Written By Doug Smirnoff

Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Common Problems and Troubleshooting

An all-access ride to wherever you want to go. The RUSH/CTY STEP-THRU is a premium eBicycle loaded with features and exceptional style. The step-thru frame makes it easy to get in the saddle without swinging a leg high over the seat, and to stand flat-footed over the bike at a stop – an essential urban-commute feature for some riders.

Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Overview

Description: The RUSH/CTY STEP-THRU is a premium eBicycle designed for urban commuting, equipped with a mid-mounted Brose S MAG motor providing 90Nm/66 ft. lb. torque, a smooth and maintenance-free Gate carbon-fiber belt drive, and an Enviolo AUTOMATiQ intelligent automatic transmission.

The bike features an integrated, removable 529Wh lithium-ion battery with a real-world range of 30-90 miles. It also boasts front and rear hydraulic disc brakes, 27.5-inch alloy rims with Schwalbe Super Moto-X tires, front and rear fenders, cargo racks, LED lighting, multiple ride modes, and a glove box for small item storage. The frame geometry is optimized for different rider sizes, and the design incorporates elements inspired by Harley-Davidson.

Product Details and Features:

Motor:The lightweight, mid-mounted Brose S MAG motor features a brushless internal rotor and produces 90Nm/66 ft. lb. torque, providing ample power assistance for quick launches and conquering hills.
Belt:The Gate carbon-fiber belt drive is smooth, quiet, and maintenance-free, eliminating the need for frequent lubrication or adjustments.

List of Common Problems and Troubleshooting for the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru

1. Motor Power Loss

Description: The motor on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru seems to have lost power or is not providing sufficient assistance.

Cause: Motor power loss can be caused by low battery charge, a loose connection, or a motor-related issue.


  1. Check the battery charge level and recharge if necessary.
  2. Inspect all electrical connections, ensuring they are secure and free from corrosion.
  3. Verify that the motor is correctly engaged and not physically obstructed.
  4. If the issue persists, consult the user manual or contact Serial 1 customer support for further assistance.

2. Belt Slippage

Description: The Gate carbon-fiber belt drive on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru slips or makes unusual noises during operation.

Cause: Belt slippage can occur due to improper tension, contamination, or wear and tear.


  1. Inspect the belt for signs of wear, damage, or debris. Clean the belt and pulleys if necessary.
  2. Adjust the belt tension according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  3. If the issue persists, consider replacing the belt or consult a professional bike mechanic for assistance.

3. Battery Charging Issues

Description: The battery of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru doesn’t charge properly or doesn’t hold a charge as expected.

Cause: Charging issues can be due to a faulty charger, damaged battery, or charging port problems.


  1. Ensure that the charging port on the bike is clean and free from obstructions.
  2. Try using a different charger to verify if the issue is with the charger itself.
  3. If the problem persists, inspect the battery for any visible damage or defects.
  4. Contact Serial 1 customer support for further assistance and possible battery replacement.

4. Braking Performance Issues

Description: The braking performance of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru feels inadequate or uneven.

Cause: Braking issues may arise from misaligned brake calipers, worn brake pads, or hydraulic system problems.


  1. Inspect the brake calipers and pads for wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
  2. Ensure the brake calipers are aligned correctly with the brake rotors.
  3. If the bike uses a hydraulic brake system, check for any leaks and bleed the brakes if needed.
  4. Seek professional assistance if the problem persists or if unsure about the brake system maintenance.

5. LCD Display Malfunction

Description: The LCD display on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru is not functioning correctly or showing inaccurate information.

Cause: LCD display issues can result from loose connections, water damage, or internal malfunctions.


  1. Check all cable connections to the display and ensure they are securely attached.
  2. If the bike has been exposed to water, let it dry thoroughly and see if the display resumes normal operation.
  3. If the problem persists, contact Serial 1 customer support for troubleshooting or possible LCD display replacement.

6. Hub Transmission Issues

Description: The Enviolo AUTOMATiQ hub transmission on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru is not shifting smoothly or is skipping gears.

Cause: Hub transmission issues can be caused by cable tension problems, misalignment, or internal mechanical issues.


  1. Inspect the cable tension and adjust it to ensure smooth shifting.
  2. Check for any misalignment between the hub gears and the shifter.
  3. If the problem persists, consider having the hub transmission serviced or repaired by a professional bike mechanic.

