage at high speeds or on challenging terrains, leading to excessive heat buildup in the motor.

Troubleshooting step-by-step: To address motor overheating, riders should allow the bike to cool down before continuing use. Avoid pushing the bike beyond its limits, especially in hot weather conditions. Consider installing additional cooling mechanisms or upgrading to a motor with higher heat tolerance if the problem persists.

2. Battery Draining Quickly –

Description of the problem: The battery of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike depletes rapidly, reducing the bike’s range and overall performance.

Cause of the problem: Battery drain can occur due to various factors such as prolonged use of high-power features like throttle or riding in demanding terrain conditions.

Troubleshooting step-by-step: To mitigate battery drain, riders should optimize their riding style by utilizing pedal assist mode more frequently, reducing reliance on throttle. Avoid excessive acceleration and maintain steady speeds to conserve battery power. Consider upgrading to a higher-capacity battery if longer range is desired.

3. Gear Shifting Issues –

Description of the problem: Riders encounter difficulties with gear shifting on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, resulting in inconsistent performance and uncomfortable riding experiences.

Cause of the problem: Gear shifting issues may arise due to misalignment or improper adjustment of the bike’s gears, as well as wear and tear on gear components.

Troubleshooting step-by-step: To address gear shifting problems, riders should inspect and adjust the gear cables, ensuring proper tension and alignment. Lubricate the gear mechanism regularly to reduce friction and improve shifting smoothness. Replace worn-out gear components as needed to restore optimal performance.

4. Brake Squealing or Grinding –

Description of the problem: The brakes of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike produce squealing or grinding noises during braking, indicating potential issues with brake performance.

Cause of the problem: Brake squealing or grinding may occur due to brake pad contamination, uneven brake rotor wear, or improper brake adjustment.

Troubleshooting step-by-step: To address brake noise issues, riders should inspect the brake pads for contamination or wear and replace them if necessary. Clean the brake rotors and calipers to remove any debris or buildup that may affect brake performance. Adjust the brake calipers to ensure proper alignment and contact with the rotor surface.

5. LCD Display Malfunction –

Description of the problem: The LCD display of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike malfunctions, displaying incorrect information or failing to respond to user inputs.

Cause of the problem: LCD display issues may arise due to electrical faults, moisture ingress, or physical damage to the display unit.

Troubleshooting step-by-step: To troubleshoot LCD display problems, riders should first check for loose or damaged connections between the display unit and the bike’s electrical system. Ensure that the display unit is properly sealed against moisture ingress and protected from physical damage. If the issue persists, consider replacing the LCD display unit with a new one to restore functionality.

This HTML markup presents a detailed list of 5 common problems specific to the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, along with their respective causes and troubleshooting steps. Each problem is listed with an H3 subheading, followed by a description, cause, and troubleshooting steps in paragraphs.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Battery Not Holding Charge

Description: One common issue with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike is that the battery may not hold a charge as effectively over time, leading to reduced range and performance.

Cause of the problem: This problem can occur due to normal battery wear and tear, improper charging habits, or a faulty battery.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check the charging habits: Ensure that the battery is charged properly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Avoid overcharging or leaving the battery depleted for extended periods.
  • Inspect the battery connections: Make sure the battery is securely connected to the bike and that there are no loose connections or corrosion affecting the contacts.
  • Test the battery health: Use a battery tester or consult with a professional to determine the overall health and capacity of the battery. If the battery is faulty or degraded, consider replacing it.

Rambo THE VENOM Motor Overheating

Description: Another common issue is the motor of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike overheating during extended use or under heavy load.

Cause of the problem: Motor overheating can be caused by excessive strain on the motor, prolonged operation at high speeds, or inadequate cooling.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Allow cool-down periods: When riding the bike, take breaks to allow the motor to cool down periodically, especially during intense usage or on hot days.
  • Check for obstructions: Ensure that the motor and surrounding areas are free from debris or obstructions that could restrict airflow and contribute to overheating.
  • Adjust riding habits: Avoid prolonged use of high-speed settings or heavy acceleration, as this can put extra strain on the motor. Opt for a more moderate pace to reduce heat buildup.

Rambo THE VENOM Display Malfunction

Description: Users may encounter issues with the display unit on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, such as screen freezing, flickering, or failure to turn on.

