Written By Doug Smirnoff

Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting common problems with the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite electric bike. If you own this model, you’ll find valuable information below to help you address any issues you may encounter. We understand the importance of keeping your bike in perfect condition for a smooth and enjoyable riding experience.

Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Overview

The Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite is a brand-new Mountain Cross Bike (MTC) designed to excel on any terrain. With its innovative features, it offers a seamless riding experience. Here’s a summary of its key specifications and features:

FrameCorratec E-Power MTC 120+
ForkSR Suntour Raidon 34 RLR Boost 29″+
Suspension Travel120 mm

Causes of Common Problems with the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite

Before diving into troubleshooting, let’s understand some of the common issues that Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite owners might encounter. We’ll provide solutions for these problems in the following sections.

Common Problems with the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite

1. Battery Drains Quickly

Description of the Problem: The battery of your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite seems to lose its charge faster than expected, limiting your riding range.

Cause of the Problem: Several factors can contribute to rapid battery drainage, including high power mode usage, terrain, and improper charging habits.


  1. Check your riding mode: Avoid using the highest power mode consistently; switch to a lower mode for extended battery life.
  2. Monitor terrain: Hilly or challenging terrains can drain the battery faster. Adjust your riding style accordingly.
  3. Charge correctly: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for charging your battery. Avoid overcharging or letting it fully discharge regularly.
  4. Inspect battery health: If the issue persists, have your battery checked by a professional for any potential defects or degradation.

2. Motor Stopped Suddenly

Description of the Problem: While riding your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite, you experienced an abrupt halt in motor assistance.

Cause of the Problem: Motor interruptions can occur due to overheating, electrical issues, or sensor problems.


  1. Allow motor to cool: If the motor overheats, stop riding and let it cool down before resuming.
  2. Check connections: Inspect all electrical connections, including the battery and motor connectors, for loose or damaged wiring.
  3. Sensor calibration: Ensure that the sensors are properly calibrated and positioned. Refer to the user manual for guidance.
  4. Reset system: Sometimes, a simple system reset can resolve motor issues. Turn off the bike, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on.

3. Brakes Squeaking or Not Responsive

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed that the brakes on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite either make a squeaking noise or are not as responsive as they should be.

Cause of the Problem: Brake issues can stem from brake pad wear, contamination, or improper adjustment.


  1. Inspect brake pads: Check the condition of your brake pads for wear and replace them if necessary.
  2. Clean the rotors: Clean the brake rotors with rubbing alcohol to remove any contaminants that may reduce braking efficiency.
  3. Adjust brake tension: Make sure the brake cables are properly tensioned and the calipers are aligned with the rotors.
  4. If the problem persists, consult a bike technician for a more in-depth brake inspection.

4. Gearing Issues

Description of the Problem: You’ve encountered problems with gear shifting on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite, such as chain slipping or difficulty changing gears.

Cause of the Problem: Gear-related issues can result from cable tension, derailleur misalignment, or worn components.


  1. Check cable tension: Ensure that the shift cable is properly tensioned; adjustments may be needed.
  2. Derailleur alignment: Verify that the derailleur is correctly aligned with the gear sprockets and make necessary adjustments.
  3. Inspect chain and cassette: Worn-out chains or cassettes can lead to shifting problems; consider replacements if needed.
  4. Lubricate components: Properly lubricate the chain and derailleur pivot points for smoother gear changes.

5. Display or Control Panel Malfunctions

Description of the Problem: The display or control panel on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite is not functioning correctly, displaying errors, or not responding to commands.

Cause of the Problem: Display issues may arise from electrical connections, software glitches, or physical damage.


  1. Check connections: Ensure all electrical connections between the display and the bike’s components are secure and free from damage.
  2. Software update: Check if there is a firmware update available for your bike’s display and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to update it.
  3. Perform a system reset: Sometimes, a system reset can resolve software-related issues. Consult your user manual for reset instructions.
  4. If the problem persists, seek assistance from a qualified technician for further diagnosis and repair.

