Written By Doug Smirnoff

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford: Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford: Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford common problems – an essential guide for eBike enthusiasts. As we delve into the realm of this high-performance electric bike, we aim to provide valuable insights into potential issues that riders may encounter. Despite its outstanding features, every masterpiece has its quirks, and the 305 GHOST is no exception.

While reviewers have applauded the exceptional power, versatile design, and Tyson Beckford’s influence on the 305 GHOST, two distinctive aspects stand out. First, its high price tag may give budget-conscious riders pause, as this limited-edition eBike comes with a hefty $7,500 price point. Affordability becomes a key consideration for those seeking alternatives. Second, the limited availability of this model may pose a challenge for riders who prefer readily accessible products without the constraints of limited units.

This article aims to guide readers through these common challenges associated with the Lyric 305 GHOST. We’ll explore troubleshooting strategies and share real experiences from owners who have navigated these issues, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to make the most of this powerful and stylish eBike.

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford: Common Problems and Troubleshooting


Name of Specification Description of Specification
Price $7,499.00
Type eBike
Class Class 3
Release Year 2023
Brake Type Regenerative braking
Drive Type Mid-Drive
Frame Material Steel
Max Range (mi) 55 mi
Top Speed (mph) 65 mph
Watts 18,000
Weight (lbs) 165 lbs
Wheels 2
Wheel Diameter (in) 17 in
Wheel Width (in) 3 in

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford: Common Problems and Troubleshooting


  • Neighborhood
  • Off-Road
  • Urban
  • Commuter
  • Remote Work
  • Headlight
  • LCD Display
  • Throttle
  • Rear Rack
  • Full Suspension
  • Lightweight
  • Fat Tire eBike
  • Removable battery
  • Dual suspension
  • Fast charging
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Dual brakes
  • Bell
  • Battery overcharging protection
  • USB charging

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Causes of Common Problems with the Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford

In the following sections, we will delve into potential challenges that riders may face with the Lyric 305 GHOST. Understanding the root causes of these common problems is crucial for effective troubleshooting and maintenance.

Stay tuned as we explore each issue in detail and provide practical solutions to ensure a smooth riding experience with your Lyric 305 GHOST electric bike.

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1. Battery Not Charging – Power Woes

  • Description of the Problem: Users may encounter issues with the Lyric 305 GHOST battery not charging, leading to power-related concerns.
  • Cause of the Problem: The problem could be due to a faulty charging port, damaged cable, or issues with the battery itself.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check the charging cable and port for any visible damage.
    2. Try using a different charging cable and power source to eliminate cable or outlet issues.
    3. If the problem persists, contact Lyric Cycles customer support for further assistance or consider professional inspection.

2. Inconsistent Throttle Response – Performance Fluctuations

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience inconsistent response from the throttle, affecting the overall performance of the eBike.
  • Cause of the Problem: Throttle-related issues can arise from loose connections, software glitches, or sensor malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect throttle wiring for any loose or disconnected connections.
    2. Ensure the eBike firmware is up to date and consider reinstalling or updating the throttle software.
    3. If problems persist, consult the Lyric 305 GHOST user manual for additional troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance.

3. Brakes Squeaking – Noisy Brake System

  • Description of the Problem: Users may encounter squeaking noises when applying the brakes, causing discomfort and potential safety concerns.
  • Cause of the Problem: Squeaky brakes can result from contamination, worn brake pads, or misalignment.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect brake pads for wear and replace if necessary.
    2. Clean the brake rotors and pads to remove any debris or contaminants.
    3. Check for proper brake alignment and adjust if needed.

4. LCD Display Malfunction – Information Display Issues

  • Description of the Problem: Users may face issues with the LCD display, such as flickering, unresponsive touch, or incorrect information.
  • Cause of the Problem: LCD display problems can stem from software glitches, hardware issues, or electrical malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Restart the eBike to see if the display issues resolve.
    2. Check for loose or damaged display cables and connections.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for display reset procedures or contact Lyric Cycles support for further assistance.

5. Limited Range – Reduced Battery Performance

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may notice a decline in the eBike’s range, with the battery not providing the expected distance per charge.
  • Cause of the Problem: Reduced range can be attributed to battery wear, charging habits, or environmental factors.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check the battery health and consider replacing it if significantly degraded.
    2. Optimize charging habits, avoiding overcharging or consistently depleting the battery to low levels.
    3. Take into account external factors like temperature, terrain, and riding style that can impact battery performance.

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6. Motor Overheating – Overheating Concerns

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may encounter issues with the eBike’s motor overheating during extended use, leading to potential performance issues.
  • Cause of the Problem: Motor overheating can be caused by excessive load, prolonged high-speed riding, or inadequate cooling.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Allow the motor to cool down by ceasing operation for a sufficient period.
    2. Avoid consistently pushing the eBike to its maximum speed for extended periods.
    3. Check for proper ventilation around the motor and consider adding additional cooling components if necessary.