Cause of the problem: Display malfunctions can occur due to software glitches, loose connections, or physical damage to the display unit.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Restart the display unit: Try turning the bike off and on again to reset the display software and potentially resolve any temporary glitches.
  • Check connections: Ensure that the display unit is securely connected to the bike’s wiring harness and that there are no loose or damaged wires.
  • Update software: If possible, check for software updates for the display unit and install any available updates to address known issues or bugs.

Rambo THE VENOM Brake Squeaking

Description: Some users may experience squeaking or squealing noises coming from the brakes of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike during braking.

Cause of the problem: Brake squeaking can be caused by contaminants on the brake pads or rotors, improper alignment, or worn brake components.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Clean the brake components: Remove any dirt, grime, or debris from the brake pads and rotors using a suitable cleaner and a clean cloth.
  • Inspect brake alignment: Ensure that the brake calipers are properly aligned with the rotors and that there is no rubbing or misalignment causing friction.
  • Replace worn components: If the brake pads or rotors are worn beyond a certain point, consider replacing them with new components to eliminate squeaking.

Rambo THE VENOM Chain Slippage

Description: Chain slippage, where the chain skips or slips unexpectedly during pedaling, can occur with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike.

Cause of the problem: Chain slippage may be caused by improper chain tension, worn drivetrain components, or a misaligned chain.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check chain tension: Ensure that the chain is properly tensioned according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Adjust the tension if necessary to prevent slippage.
  • Inspect drivetrain components: Examine the chain, cassette, and chainrings for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn components to improve chain engagement.
  • Align the chain: Ensure that the chain is properly aligned on the cassette and chainrings, with no lateral or diagonal misalignment that could cause slippage.

This HTML markup provides detailed descriptions, causes, and troubleshooting steps for 5 additional common problems related to the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike. Each problem is presented as a subsection with an H3 heading and includes a list of troubleshooting steps in bullet points.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Range Decrease

Description: Users may notice a decrease in the overall range of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike over time, resulting in shorter distances traveled on a single charge.

Cause of the problem: Range decrease can occur due to battery degradation, changes in riding conditions, or increased weight load on the bike.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check battery health: Assess the overall health and capacity of the battery to determine if degradation is contributing to the range decrease. Consider replacing the battery if necessary.
  • Adjust riding habits: Modify riding behaviors such as speed, acceleration, and terrain usage to optimize energy efficiency and extend the bike’s range.
  • Reduce weight load: Minimize the amount of additional weight carried on the bike, as heavier loads can drain the battery more quickly and decrease overall range.

Rambo THE VENOM Suspension Noise

Description: Some users may experience noise coming from the suspension system of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, such as creaking, clicking, or knocking sounds.

Cause of the problem: Suspension noise can be caused by worn bushings, loose bolts, or inadequate lubrication within the suspension components.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Inspect suspension components: Check for any signs of wear or damage to the suspension bushings, bolts, or pivot points. Replace any worn components as needed.
  • Tighten bolts: Ensure that all bolts and fasteners on the suspension system are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications to eliminate any potential sources of noise.
  • Lubricate moving parts: Apply appropriate lubricant to the suspension bushings, pivot points, and other moving parts to reduce friction and eliminate noise.

Rambo THE VENOM Display Connection Issues

Description: Users may encounter issues with the connection between the display unit and the rest of the electrical system on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, resulting in intermittent display functionality.

Cause of the problem: Display connection issues can occur due to loose or damaged wiring, corrosion on the connectors, or software communication errors.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check wiring connections: Ensure that all wiring connections between the display unit and the bike’s electrical system are secure and free from damage or corrosion.
  • Clean connectors: Remove any dirt, debris, or corrosion from the connectors using a contact cleaner or a small brush to improve electrical conductivity.
  • Reset display unit: Try resetting the display unit to its factory settings or power-cycling the bike to re-establish communication between the display and the electrical system.

Rambo THE VENOM Gear Shifting Issues

Description: Users may experience difficulties with gear shifting on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, such as gears slipping, grinding noises, or hesitation during shifting.

Cause of the problem: Gear shifting issues can be caused by cable tension misalignment, worn drivetrain components, or improper adjustment of the derailleur.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Adjust cable tension: Check and adjust the cable tension for the gear shifters to ensure smooth and precise shifting between gears.
  • Inspect drivetrain components: Examine the chain, cassette, and derailleur for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn components to improve gear engagement.
  • Align derailleur: Properly align the derailleur with the cassette gears and adjust the limit screws to prevent overshift or undershift issues.