7. Battery Draining Quickly

Description: The battery of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru seems to be discharging rapidly, reducing the overall range.

Cause: Battery draining issues can occur due to high power usage, extreme temperatures, or a worn-out battery.


  1. Double-check that you are using the appropriate ride mode for your riding conditions to optimize battery usage.
  2. Avoid exposing the bike to extreme temperatures, as it can affect the battery performance.
  3. If the battery is old and losing capacity, consider replacing it with a new one from the manufacturer.

8. Unresponsive Ride Modes

Description: The different ride modes (Eco, Tour, Sport, Boost) on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru do not function as expected or are unresponsive.

Cause: Ride mode issues can result from software glitches or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Turn off the bike, wait a few seconds, and then restart it to see if the issue resolves.
  2. Ensure that all sensors and connections related to the ride modes are clean and securely attached.
  3. If the problem persists, perform a factory reset on the bike’s electronic system or contact Serial 1 customer support for assistance.

9. Tire Punctures

Description: The tires of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru frequently experience punctures or flats.

Cause: Tire punctures can be caused by sharp objects on the road or inadequate tire pressure.


  1. Inspect the tires for any visible damage or embedded debris and remove it carefully.
  2. Maintain the recommended tire pressure as indicated on the sidewall of the tires.
  3. Consider using puncture-resistant tires or adding tire liners to reduce the likelihood of future punctures.

10. Loose Components and Fasteners

Description: Various components and fasteners on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru feel loose or rattle during rides.

Cause: Vibrations and regular use can lead to components becoming loose over time.


  1. Perform a thorough inspection of the bike and tighten any loose components, such as handlebars, pedals, and racks.
  2. Apply a small amount of threadlocker on fasteners to prevent them from loosening.
  3. Regularly check for any signs of wear or looseness and address them promptly to avoid potential safety issues.

11. Squeaky Brakes

Description: The front or rear brakes of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru produce squeaking noises during braking.

Cause: Squeaky brakes can be caused by dirty brake pads, worn-out pads, or misaligned calipers.


  1. Clean the brake pads and rims to remove any debris or buildup that might be causing the noise.
  2. If the brake pads are worn, replace them with new ones designed for the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru.
  3. Check the alignment of the brake calipers and adjust them as needed to eliminate the noise.

12. Unresponsive Electric Assist

Description: The electric assist on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru is unresponsive or does not engage when pedaling.

Cause: Electric assist issues can be due to a malfunctioning sensor, electrical connection problem, or software glitch.


  1. Check the sensor and magnet alignment on the bike to ensure they are correctly positioned.
  2. Inspect all electrical connections related to the electric assist and ensure they are secure.
  3. Perform a system reset or firmware update on the bike’s electronic components if possible.
  4. If the problem persists, contact Serial 1 customer support for further assistance.

13. Inaccurate LCD Display Readings

Description: The LCD display on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru shows inaccurate readings for speed, distance, or battery level.

Cause: Inaccurate display readings can result from a faulty sensor, loose wiring, or display software issues.


  1. Check all sensor connections and ensure they are securely attached.
  2. Verify the speed and distance sensors’ alignment and ensure they are functioning correctly.
  3. If possible, calibrate the LCD display according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. If the issue persists, consider replacing the LCD display unit or seek professional assistance.

14. Chain Slippage

Description: The chain on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru slips or jumps off the chainring or sprockets.

Cause: Chain slippage can be caused by a loose chain, worn chainring or sprockets, or misalignment.


  1. Check the chain tension and adjust it to the proper tension as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. Inspect the chainring and sprockets for signs of wear and replace if necessary.
  3. Ensure the chain is properly lubricated and clean of debris.
  4. If the issue persists, consult a bike mechanic for further inspection and adjustments.

15. No Power to LCD Display

Description: The LCD display on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru does not power on or show any information.

Cause: The lack of power to the LCD display can be due to a disconnected power source, a blown fuse, or internal display issues.


  1. Check the power source of the LCD display and ensure it is properly connected.
  2. Inspect the fuses, if applicable, and replace any blown ones with the correct rating.
  3. If the display still doesn’t power on, contact Serial 1 customer support for troubleshooting or display replacement.

16. Loose Handlebars

Description: The handlebars on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru feel loose or wobble during rides.