6. Unusual Noises While Riding

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed strange noises, such as creaking, clicking, or rattling, while riding your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: Unusual noises can be caused by loose components, worn bearings, or improper assembly.


  1. Inspect components: Check for loose bolts, screws, or parts on the bike. Tighten or secure any loose components.
  2. Check the bottom bracket and wheel bearings for wear and replace them if necessary.
  3. Ensure proper assembly: Make sure all parts are correctly assembled, and nothing is rubbing against each other.
  4. If the noises persist, consult a bike technician for a more thorough inspection.

7. Inconsistent Pedal Assist

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite is inconsistent, sometimes providing more power than needed or not enough assistance.

Cause of the Problem: Inconsistent pedal assist can result from sensor issues, software glitches, or improper calibration.


  1. Calibrate sensors: Check the sensor alignment and calibration according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Software update: Ensure that your bike’s software is up to date by checking for available updates.
  3. Check for loose wiring: Inspect the wiring connections between the pedal assist system and the motor for any loose or damaged wires.
  4. If the issue persists, contact Corratec customer support or a qualified technician for further assistance.

8. Rapid Tire Wear

Description of the Problem: The tires on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite wear out quickly, requiring frequent replacements.

Cause of the Problem: Rapid tire wear can be caused by riding on abrasive surfaces, improper tire pressure, or low-quality tires.


  1. Choose appropriate terrain: Avoid rough and abrasive surfaces that can wear down tires quickly.
  2. Maintain proper tire pressure: Check and maintain the recommended tire pressure to prevent premature wear.
  3. Upgrade to high-quality tires: Consider investing in durable, puncture-resistant tires to extend their lifespan.
  4. If the issue continues, consult a bike technician to assess your riding habits and recommend suitable tires.

9. Display Error Codes

Description of the Problem: Your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite’s display shows error codes or messages that you’re not familiar with.

Cause of the Problem: Error codes can indicate various issues, including sensor problems, electrical faults, or software glitches.


  1. Refer to the user manual: Check the user manual or documentation that came with your bike for a list of error codes and their meanings.
  2. Restart the system: Try turning off the bike, waiting for a moment, and then turning it back on to see if the error clears.
  3. If the error persists or you’re unsure of its meaning, contact Corratec customer support for guidance on resolving the specific issue.

10. Range Decreases in Cold Weather

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed a significant decrease in your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite’s battery range during colder weather.

Cause of the Problem: Cold temperatures can affect battery performance, causing reduced range and power output.


  1. Keep the battery warm: If possible, store the bike indoors or in a heated area when not in use to maintain the battery’s temperature.
  2. Charge indoors: Charge the battery at room temperature rather than in extreme cold to optimize its performance.
  3. Plan shorter rides: During cold weather, plan for shorter rides to ensure you have enough battery power for your intended route.
  4. Consider investing in cold-weather accessories, such as battery covers or insulated storage bags, to help mitigate the effects of low temperatures.

11. Chain Slippage

Description of the Problem: While pedaling, you’ve experienced the chain slipping off the sprockets or skipping gears unexpectedly.

Cause of the Problem: Chain slippage can occur due to a loose chain, worn chainrings, or misaligned derailleurs.


  1. Inspect chain tension: Ensure that the chain is properly tensioned; adjust it if necessary as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  2. Check chainring wear: Examine the chainrings for signs of wear and replace them if they have become too worn down.
  3. Derailleur alignment: Ensure that the front and rear derailleurs are properly aligned with the sprockets and make adjustments if needed.
  4. Regular maintenance: Lubricate the chain and keep it clean to reduce friction and the chances of slippage.

12. Unresponsive Electric Assist

Description of the Problem: The electric assist on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite is not engaging when you pedal, even though the battery is charged.

Cause of the Problem: Electric assist issues can result from sensor malfunctions, wiring problems, or controller faults.