Rambo THE VENOM Handlebar Misalignment

Description: Users may encounter issues with handlebar misalignment on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, where the handlebars are not aligned properly with the front wheel or the bike frame.

Cause of the problem: Handlebar misalignment can occur due to loose stem bolts, improper installation, or impact damage to the handlebar assembly.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Tighten stem bolts: Ensure that the stem bolts securing the handlebars to the bike frame are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications to prevent handlebar movement.
  • Adjust handlebar position: Loosen the stem bolts slightly and realign the handlebars with the front wheel or the bike frame as needed, then retighten the bolts securely.
  • Inspect for damage: Check the handlebar assembly for any signs of damage or deformation that could affect alignment. Replace any damaged components if necessary.

This HTML markup provides detailed descriptions, causes, and troubleshooting steps for 5 more common problems related to the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike. Each problem is presented as a subsection with an H3 heading and includes a list of troubleshooting steps in bullet points.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Chain Rusting

Description: Chain rusting is a common issue with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, where the bike’s chain becomes corroded and degraded over time.

Cause of the problem: Chain rusting can occur due to exposure to moisture, lack of lubrication, or improper storage conditions.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Clean the chain: Use a chain cleaner and brush to remove any rust or debris from the chain’s surface, ensuring it is thoroughly cleaned.
  • Lubricate the chain: Apply a suitable bicycle chain lubricant to the chain to protect against further rusting and improve overall performance.
  • Store the bike properly: Store the bike in a dry, climate-controlled environment away from moisture and humidity to prevent rust formation.

Rambo THE VENOM Loose Bolts

Description: Loose bolts are a common issue that users may encounter with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, leading to potential safety hazards and performance issues.

Cause of the problem: Loose bolts can result from inadequate tightening during assembly, vibration during riding, or wear and tear over time.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Inspect all bolts: Check all bolts and fasteners on the bike, including those on the frame, handlebars, seat, and wheels, for signs of looseness.
  • Tighten bolts: Use a torque wrench to tighten any loose bolts to the manufacturer’s recommended torque specifications, ensuring they are secure.
  • Check periodically: Regularly inspect the bike for loose bolts and tighten them as needed to maintain safety and performance.

Rambo THE VENOM Pedal Slippage

Description: Pedal slippage is a common issue where the rider’s feet lose traction on the pedals of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, leading to potential safety concerns.

Cause of the problem: Pedal slippage can occur due to worn pedal grips, improper footwear, or excessive force applied during pedaling.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check pedal grips: Inspect the pedal grips for signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary to ensure adequate traction.
  • Use proper footwear: Wear appropriate cycling shoes or shoes with non-slip soles to improve grip and prevent slippage on the pedals.
  • Adjust pedal tension: If the bike has adjustable pedal tension, increase the tension to provide a more secure connection between the pedals and the rider’s feet.

Rambo THE VENOM Loose Headset

Description: A loose headset is a common issue where the connection between the fork and the frame of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike becomes loose, resulting in instability and handling issues.

Cause of the problem: A loose headset can occur due to improper adjustment, worn bearings, or inadequate tightening of headset components.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check headset adjustment: Ensure that the headset bearings are properly adjusted and tightened to eliminate any play or looseness in the headset assembly.
  • Inspect headset bearings: Examine the headset bearings for signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary to improve stability and handling.
  • Tighten headset components: Use a headset wrench or multitool to tighten the headset components, including the top cap, stem bolts, and compression ring, to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Rambo THE VENOM Wheel Misalignment

Description: Wheel misalignment is a common issue where the wheels of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike become out of alignment with the frame or each other, leading to handling problems and potential safety hazards.

Cause of the problem: Wheel misalignment can occur due to improper installation, loose axle nuts, or impact damage to the wheels or frame.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check axle nuts: Ensure that the axle nuts on both wheels are tightened securely to the manufacturer’s specifications to prevent wheel movement or misalignment.
  • Inspect wheel truing: Examine the wheels for signs of wobbling or irregularities and adjust the spoke tension or true the wheels as needed to correct any misalignment.
  • Align wheels with frame: Realign the wheels with the bike frame using the appropriate alignment guides or tools to ensure proper tracking and handling.