7. Gear Shifting Issues – Transmission Problems

  • Description of the Problem: Users may experience difficulties with gear shifting, affecting the overall riding experience.
  • Cause of the Problem: Gear shifting problems can result from misadjustments, cable issues, or wear and tear on the drivetrain components.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the gear cables for any signs of damage or misalignment.
    2. Ensure proper adjustment of the gear shifters and derailleurs.
    3. If issues persist, consider lubricating or replacing worn drivetrain components.

8. Unresponsive Electric Assist – Power Assistance Issues

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may encounter situations where the electric assist system becomes unresponsive, impacting the ease of pedaling.
  • Cause of the Problem: Electric assist issues can be attributed to sensor malfunctions, electrical connectivity problems, or software glitches.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check for loose or damaged electrical connections related to the electric assist system.
    2. Ensure all sensors are functioning correctly and are free from obstructions.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for electric assist system reset procedures or contact Lyric Cycles support.

9. Unusual Noise from the Drive System – Abnormal Sounds

  • Description of the Problem: Users may notice unexpected noises emanating from the eBike’s drive system, indicating potential mechanical issues.
  • Cause of the Problem: Unusual sounds can be caused by loose components, worn bearings, or misalignments within the drive system.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the drive system for loose bolts, nuts, or components that may be causing the noise.
    2. Lubricate or replace worn bearings and components as needed.
    3. If the noise persists, seek professional assistance for a comprehensive inspection of the drive system.

10. Connectivity Issues with Smart Features – Technology Hiccups

  • Description of the Problem: Users may face challenges with the connectivity of smart features like Bluetooth or the LCD display, impacting user experience.
  • Cause of the Problem: Connectivity issues can result from software bugs, interference, or compatibility problems with external devices.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure that the eBike’s firmware and smart features software are up to date.
    2. Minimize interference by keeping electronic devices away from the eBike during troubleshooting.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for smart feature troubleshooting or contact Lyric Cycles support for guidance.

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11. Unstable Handling – Steering Instability

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience instability in the handling and steering of the Lyric 305 GHOST, affecting overall control.
  • Cause of the Problem: Unstable handling can result from issues such as misaligned forks, loose headset, or improper tire pressure.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check and adjust the tire pressure to the recommended levels.
    2. Inspect the forks for misalignment and ensure proper alignment.
    3. If problems persist, check for a loose headset and tighten as needed.

12. Slow Response from Electric Assist – Delayed Assistance

  • Description of the Problem: Users may notice a delay in the response of the electric assist system, affecting the immediacy of power assistance.
  • Cause of the Problem: Slow response times can be attributed to sensor delays, software lag, or connectivity issues within the electric assist system.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure sensors related to the electric assist system are clean and unobstructed.
    2. Check for software updates and perform necessary updates if available.
    3. If the issue persists, contact Lyric Cycles support for further assistance.

13. Uncomfortable Seating – Ergonomic Discomfort

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience discomfort during extended rides due to issues with the eBike’s seat design or adjustment.
  • Cause of the Problem: Uncomfortable seating can result from improper seat adjustment, design issues, or personal ergonomic preferences.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Adjust the seat height, angle, and position to achieve a comfortable riding posture.
    2. If discomfort persists, consider investing in aftermarket seats or cushions that better suit your ergonomic preferences.
    3. Experiment with various adjustments to find the optimal seating position for your comfort.

14. Limited Smart Feature Compatibility – Connectivity Challenges

  • Description of the Problem: Users may face limitations in connecting the Lyric 305 GHOST’s smart features with certain devices or platforms.
  • Cause of the Problem: Compatibility issues may arise due to differences in software protocols, outdated firmware, or limited integration capabilities.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure all involved devices have the latest firmware updates installed.
    2. Check Lyric Cycles’ official documentation for any specific compatibility requirements or updates.
    3. If issues persist, reach out to Lyric Cycles support for guidance on potential solutions or updates.

15. Unreliable Regenerative Braking – Braking Inconsistencies

  • Description of the Problem: Users may experience inconsistencies in the functioning of the regenerative braking system, impacting braking performance.
  • Cause of the Problem: Unreliable regenerative braking can be caused by sensor issues, software glitches, or insufficient battery charge for regenerative braking.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure the sensors related to regenerative braking are clean and properly calibrated.
    2. Check for software updates and install them to address potential glitches.
    3. If problems persist, verify that the battery charge is sufficient for regenerative braking to operate effectively.