  1. Check sensor alignment: Verify that the pedal assist sensors and torque sensor are correctly aligned and functioning as they should.
  2. Inspect wiring: Examine all wiring connections for damage or loose connections, paying attention to the connections between the motor, battery, and controller.
  3. Controller reset: Attempt a controller reset by turning off the bike, disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, and restarting the system.
  4. If the issue persists, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

13. Unstable Handling

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed that your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite has unstable handling, making it challenging to control, especially at higher speeds or on uneven terrain.

Cause of the Problem: Handling issues may arise from improper suspension settings, misaligned components, or tire pressure problems.


  1. Suspension adjustment: Make sure your suspension is properly adjusted for your weight and the type of terrain you’re riding on.
  2. Check wheel alignment: Verify that the wheels are properly aligned in the frame, and the spokes are evenly tensioned.
  3. Tire pressure: Ensure that your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure levels for optimal handling and control.
  4. If handling problems persist, consult with a bike technician for a comprehensive evaluation and adjustments.

14. Motor Overheating

Description of the Problem: The motor on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite frequently overheats during rides, causing a reduction in power output.

Cause of the Problem: Motor overheating can be caused by continuous heavy use, high ambient temperatures, or insufficient cooling.


  1. Reduce heavy use: Avoid prolonged use of the highest power mode, especially on steep climbs, to prevent excessive heating.
  2. Ride in cooler conditions: Plan your rides during cooler parts of the day or in milder weather to reduce the risk of overheating.
  3. Clean motor and components: Ensure that the motor and surrounding components are free from dirt and debris that may impede cooling.
  4. If motor overheating remains a concern, contact Corratec for guidance or potential motor component replacements.

15. Loose or Unstable Components

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed that various components on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite, such as the saddle, handlebars, or pedals, feel loose or unstable during rides.

Cause of the Problem: Component instability can occur due to improper assembly, wear and tear, or frequent vibrations.


  1. Check assembly: Inspect the assembly of components, including tightening bolts and fasteners to the manufacturer’s specifications.
  2. Regular maintenance: Perform routine maintenance, including greasing threads and ensuring proper torquing of components.
  3. Upgrade components: Consider upgrading to higher-quality components or accessories that provide a more secure fit and stability.
  4. If the problem persists, consult with a bike technician to assess and resolve component stability issues.

16. Loss of Pedal Power

Description of the Problem: You’ve experienced a sudden loss of pedal power on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite, making pedaling more difficult.

Cause of the Problem: A loss of pedal power can result from motor or battery issues, sensor malfunctions, or electrical faults.


  1. Check battery charge: Ensure that the battery is adequately charged and securely connected to the bike.
  2. Inspect sensor alignment: Verify that the pedal assist sensors are correctly aligned and functioning properly.
  3. Controller reset: Attempt a controller reset by turning off the bike, disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, and restarting the system.
  4. If the issue persists, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

17. Excessive Vibration

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed that your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite produces excessive vibrations while riding, leading to discomfort and reduced control.

Cause of the Problem: Excessive vibrations can be caused by misaligned wheels, loose components, or unbalanced tires.


  1. Wheel alignment: Ensure that both the front and rear wheels are properly aligned in the frame and the spokes are evenly tensioned.
  2. Inspect components: Check for loose bolts, screws, or parts on the bike. Tighten or secure any loose components.
  3. Tire balance: Have your tires balanced to reduce vibrations; consider replacing worn or damaged tires.
  4. If vibrations persist, consult with a bike technician for a thorough assessment and adjustments.

18. Reduced Battery Life Over Time

Description of the Problem: Over time, you’ve noticed a decrease in the overall battery life and capacity of your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite.

Cause of the Problem: Battery degradation is a natural process that occurs over time due to charging cycles and usage.


  1. Battery maintenance: Follow proper battery maintenance practices, such as avoiding overcharging and storing the battery at the right temperature.
  2. Replace the battery: If the battery capacity has significantly decreased and affects your riding experience, consider replacing it with a new one.
  3. Monitor charging habits: Be mindful of your charging habits and avoid letting the battery completely discharge before recharging.
  4. Consult Corratec or a battery specialist for recommendations on battery replacement and maintenance.

19. Unresponsive Brakes

Description of the Problem: The brakes on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite have become unresponsive, making it challenging to slow down or stop.