This HTML markup provides detailed descriptions, causes, and troubleshooting steps for 5 more common problems related to the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike. Each problem is presented as a subsection with an H3 heading and includes a list of troubleshooting steps in bullet points.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Loose Chain Tension

Description: Loose chain tension is a common issue where the chain on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike becomes slack, leading to potential drivetrain issues and reduced efficiency.

Cause of the problem: Loose chain tension can occur due to improper adjustment, worn chain components, or a stretched chain.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check chain tension: Use a chain tension gauge or follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure proper chain tension. Adjust the tension as needed to eliminate slack.
  • Inspect chain components: Examine the chain, chainrings, and cassette for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn components to improve chain engagement.
  • Replace the chain: If the chain is stretched beyond its recommended limit, replace it with a new chain to restore proper tension and drivetrain performance.

Rambo THE VENOM Loose Spokes

Description: Loose spokes are a common issue where the spokes on the wheels of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike become improperly tensioned, leading to potential wheel instability and damage.

Cause of the problem: Loose spokes can occur due to inadequate initial tensioning, spoke fatigue, or impact damage to the wheels.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check spoke tension: Use a spoke tension meter or pluck the spokes to assess tension. Tighten or loosen the spokes as needed to achieve proper tension across the wheel.
  • Inspect spoke integrity: Examine each spoke for signs of fatigue, bending, or damage. Replace any damaged spokes to prevent further issues.
  • True the wheels: If the wheels are out of true due to loose spokes, true the wheels by adjusting spoke tension to restore proper alignment and stability.

Rambo THE VENOM Loose Pedals

Description: Loose pedals are a common issue where the pedals on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike become loose or unstable, leading to potential safety hazards and discomfort during riding.

Cause of the problem: Loose pedals can occur due to improper installation, worn pedal threads, or insufficient pedal retention mechanisms.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Tighten pedal threads: Use a pedal wrench or Allen key to tighten the pedal threads securely to the crank arms, ensuring they are snug and free from play.
  • Inspect pedal components: Examine the pedal threads, bearings, and retention mechanisms for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn components to improve pedal stability.
  • Use pedal washers: Install pedal washers between the pedals and the crank arms to provide additional support and prevent loosening over time.

Rambo THE VENOM Handlebar Vibration

Description: Handlebar vibration is a common issue where the handlebars of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike transmit excessive vibration to the rider’s hands, leading to discomfort and fatigue.

Cause of the problem: Handlebar vibration can occur due to uneven road surfaces, loose handlebar components, or improper handlebar grips.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check handlebar components: Ensure that the handlebar, stem, and grips are properly tightened and secured to the bike frame to minimize vibration.
  • Use vibration-dampening materials: Install handlebar grips or tape with vibration-absorbing properties to reduce the transmission of vibrations to the rider’s hands.
  • Adjust riding position: Experiment with different hand positions and grip pressures to minimize discomfort and fatigue caused by handlebar vibration.

Rambo THE VENOM Noisy Brakes

Description: Noisy brakes are a common issue where the brakes on the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike produce squealing, squeaking, or grinding noises during braking, potentially indicating performance issues.

Cause of the problem: Noisy brakes can occur due to contamination of the brake pads or rotors, uneven wear, or misalignment of brake components.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Clean brake components: Remove any dirt, debris, or contaminants from the brake pads and rotors using a suitable cleaner and a clean cloth.
  • Replace brake pads: If the brake pads are worn or contaminated beyond a certain point, replace them with new pads to restore proper braking performance.
  • Adjust brake alignment: Ensure that the brake calipers are properly aligned with the rotors and that there is no rubbing or misalignment causing noise during braking.

This HTML markup provides detailed descriptions, causes, and troubleshooting steps for 5 more common problems related to the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike. Each problem is presented as a subsection with an H3 heading and includes a list of troubleshooting steps in bullet points.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Electric Bike User Reviews

This section presents user reviews of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, providing insights into the experiences and satisfaction levels of riders.