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11. Unstable Ride – Handling and Stability Issues

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience instability during rides, affecting the overall handling and control of the Lyric 305 GHOST.
  • Cause of the Problem: Unstable rides can result from issues such as improper tire pressure, misaligned components, or suspension problems.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check and adjust tire pressure to the recommended levels.
    2. Inspect the suspension system for any signs of damage or misalignment.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for guidance on optimizing the eBike’s stability or seek professional assistance.

12. Difficulty in Folding Mechanism – Folding System Challenges

  • Description of the Problem: Users may encounter difficulties with the folding mechanism, impacting the convenience of storage and transport.
  • Cause of the Problem: Folding issues can be caused by misalignments, worn hinges, or debris interfering with the folding components.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the folding mechanism for any visible misalignments or damage.
    2. Lubricate hinges and moving parts to ensure smooth operation.
    3. If difficulties persist, refer to the user manual for folding mechanism troubleshooting steps or contact Lyric Cycles support.

13. Unresponsive Pedal Assist – Pedaling Assistance Issues

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may face issues with the pedal assist system being unresponsive, affecting the ease of pedaling.
  • Cause of the Problem: Pedal assist problems can stem from sensor malfunctions, electrical issues, or software glitches.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Check for loose or damaged electrical connections related to the pedal assist system.
    2. Ensure all sensors are functioning correctly and are free from obstructions.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for pedal assist system reset procedures or contact Lyric Cycles support.

14. Flickering Lights – Lighting System Anomalies

  • Description of the Problem: Users may notice flickering lights, affecting both the headlight and taillight systems of the Lyric 305 GHOST.
  • Cause of the Problem: Flickering lights can result from loose connections, electrical issues, or problems with the lighting components.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the wiring and connections of both the headlight and taillight for any loose or damaged components.
    2. Ensure the battery has sufficient charge and is securely connected.
    3. If issues persist, consult the user manual for lighting system troubleshooting or contact Lyric Cycles support for assistance.

15. Unusual Vibration – Abnormal Vibrations During Operation

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience unexpected vibrations during operation, indicating potential mechanical or component issues.
  • Cause of the Problem: Vibrations can be caused by misaligned components, loose bolts, or worn parts within the eBike’s structure.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the eBike for loose bolts, nuts, or components that may be contributing to the vibrations.
    2. Check for proper alignment of wheels, pedals, and other key components.
    3. If vibrations persist, seek professional assistance for a comprehensive inspection of the eBike’s mechanical systems.

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16. Delayed Motor Engagement – Slow Acceleration

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may experience delays in motor engagement, resulting in slow acceleration and diminished performance.
  • Cause of the Problem: Delayed motor engagement can be caused by software glitches, sensor issues, or electrical connectivity problems.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure that the eBike’s firmware is up to date to address any software-related issues.
    2. Check for loose or damaged electrical connections related to the motor system.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for motor system troubleshooting or contact Lyric Cycles support for assistance.

17. Unstable Bluetooth Connectivity – Smart Feature Issues

  • Description of the Problem: Users may face challenges with the stability of Bluetooth connectivity, impacting the functionality of smart features.
  • Cause of the Problem: Bluetooth connectivity issues can result from interference, software bugs, or compatibility problems with connected devices.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Ensure that the eBike’s firmware and Bluetooth software are up to date.
    2. Minimize interference by keeping electronic devices away from the eBike during troubleshooting.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for Bluetooth connectivity troubleshooting or contact Lyric Cycles support for guidance.

18. Unresponsive LCD Display – Display System Malfunction

  • Description of the Problem: Users may encounter issues with an unresponsive LCD display, affecting the visibility of critical information during rides.
  • Cause of the Problem: LCD display problems can be caused by software glitches, hardware issues, or electrical malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Restart the eBike to see if the display issues resolve.
    2. Check for loose or damaged display cables and connections.
    3. If problems persist, consult the user manual for display reset procedures or contact Lyric Cycles support for further assistance.

19. Limited Range in Cold Weather – Weather-Related Performance Drop

  • Description of the Problem: Riders may notice a significant reduction in the eBike’s range when operating in cold weather conditions.
  • Cause of the Problem: Cold temperatures can impact battery performance, leading to a decreased range in electric bikes.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Store the eBike in a warmer environment when not in use during cold weather.
    2. Keep the battery insulated to minimize the impact of cold temperatures.
    3. Consider using a battery cover or warmer to maintain optimal battery performance in cold weather.

20. Difficulty in Folding Mechanism – Folding System Challenges

  • Description of the Problem: Users may encounter difficulties with the folding mechanism, impacting the convenience of storage and transport.
  • Cause of the Problem: Folding issues can be caused by misalignments, worn hinges, or debris interfering with the folding components.
  • Troubleshooting Step-by-Step:
    1. Inspect the folding mechanism for any visible misalignments or damage.
    2. Lubricate hinges and moving parts to ensure smooth operation.
    3. If difficulties persist, refer to the user manual for folding mechanism troubleshooting steps or contact Lyric Cycles support.