Cause of the Problem: Brake issues can stem from worn brake pads, air in the brake lines, or hydraulic brake system problems.


  1. Check brake pads: Inspect the condition of your brake pads and replace them if they are worn down or damaged.
  2. Bleed the brakes: If you have hydraulic brakes, bleeding the brake lines can remove air bubbles and restore brake responsiveness.
  3. Adjust brake tension: Ensure that the brake cables are properly tensioned and the calipers are aligned with the rotors.
  4. If brake issues persist, consult a bike technician for a comprehensive brake inspection and potential repairs.

20. Display Screen Freezing

Description of the Problem: The display screen on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite intermittently freezes, preventing you from accessing crucial information.

Cause of the Problem: Display screen freezing can be attributed to software glitches, low battery voltage, or loose connections.


  1. Software update: Check for available software updates for the display screen and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install them.
  2. Ensure adequate battery voltage: Ensure that the battery has sufficient charge to power the display screen adequately.
  3. Check wiring connections: Inspect all wiring connections related to the display screen for loose or damaged wires.
  4. If the problem persists, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

21. Unusual Motor Noise

Description of the Problem: You’ve noticed unusual noises coming from the motor of your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite, such as grinding, whining, or clicking sounds.

Cause of the Problem: Unusual motor noises may indicate motor issues, loose components, or contamination within the motor housing.


  1. Inspect motor housing: Check the motor housing for signs of contamination or debris that may be causing the noise. Clean if necessary.
  2. Motor assessment: If the noise persists, consult a professional technician for a thorough motor assessment and potential repairs.
  3. Regular maintenance: Perform routine motor maintenance as recommended by Corratec to prevent future noise issues.

22. Intermittent Power Loss

Description of the Problem: Your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite experiences intermittent power loss, where the electric assistance cuts in and out during your ride.

Cause of the Problem: Intermittent power loss can result from loose electrical connections, sensor malfunctions, or software glitches.


  1. Check electrical connections: Inspect all electrical connections, including the battery, motor, and controller, for loose or damaged wiring.
  2. Sensor calibration: Ensure that the sensors, including pedal assist sensors and torque sensors, are correctly calibrated and positioned.
  3. Software update: Check for available software updates for your bike’s electronics and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
  4. If the issue persists, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

23. Uneven Tire Wear

Description of the Problem: The tires on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite wear unevenly, causing a bumpy and uncomfortable ride.

Cause of the Problem: Uneven tire wear can occur due to improper tire pressure, misaligned wheels, or suspension issues.


  1. Maintain proper tire pressure: Regularly check and adjust tire pressure to match the manufacturer’s recommended levels for even wear.
  2. Wheel alignment: Verify that the wheels are correctly aligned within the frame, and the spokes are evenly tensioned.
  3. Suspension adjustment: Ensure that your suspension is properly adjusted for your weight and the type of terrain you ride on.
  4. If tire wear remains uneven, consult with a bike technician for further evaluation and potential adjustments.

24. Inaccurate Battery Indicator

Description of the Problem: The battery indicator on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite displays inaccurate information, making it challenging to gauge your remaining battery capacity.

Cause of the Problem: Battery indicator inaccuracies can be caused by software issues, voltage fluctuations, or sensor malfunctions.


  1. Software update: Check for available software updates for your bike’s battery management system and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
  2. Battery voltage check: Monitor the battery’s voltage using a voltmeter to ensure it aligns with the displayed capacity.
  3. Calibrate sensors: Recalibrate the sensors responsible for monitoring battery status as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. If the problem persists, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

25. Unresponsive Pedal Assist Modes

Description of the Problem: The pedal assist modes on your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite do not respond when you try to switch between them.

Cause of the Problem: Unresponsive pedal assist modes can be due to software glitches, control panel issues, or electrical faults.