Cause: Loose handlebars can be caused by improper tightening or wear in the stem and headset components.


  1. Check the handlebar stem bolts and ensure they are tightened to the recommended torque.
  2. Inspect the headset for any signs of wear and consider adjusting or replacing it if necessary.
  3. If the handlebars continue to feel loose, consult a bike mechanic for a thorough inspection and adjustment.

17. Limited Range

Description: The RUSH/CTY Step-Thru’s battery range seems to be significantly lower than expected.

Cause: Factors like riding conditions, terrain, and aggressive acceleration can impact the bike’s range.


  1. Optimize your riding habits by using lower assist levels on flat terrain or when you can pedal more.
  2. Avoid excessive use of boost mode, especially on hilly terrains, as it consumes more battery power.
  3. If the range remains insufficient, consider upgrading to a higher-capacity battery or carrying a spare battery for longer rides.

18. Uncomfortable Saddle

Description: The saddle on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru causes discomfort or pain during longer rides.

Cause: Saddle discomfort can result from improper saddle height, shape, or inadequate padding.


  1. Adjust the saddle height to find a position that provides better support and reduces pressure on sensitive areas.
  2. Consider upgrading to a saddle with more ergonomic design and additional padding for improved comfort.
  3. Wear padded bike shorts or use a seat cushion for added comfort during extended rides.

19. Noisy Chain

Description: The chain on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru produces loud noises or rattles while pedaling.

Cause: A noisy chain can be caused by lack of lubrication, misalignment, or a worn chain.


  1. Apply a suitable chain lubricant to reduce friction and noise while pedaling.
  2. Inspect the chain for any signs of wear, such as elongation or rust, and replace if necessary.
  3. Check the chain alignment and adjust the rear derailleur if the chain is not running smoothly.

20. Unresponsive Power Button

Description: The power button on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru does not respond when pressed.

Cause: An unresponsive power button can result from a faulty switch or electronic connection issue.


  1. Ensure the power button is not obstructed by any debris or dirt and clean if needed.
  2. Inspect the electrical connections related to the power button and ensure they are secure.
  3. If the power button remains unresponsive, contact Serial 1 customer support for further assistance or potential replacement.

21. Shifting Difficulties

Description: The gears on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru are challenging to shift or feel stuck.

Cause: Shifting difficulties can be caused by cable tension issues, worn components, or a misaligned derailleur.


  1. Check the cable tension and adjust it as needed for smoother shifting.
  2. Inspect the derailleur for any signs of damage or misalignment, and adjust it if necessary.
  3. Ensure the gear shifters are functioning correctly and not obstructed.

22. Weak Braking Performance

Description: The brakes on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru feel weak or require excessive force to engage.

Cause: Weak braking can be caused by worn brake pads, air in the brake lines, or a damaged brake system.


  1. Check the brake pads for wear and replace them if they are too thin.
  2. Bleed the brake lines to remove any air bubbles and restore proper brake performance.
  3. If the issue persists, have the brake system inspected by a professional bike mechanic.

23. Intermittent Power Loss

Description: The power assistance on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru cuts out intermittently during rides.

Cause: Intermittent power loss can result from loose electrical connections or a faulty motor controller.


  1. Check all electrical connections related to the motor and power system and ensure they are secure.
  2. Inspect the motor controller for any signs of damage or overheating.
  3. If the problem persists, contact Serial 1 customer support for further assistance and possible motor controller replacement.

24. Uneven Tire Wear

Description: The tires on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru show uneven wear patterns or wear out quickly.

Cause: Uneven tire wear can be caused by improper tire pressure, misalignment, or riding on rough terrain.


  1. Maintain the recommended tire pressure as indicated on the sidewall of the tires.
  2. Check the alignment of the wheels and adjust them if needed for even tire wear.
  3. Avoid riding on rough surfaces excessively to prolong tire lifespan.

25. Unstable Ride

Description: The RUSH/CTY Step-Thru feels unstable or wobbly during rides.

Cause: An unstable ride can be caused by loose components, incorrect weight distribution, or improper tire pressure.


  1. Inspect the bike for loose components, such as handlebars, pedals, and racks, and tighten them securely.
  2. Ensure that the weight distribution on the bike is balanced and centered for improved stability.
  3. Check the tire pressure and adjust it to the recommended levels for a smoother and more stable ride.

Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike User Reviews

Here is a compilation of user reviews for the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike sourced from online platforms, particularly from Walmart. These reviews provide valuable insights into the experiences of actual customers with this electric bike, covering both positive and negative feedback.

Positive Reviews from Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the long battery life, allowing them to enjoy extended rides without frequent recharging.
  • Many riders praised the smooth and quiet ride experience provided by the mid-mounted Brose S MAG motor, offering powerful assistance while maintaining a noise-free journey.
  • Several customers appreciated the convenience of the Gate carbon-fiber belt drive, which requires little maintenance compared to traditional chain-driven systems.
  • Users also found the Enviolo AUTOMATiQ intelligent automatic transmission to be a standout feature, automatically adjusting the gear ratio and providing seamless shifts.
  • Numerous customers expressed satisfaction with the stylish design and overall craftsmanship, embodying the spirit of Harley-Davidson.

Overall, the majority of users were delighted with the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike, praising its premium build, low-maintenance features, and exceptional performance. The positive reviews highlight its impressive battery life, quiet motor, and intelligent transmission, making it an ideal choice for urban commutes and leisure rides.

Negative User Reviews of the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike

  • Some users expressed dissatisfaction with occasional hub transmission issues, such as difficulty in shifting gears smoothly.
  • Several customers reported battery draining quickly, reducing the expected range of the bike.
  • There were a few instances of unresponsive ride modes, where the assistance levels did not function as expected.
  • Several riders faced problems with tire punctures, requiring frequent maintenance.
  • A few users mentioned issues with loose components and fasteners, leading to rattling during rides.

While the majority of users had positive experiences with the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike, some faced challenges with hub transmission, battery life, and ride modes. Additionally, tire punctures and loose components were raised as concerns by a few riders.

Despite a few reported issues, the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike has garnered mostly favorable reviews from customers. Many have praised its premium build, low-maintenance features, and enjoyable ride experience. Users appreciate the attention to detail, impressive power assistance, and sleek design that make this electric bike a fantastic choice for urban commuting and leisurely adventures.

Source: Walmart user reviews for the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike

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Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike can be found on the manufacturer’s official website. For comprehensive guidance on assembly, maintenance, and usage of your electric bike, please visit the Serial 1 website and refer to the provided manual.

Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I charge the battery of the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru electric bike?

To charge the battery, simply plug the charger into the charging port located on the frame downtube. The integrated 529Wh lithium-ion battery can also be easily removed from the frame for off-the-bike charging. Charge times are as follows: 0-100% = 4.75hrs; 0-75% = 2.6hrs.

2. Can I adjust the power assistance levels on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru?

Yes, the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru offers multiple power assistance levels to suit your riding preferences. It includes Eco Mode for gentle assistance in flat conditions, Tour Mode for the optimal blend of assistance, Sport Mode for pronounced assistance on hills, and Boost Mode for steep hills or challenging conditions.

3. How far can I ride on a single charge with the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru electric bike?

The integrated, removable, 529Wh lithium-ion battery delivers a real-world range of 30-90 miles, depending on ride-mode selection, terrain, and how much pedal input the rider supplies. Factors such as rider weight and road conditions can also influence the range.

4. Are the brakes on the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru reliable for various riding conditions?

Yes, the RUSH/CTY Step-Thru is equipped with front and rear hydraulic disc brakes that utilize four-piston calipers and 203 x 2.3mm heavy-duty brake rotors. These brakes provide confident and reliable braking performance in most riding conditions, making it suitable for faster-moving eBicycles and all-weather commuting.

5. What should I do if I experience issues with the electric assist or other components?

If you encounter any problems with your Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike, it is recommended to consult the user manual first for troubleshooting steps. In case the issue persists or requires professional attention, reach out to the Serial 1 customer service or visit an authorized service center for prompt assistance and resolution.


Whenever you encounter any issues with your Serial 1 RUSH/CTY Step-Thru Electric Bike, remember to refer to the user manual for troubleshooting guidance. In case the problem persists or needs expert support, do not hesitate to reach out to the dedicated customer service or visit an authorized service center for prompt and reliable assistance. Ensuring your bike is properly maintained and serviced will help you enjoy a smooth and enjoyable riding experience.

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