Written By Doug Smirnoff

VanMoof X4 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

In this article, we will discuss common problems that users may encounter with the VanMoof X4 e-bike and provide troubleshooting tips. We will cover various issues and their potential causes, along with solutions to help resolve them.

Causes of problems on the VanMoof X4

The subsections below will detail the common problems users face with the VanMoof X4 and provide guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve these issues.

VanMoof X4 Battery charging issues:

  • Description: The battery may not charge properly or may drain quickly.
  • Cause: Faulty charger, battery degradation, or incorrect charging procedure.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure the charger is properly connected to the bike and power source.
    • Check the charger for any signs of damage or wear. Replace if necessary.
    • Follow the recommended charging procedure provided by VanMoof.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Motor failure:

  • Description: The electric motor may stop working or experience power fluctuations.
  • Cause: Motor overheating, wiring issues, or motor component failure.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Allow the motor to cool down and check for any obstructions or debris that may be affecting its performance.
    • Inspect the wiring connections for any loose or damaged wires. Repair or replace as necessary.
    • If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for professional motor diagnostics and repairs.

VanMoof X4 Electrical wiring problems:

  • Description: Wiring connections may become loose or damaged, leading to electrical malfunctions.
  • Cause: Vibrations, improper maintenance, or manufacturing defects.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Inspect the wiring connections and harnesses for any loose or disconnected wires.
    • Securely reconnect any loose wires and ensure they are properly insulated.
    • If the issue persists, consult a professional bike technician or contact VanMoof customer support for assistance.

VanMoof X4 Brake system issues:

  • Description: The brakes may become less responsive or fail to engage properly.
  • Cause: Worn brake pads, misaligned calipers, or hydraulic brake fluid leaks.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Inspect the brake pads for wear and replace if necessary.
    • Check the caliper alignment and adjust if needed.
    • If using hydraulic brakes, check for any leaks and have them repaired by a professional.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Tire punctures:

  • Description: The tires may be prone to punctures or may not provide adequate grip.
  • Cause: Sharp objects on the road, improper tire pressure, or worn-out tires.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Inspect the tires for any visible punctures or damage. Replace the tire or patch the puncture accordingly.
    • Maintain proper tire pressure as recommended by VanMoof.
    • Replace worn-out tires with new ones for improved grip and puncture resistance.

VanMoof X4 Display malfunction:

  • Description: The digital display on the handlebar may not function correctly or become unresponsive.
  • Cause: Loose or damaged connections, software glitches, or display component failure.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Check the connections between the display and the bike’s main wiring harness. Ensure they are securely plugged in.
    • Restart the bike’s display system and check for any software updates.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or display replacement.

VanMoof X4 Gear shifting problems:

  • Description: The gears may not shift smoothly or may skip.
  • Cause: Misaligned derailleurs, worn gear cables, or damaged gear components.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Inspect the derailleurs and ensure they are properly aligned with the gears.
    • Check the gear cables for any signs of fraying or damage. Replace if necessary.
    • Have a professional bike technician adjust the gears or replace worn-out gear components.

VanMoof X4 Noisy drivetrain:

  • Description: Unusual noises may arise from the chain, gears, or other components.
  • Cause: Lack of lubrication, misalignment, or worn drivetrain components.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Clean and lubricate the chain and drivetrain components regularly.
    • Inspect the chain and gears for any signs of wear. Replace if necessary.
    • Check for any misalignment of the drivetrain components and adjust as needed.

Loose or broken VanMoof X4 spokes:

  • Description: The spokes on the wheels may become loose or break.
  • Cause: Improper tensioning, impacts, or poor wheel maintenance.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Regularly check the spoke tension and ensure they are properly tensioned.
    • Replace any broken spokes and true the wheel if necessary.
    • Consider having the wheel serviced by a professional bike technician for proper maintenance.

Loose VanMoof X4 handlebar or stem:

  • Description: The handlebar or stem may become loose, affecting steering control.
  • Cause: Insufficient tightening, vibrations, or wear over time.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure the handlebar and stem are properly tightened and secure.
    • Check for any signs of wear or damage. Replace components if necessary.
    • Consider using a torque wrench to achieve the proper tightening torque for handlebar and stem bolts.

VanMoof X4 Saddle discomfort:

  • Description: The saddle may not be comfortable for long rides or may be prone to shifting.
  • Cause: Incorrect saddle position, improper saddle height, or discomfort due to personal preference.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Adjust the saddle position and height to ensure proper alignment with your body.
    • Consider using a different saddle model or adding padding for increased comfort.
    • Experiment with different saddle adjustments to find a position that suits you best.