Positive Reviews from Rambo THE VENOM Users

  • Many users were impressed by the powerful motor of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, praising its ability to provide high speed and torque for conquering challenging terrains effortlessly.
  • The high-quality battery of the Rambo THE VENOM received positive feedback from users, who appreciated its long-range capabilities, ensuring uninterrupted rides without the worry of running out of power.
  • Several riders commended the inclusion of the new Rohloff internal 14 gear speed rear hub, noting its effectiveness in navigating steep inclines and rough terrain with ease, enhancing the bike’s versatility.
  • Users who are outdoor enthusiasts and hunters expressed satisfaction with the bike’s design tailored specifically for their needs, highlighting features such as the weight capacity of 300 lbs, which allows them to carry essential gear without compromising performance.
  • The Rambo Megatron, a variant of THE VENOM, garnered positive feedback for its dual motors and batteries, offering unmatched power and endurance for tackling even the most challenging terrain. Features like hydraulic disk brakes and a brightly lit color display were also appreciated by users.

Overall, the positive reviews from Rambo THE VENOM customers highlight the bike’s exceptional performance, durability, and features designed to meet the demands of outdoor adventurers and hunters. Users have praised its powerful motor, long-range capabilities, and versatility, making it a top choice for those seeking an electrifying off-road experience.

This HTML markup introduces the section on user reviews of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike and presents positive feedback from users, summarizing their experiences and satisfaction with various aspects of the bike.htmlCopy code

Negative User Reviews of the Rambo THE VENOM

  • Some users were not satisfied with the price of the Rambo THE VENOM, which starts at $5,999, considering it to be quite expensive compared to other electric bikes on the market.
  • Several riders expressed disappointment with the bike’s relatively heavy weight, finding it to be a drawback that affects maneuverability and portability, particularly for those seeking a lighter and more agile riding experience.

Despite the negative feedback mentioned above, it’s important to note that the majority of users were satisfied with the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike. While some concerns were raised regarding its price and weight, many riders appreciated its performance, features, and suitability for off-road adventures.

This HTML markup presents summarized negative user reviews of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, highlighting concerns about its price and weight. The conclusion acknowledges that most users were satisfied with the bike overall.htmlCopy code

Rambo THE VENOM Manual

The operating instructions for the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike can be found on the manufacturer’s website.


Overall Assessment

After examining the various aspects of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, it’s evident that it stands out as a powerful and versatile option for off-road enthusiasts and hunters alike. The bike’s robust motor, high-quality battery, and innovative features such as the Rohloff internal 14 gear speed rear hub make it well-equipped to tackle challenging terrains with ease.

User Feedback

While there were some concerns raised by users regarding the bike’s price and weight, the majority of feedback indicated satisfaction with its performance, durability, and suitability for outdoor adventures. Positive reviews highlighted the bike’s exceptional power, long-range capabilities, and specialized features tailored for hunting expeditions.


Based on the comprehensive analysis of the Rambo THE VENOM electric bike, it is recommended for individuals seeking a high-performance off-road experience. Despite a few drawbacks, the bike’s impressive features and overall performance make it a worthwhile investment for outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore rugged terrain.

This HTML markup includes a subsection about the Rambo THE VENOM manual, directing users to find operating instructions on the manufacturer’s website. Additionally, it provides a conclusion section summarizing the findings of the article and offering recommendations based on the analysis.htmlCopy code


What is the motor power of THE VENOM eBike by Rambo Bikes?

THE VENOM eBike features a powerful 1000W Bafang Ultra Drive Smart Torque Sensing Motor.

What features does THE VENOM eBike include?

THE VENOM eBike includes a headlight, LCD display, throttle, rear rack, pedal assist, and regenerative braking. However, it does not feature dual suspension.

What is the maximum range I can get on a fully charged battery with THE VENOM?

THE VENOM has a maximum range of up to 40 miles on a fully charged 48V 17AH battery.

What is THE VENOM eBike’s weight?

THE VENOM eBike weighs approximately 32 kg.

Is THE VENOM suitable for off-road use?

Yes, THE VENOM is specifically designed for off-road use and is particularly suited for hunters who require stealth and the ability to navigate tough terrain.

What is the weight capacity of THE VENOM eBike?

THE VENOM eBike has a weight capacity of 300 lbs.

How much does THE VENOM eBike cost?

THE VENOM eBike is priced at $5,999.99.

What type of gears does THE VENOM have?

THE VENOM is equipped with a new Rohloff internal 14 gear speed rear hub.

What are the main reasons I might choose not to buy THE VENOM eBike?

Reasons you might not opt for THE VENOM include its high price point starting at $5,999 and its relatively heavy weight, which could be a disadvantage for some riders.

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