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford Electric Bike User Reviews

Introduction to the Section

Explore the user experiences and feedback surrounding the Lyric 305 GHOST electric bike. Learn what riders appreciate about this model and the positive aspects that contribute to its overall appeal.

Positive Reviews from Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford Users

  • Some users were satisfied with the powerful performance of the Lyric 305 GHOST, praising its impressive power output and overall dynamic riding experience.
  • Riders found the stylish design of the 305 GHOST to be a standout feature, with its visually appealing elements like scrambler styling, sleek dual-projector headlight, anodized brakes, and dual sport tires.
  • The involvement of Tyson Beckford in the design process resonated positively with users, adding a unique and influential touch to the electric bike that attracted fans of the model.
  • Positive feedback emphasized the affordability, versatility, and advanced features of the 305 GHOST, highlighting its value for money, adaptability to various riding scenarios, and the incorporation of advanced technologies that enhance the overall riding experience.

Conclusively, the positive reviews from Lyric 305 GHOST users underscore the electric bike’s strong performance, stylish aesthetics, celebrity influence, and a well-rounded set of features. These aspects collectively contribute to the overall satisfaction and appeal of the Lyric 305 GHOST in the electric bike market.

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Negative User Reviews of the Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford

  • Some users were not satisfied with the high price tag associated with the Lyric 305 GHOST, priced at $7,500. This was a significant concern for those on a budget or seeking more affordable e-bike options.
  • Disappointment arose from the limited-edition status of the 305 GHOST, with users expressing concerns about potential limitations in availability. This was a drawback for individuals who prefer easily accessible products without restrictions on the number of units available.

Conclusively, negative feedback for the Lyric 305 GHOST primarily revolves around the high price point and limited-edition nature of the e-bike. While these aspects may be drawbacks for some users, it’s important to note that the majority of users expressed satisfaction with the 305 GHOST, highlighting its strong performance, stylish design, and versatile features.

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford Manual

The operating instructions and manual for the Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford can be accessed on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed information on assembly, usage guidelines, maintenance, and troubleshooting, please visit the official Lyric Cycles website.

Manufacturer’s Website – Lyric 305 GHOST Manual


After a comprehensive exploration of the Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford, it is evident that this electric bike offers a compelling package for riders seeking a high-performing and stylish e-bike. The positive user reviews highlighted the powerful performance, appealing design, and the influence of Tyson Beckford in enhancing the overall product.

While negative feedback mentioned concerns about the high price and limited-edition status, it’s essential to acknowledge that these drawbacks did not overshadow the majority of positive experiences reported by users. The 305 GHOST successfully caters to riders valuing power, style, and advanced features.

For potential buyers, it’s recommended to consult the Lyric 305 GHOST manual available on the manufacturer’s website for comprehensive operating instructions. This resource will provide insights into assembly, usage guidelines, and troubleshooting steps to ensure a satisfying ownership experience.

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Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford FAQ

What type of suspension does the Lyric 305 GHOST have?

The Lyric 305 GHOST features beefed up off-road suspension and dual sport tires, suggesting suitability for off-road use. However, there might be confusion in the details, as the suspension is mentioned as false under ‘features.’ Typically, dual suspension implies both front and rear suspension systems.

Is the Lyric 305 GHOST suitable for off-road use?

Yes, the Lyric 305 GHOST is suitable for off-road use with its beefed-up off-road suspension and dual sport tires.

How much does the Lyric 305 GHOST weigh?

The Lyric 305 GHOST weighs approximately 74.84268 kg.

Is the Lyric 305 GHOST bike considered affordable?

With a price tag of $7,500, the Lyric 305 GHOST might be considered expensive for some buyers, but it is noted for providing good value for the features and performance it offers.

What is the top speed of the Lyric 305 GHOST by Tyson Beckford?

The Lyric 305 GHOST has a top speed of 104.6071 km/h.

Can the Lyric 305 GHOST be considered eco-friendly?

Yes, as an electric bike, the Lyric 305 GHOST offers an eco-friendly alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles.

Does the Lyric 305 GHOST come with a removable battery for easy charging?

Yes, the Lyric 305 GHOST comes with a removable battery for convenient charging.

What makes the Lyric 305 GHOST a limited edition model?

The Lyric 305 GHOST is a limited edition model due to its unique collaboration with Tyson Beckford and likely limited production run.

What is the range of the Lyric 305 GHOST on a single charge?

The Lyric 305 GHOST can travel up to 88.5137 km on a single charge.

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