VanMoof X4 Headlight or taillight issues:

  • Description: The lights may not work consistently or may have poor visibility.
  • Cause: Loose connections, drained batteries, or damaged light components.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Check the connections between the lights and the bike’s electrical system. Ensure they are securely connected.
    • Replace the batteries of the lights if they are low or drained.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or light replacement.

VanMoof X4 Frame damage:

  • Description: The frame may develop cracks or structural weaknesses.
  • Cause: Impacts, excessive stress, or manufacturing defects.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Regularly inspect the frame for any signs of damage, cracks, or structural issues.
    • If any damage is found, discontinue riding the bike and contact VanMoof customer support for evaluation and repair.
    • Ensure proper bike handling and avoid excessive stress on the frame to prevent potential damage.

VanMoof X4 Water ingress:

  • Description: The e-bike may not be adequately waterproof, leading to damage in wet conditions.
  • Cause: Poor sealing, damaged components, or submersion in water.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Avoid riding the bike in heavy rain or submerging it in water to prevent water ingress.
    • Check for any damaged or poorly sealed components and have them repaired or replaced.
    • Consider using protective covers or fenders to shield the bike from water splashes.

VanMoof X4 Bluetooth connectivity problems:

  • Description: The bike’s Bluetooth connection to a smartphone or other devices may be unreliable.
  • Cause: Interference, software bugs, or compatibility issues.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure that the bike’s Bluetooth and the connected device’s Bluetooth are enabled and in range.
    • Restart both the bike and the connected device and attempt to establish the Bluetooth connection again.
    • Update the bike’s firmware and the smartphone app to the latest versions.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Pedal sensor malfunction:

  • Description: The sensor that detects pedaling motion may not function correctly.
  • Cause: Loose connections, sensor alignment issues, or sensor component failure.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Check the connections between the pedal sensor and the bike’s main wiring harness. Ensure they are securely connected.
    • Inspect the sensor alignment and position. Adjust if needed.
    • If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or sensor replacement.

Faulty VanMoof X4 power assistance:

  • Description: The e-bike may not provide the expected level of power assistance or may cut out unexpectedly.
  • Cause: Battery issues, motor problems, or sensor malfunctions.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure the battery is fully charged and properly connected.
    • Inspect the motor and sensor components for any signs of damage or malfunction.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for professional diagnosis and repairs.

Rusting VanMoof X4 components:

  • Description: Certain parts of the bike, such as screws or metal surfaces, may be prone to rusting.
  • Cause: Exposure to moisture, lack of protective coating, or poor maintenance.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Regularly clean and dry the bike after riding, paying attention to metal components.
    • Apply a protective coating or lubricant to susceptible areas to prevent rust formation.
    • Inspect the bike for any signs of rust and treat affected areas promptly with rust remover or anti-rust products.

Unreliable VanMoof X4 app functionality:

  • Description: The VanMoof smartphone app may experience glitches or connectivity issues.
  • Cause: Software bugs, device compatibility, or server maintenance.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure that the smartphone app is updated to the latest version.
    • Restart the app and the smartphone to clear any temporary glitches.
    • Check for any server maintenance announcements from VanMoof.
    • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

Uncomfortable VanMoof X4 suspension:

  • Description: The bike’s suspension system may not provide adequate shock absorption or may be too stiff.
  • Cause: Improper suspension setup, lack of adjustment, or worn suspension components.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Adjust the suspension settings according to your weight, riding style, and terrain.
    • Ensure the suspension components are clean and properly lubricated.
    • If the suspension still feels uncomfortable, consider having it inspected or serviced by a professional bike technician.

Loose or faulty VanMoof X4 kickstand:

  • Description: The kickstand may not hold the bike securely or may not deploy/retract smoothly.
  • Cause: Loose fasteners, damaged kickstand mechanism, or wear over time.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Tighten any loose kickstand fasteners or bolts.
    • Inspect the kickstand mechanism for any signs of damage or misalignment. Lubricate if necessary.
    • If the kickstand continues to have issues, consider replacing it with a new one.

Limited VanMoof X4 range:

  • Description: The e-bike may have a shorter battery range than advertised or expected.
  • Cause: Riding conditions, terrain, weight, battery age, or aggressive power usage.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Ensure the battery is fully charged before each ride.
    • Adjust your riding style and power usage to maximize the battery’s range.
    • Consider factors such as weight, terrain, and assistance level when estimating the expected range.
    • If the range is consistently shorter than expected, contact VanMoof customer support for evaluation and potential battery replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Codes

VanMoof X4 Error Code 01: Battery Connection Error

This error code indicates a problem with the battery connection.