  1. Software update: Check for available software updates for your bike’s control panel and pedal assist system, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
  2. Control panel inspection: Inspect the control panel for any visible damage or loose connections and address any issues found.
  3. Controller reset: Attempt a controller reset by turning off the bike, disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, and restarting the system.
  4. If pedal assist mode issues persist, consult Corratec’s technical support or a professional technician for further diagnosis.

Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike User Reviews

Positive Reviews from Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike Users

Many users of the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike have shared positive experiences associated with this model. Here are some key aspects that users have expressed satisfaction with:

  • Impressive Power and Performance: Some users were satisfied with the powerful performance of the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite. They appreciated the bike’s ability to tackle challenging terrains effortlessly.
  • Excellent Battery Life: Several users praised the bike’s battery life, highlighting its capacity to provide long rides without frequent recharging. This feature was particularly appealing for those who enjoy extended cycling adventures.
  • Sturdy and Stable Frame: Many riders found the Shadow Edge Tube 2.0 frame to be exceptionally stable and durable, providing confidence during off-road rides.
  • Smooth Suspension: Users commended the SR Suntour Raidon 34 RLR Boost 29″ fork and the overall suspension system for offering a comfortable and smooth ride even on rough terrain.
  • Responsive Motor: Riders appreciated the BOSCH Performance Line CX+ motor’s responsiveness, which delivered adequate power for uphill climbs and demanding trails.

In summary, positive feedback from Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike users consistently highlighted the bike’s performance, battery life, frame durability, suspension quality, and the effectiveness of the electric motor.

Negative User Reviews of the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike

While the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike has received praise, some users have encountered issues that left them less satisfied. Here are summarized negative aspects based on user experiences:

  • Battery Range in Cold Weather: Some users noted a decrease in battery range during cold weather conditions, which limited their ride duration. This issue may require additional precautions in colder climates.
  • Motor Noise: A few riders reported unusual motor noises, including grinding or clicking sounds. While these noises didn’t necessarily affect performance, they were a source of concern for some users.
  • Occasional Sensor Problems: There were instances where users faced occasional sensor malfunctions, leading to intermittent power loss or inconsistent pedal assist. This required troubleshooting and potential adjustments.
  • Tire Wear: A small number of users mentioned rapid tire wear, requiring frequent replacements. This issue may necessitate investing in more durable tires.
  • Display Screen Issues: A handful of riders experienced occasional freezing or inaccuracies with the display screen. While not a widespread problem, it can impact the overall riding experience.

While some users encountered specific issues with the Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike, it’s important to note that the majority of users expressed satisfaction with its performance and features. These negative aspects should be considered alongside the bike’s numerous positive qualities when making a purchasing decision.

Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike Manual

If you’re in need of detailed operating instructions for your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike, you can find the official manual on the manufacturer’s website. The manual contains comprehensive information on setup, maintenance, and usage guidelines to ensure you make the most of your electric bike while keeping it in excellent condition.

Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I maximize the battery life of my Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite?

To extend your battery life, avoid completely draining it before recharging. Charge it after each ride, store it in a cool and dry place, and avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures.

2. What should I do if my electric assist suddenly stops working?

If your electric assist stops working unexpectedly, check the battery connection, sensor alignment, and any error codes on the display screen. If issues persist, consult the manual for troubleshooting or contact customer support.

3. Can I ride my Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite in the rain?

While the bike is designed to handle light rain and moisture, it’s best to avoid riding in heavy rain to prevent damage to electrical components. Always dry your bike and components after riding in wet conditions.

4. How often should I perform maintenance on my bike?

Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance. Depending on usage, conduct routine checks for tire pressure, brake adjustments, and lubrication. More in-depth maintenance tasks should be performed as specified in the manual.

5. What should I do if I hear unusual noises coming from the motor?

If you hear unusual motor noises like grinding or clicking, inspect the motor housing for contamination and clean it if necessary. If the issue persists, seek professional assistance to assess and address the problem.


In case you encounter any problems or have questions about your Corratec E-Power MTC 120 Elite Electric Bike, it’s advisable to refer to the manual, reach out to customer service, or visit a certified service center. These resources will provide the most accurate and effective solutions to ensure the continued enjoyment of your electric bike.

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