  • Cause: Loose battery connection or faulty battery.
  • Solution: Check the battery connection and ensure it is securely attached. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 02: Motor Overheating

This error code indicates that the motor has overheated.

  • Cause: Continuous high power usage or riding in extreme conditions.
  • Solution: Allow the motor to cool down by stopping and resting the bike. Avoid excessive power usage and consider adjusting the assistance level to prevent overheating in the future.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 03: Speed Sensor Error

This error code indicates a problem with the speed sensor.

  • Cause: Faulty speed sensor or sensor misalignment.
  • Solution: Check the speed sensor and ensure it is properly aligned. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or sensor replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 04: Brake Sensor Error

This error code indicates a problem with the brake sensor.

  • Cause: Faulty brake sensor or sensor misalignment.
  • Solution: Check the brake sensor and ensure it is properly aligned. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or sensor replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 05: Throttle Error

This error code indicates a problem with the throttle.

  • Cause: Faulty throttle or throttle wiring issue.
  • Solution: Check the throttle and its wiring connections. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or throttle replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 06: Display Error

This error code indicates a problem with the display.

  • Cause: Display malfunction or loose connection.
  • Solution: Check the display and ensure it is properly connected. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or display replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 07: Communication Error

This error code indicates a communication problem between components.

  • Cause: Loose connections, wiring issues, or component failure.
  • Solution: Check all connections and wiring harnesses to ensure they are securely connected. If the problem persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 08: Motor Error

This error code indicates a problem with the motor.

  • Cause: Motor malfunction or motor wiring issue.
  • Solution: If possible, restart the bike and check if the error persists. If it does, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or motor inspection.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 09: Battery Error

This error code indicates a problem with the battery.

  • Cause: Battery failure or battery management system error.
  • Solution: If possible, restart the bike and check if the error persists. If it does, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance or battery replacement.

VanMoof X4 Error Code 10: System Error

This error code indicates a general system error.

  • Cause: Software malfunction or system hardware failure.
  • Solution: If possible, restart the bike and check if the error persists. If it does, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

VanMoof X4 Manual

The instruction manual for the VanMoof X4 can be found here. It contains comprehensive information on the e-bike’s features, maintenance, and troubleshooting guidelines. Make sure to refer to the manual for detailed instructions specific to your model.

VanMoof X4 Cost

The price of the VanMoof X4 electric bike is $2,498. VanMoof introduced the X4 as a more affordable option in their e-bike lineup. The lower price point aims to make their bikes more accessible to a wider range of riders. The X4 offers a compelling combination of features and performance at a competitive price.

VanMoof X4 Weight

The VanMoof X4 electric bike weighs approximately 44.7 lbs or 20.3 kg. It is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easier to maneuver and handle. The reduced weight contributes to the bike’s overall agility and responsiveness, allowing riders to navigate through urban environments with ease.

List of 11 most common problems in the VanMoof X4

  1. Battery charging issues
  2. Motor failure
  3. Electrical wiring problems
  4. Brake system issues
  5. Tire punctures
  6. Display malfunction
  7. Gear shifting problems
  8. Noisy drivetrain
  9. Loose or broken spokes
  10. Loose handlebar or stem
  11. Saddle discomfort


How do I reset the VanMoof X4?

To reset the VanMoof X4, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the bike by pressing and holding the power button.
  • Wait for a few seconds, then turn the bike back on.
  • The bike will go through a restart sequence, and it should be reset.

Why is my VanMoof X4’s motor not working?

If the motor of your VanMoof X4 is not working, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if the battery is properly connected and charged.
  • Ensure that the motor cables are securely connected.
  • Restart the bike and see if the motor starts working.
  • If the issue persists, contact VanMoof customer support for further assistance.

How can I improve the range of my VanMoof X4?

To improve the range of your VanMoof X4, you can:

  • Ride in lower assistance modes to conserve battery power.
  • Avoid excessive acceleration or riding at high speeds.
  • Ensure that the tires are properly inflated for optimal efficiency.
  • Charge the battery fully before each ride.


By following the troubleshooting tips provided above, you can address common problems encountered with the VanMoof X4 e-bike. It is recommended to refer to the VanMoof X4 manual for comprehensive information and specific instructions. If you have any further questions or issues, reach out to VanMoof customer support for assistance.

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